HealthDiseases and Conditions

How can endometritis be treated in a cow?

Endometritis is an inflammation that manifests itself on the mucous membrane of the uterus. From the point of view of the reproductive system of cows, the uterus is a very sensitive organ, in which the processes of inflammation can often occur. However, not everybody can be called an endometritis. There are other kinds of diseases caused by uterine inflammation, but only other parts of it. This division is conditional, but if the disease is left to its own accord, it can flow into the myotetritum and then into the perimetritis. The most common are endometritis, dividing into chronic and acute, manifested after the cow calves. Such endometritis is called postpartum.

In this article, we will examine in detail the endometritis of a cow.

Causes of endometritis

The main problem faced by the cow's reproductive organs is the infection that causes the inflammatory process. The causative agent can enter the uterus of the animal with ascending inflammations (vaginitis, vestibulitis) or with obstetric care. Often also bacteria penetrate during pregnancy, at 5 months during partial dilution of mucous plug or estrus.

Endometritis in a cow can develop as a secondary disease in tuberculosis, brucellosis, or after delayed afterbirth.

A very important point, and sometimes the main thing, with the development of endometritis is the issue of nursing, feeding and keeping animals. The most common endometritis is caused by conditionally pathogenic microbes, which manifest destructive effects only when the resistance of the cow decreases. Factors contributing to the manifestation of endometritis:

  • Often, the disease is provoked by inflammatory processes that begin in the cervix or vagina.
  • During pregnancy, the animal was struck by a serious infectious disease (chlamydia, brucellosis and others). Initially, placenta develops, flowing into acute postpartum endometritis in cows.
  • With difficult births, it is possible to injure the mucous membrane of the uterus, which led to its infection. Sometimes there is a delay of the afterbirth, an eversion or prolapse of the uterus.
  • Transfer of an abortion to a cow that caused infection.
  • If in the barn the conditions of unsanitary conditions, as well as veterinarians used non-sterile instruments during childbirth, they forgot to wash their hands and did not comply with other hygiene requirements, then there may be inflammation. The work of an amateur very often leads to a disease: rough work, inept separation of the afterbirth, abnormal postpartum treatment, absence of antimicrobial prophylaxis.

Clinical picture and diagnosis

How does the endometritis manifest in a cow? Cattle can become infected with several forms of this disease, the differentiation of which is important from the point of view of etymology and to provide proper medical care.

Purulent-acute acute form

The most common in cattle is the course of the disease, which accompanies some oppression, decreased productivity and appetite, subfebrile fever. Often the disease appears after the cow has calved, and it can be detected when catarrhal exudate with impurities of pus white-green color from the external genitalia in the form of small puddles of pus in the morning is released.

This is a purulent-catarrhal endometritis in cows. The case history can be different.

  • Fluctuation with possible release of exudate during diagnosis.
  • Tenesmus, back bending to animals during urination.
  • Reduced tone, weak reaction to massage.
  • When viewed, the openness of the cervical canal is established.
  • No changes on the eve of the vagina.
  • Revealing the increase in uterine horns by rectal palpation.

If the conditions of detention and treatment of an animal are improved in time, the disease will have a positive result. Very often it is taken for the reverse development of the uterus, which increases the development of pathology and leads to complications.

What else can endometritis have in a cow?

Fibrinous inflammation

Against the background of getting uterine traumas, fibrinous inflammation develops. Very often it is manifested after unskilled help of obstetricians. Fibrin exudation occurs after mechanical damage to the mucosa and other layers of the reproductive organs.

The clinical difference is in the nature of the exudate, in which the filaments of fibrin are present. You can distinguish by rubbing pus between your fingers for a characteristic crunchy sound. Often noted vaginal changes in the form of injuries to the mucous membrane. This is not the whole classification of endometritis in cows.

Gangrenous and necrotic form

This manifestation of the disease is considered to be the most severe, characterized by the fact that the cow is seriously deteriorating well-being: productivity is sharply reduced; The appetite worsens; There is frequent, shallow breathing; The temperature rises above 41 degrees; Heart rate increases; There is a deposit and oppression.

In the reproductive organs there are obvious, serious changes. The introduction of pathogenic microflora, often anaerobic, and trauma leads to the disintegration of the epithelium and its underlying layers. Fibrin impregnates surrounding tissues, and they thicken. Rectal diagnostics helps to reveal thickening of the walls of the uterus, tenderness during palpation and a doughy, dense consistency.

Exudate contains cheesy pus, blood, pieces of tissues that started decay, mushy masses. The genitals are swollen and have longitudinal red stripes. The animal greatly increases the local temperature. Treatment of chronic endometritis in cows will be discussed further.

Chronic inflammation

Incorrect medication can cause development from the acute form of the disease chronic. It is characterized by structural changes, replacement of the structural tissue of the epithelium, atrophy of the glands or the formation of cysts in them.

Chronic catarrhal-purulent endometritis in cows is not clinically evident:

  • Along the lymph nodes on the vagina, reddened areas are noted.
  • After lying down the cow at night, a certain amount of exudate of transparent color is usually formed.
  • External genitalia slightly swell.

To clarify the diagnosis, a rectal examination is usually performed. It reveals a slight increase in uterine folding and thickening of the walls of the uterus. The body weight of the animal increases, the horns and the body can hang and the bones of the bones. Samples are taken by a vaginal spoon. They show an increase in leukocytes and dead cells of the epithelium.

Latent Current

This form of endometritis is chronic without any specific clinical manifestations. Often, it is found in disturbances of stages of excitation and absent productive insemination, which happens in connection with the pathogenic action of microflora and the formation of toxic products of vital activity. The connection of endometritis in cows with mastitis is close.

To clarify the diagnosis, a vaginal smear is taken or a histological examination of the biopsy of the uterine epithelium is performed. The smear will show chronic endometritis, and histology - accumulation of cells of the lymphoid series and dystrophic disorders.

What is the treatment of chronic endometritis in cows?

Therapeutic care

The beginning of treatment of endometritis in cows is the removal of the contents of the uterus. When separating the exudate, its deleterious effect decreases, the work of local medicines improves. The contents of the genital tract are removed by three types of means: massage, rinsing of the uterus, stimulation of the contractile function.


Washing under the endometrium is carried out with sterile and non-aggressive antiseptic agents: aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate 0.02%, iodine and furacilin; 3% solution of ichthyol; 2-3% solution of sodium bicarbonate; Hypertonic salt solutions (improve the separation of contents, enhance the secretion of the endometrium).

The solutions are injected with a syringe by Jean, a mug of Esmorch. Preliminary preparations are heated up to body temperature. Solutions are introduced in large quantities, and the increase in volumes depends on the severity of the process.


Various drugs contribute to an increase in the tone of the uterus and its contractile function: 20-40 ml of PDE subcutaneously, 20-30 units of "Oxytocin", up to 1 ml of "Karbacholin." These drugs are injected at a time with washing, which contributes to faster evacuation of the exudate.

Alternating administration of local drugs and using stimulants for myometrium is very important.

Rectal massage promotes the separation of pus from the uterus and the strengthening of its contractile function. The massage begins with entering the hand in a polyethylene glove as in rectal examination, and after detection of the body of the uterus, long strokes are started. When this massage is performed, the contents are separated mechanically and the reproductive organs are irritated. The procedure alternates with stimulating injections, because their simultaneous use, in particular with an overdose of "Oxytocin," can lead to prolapse. So subclinical endometritis is treated in cows.

Specific therapy

Local treatment is used to suppress microflora by introducing liquid and solid forms of sulfonamides, antiseptics and antibiotics into the uterine cavity:

  • "Ihglyukovit", an oily alcohol solution of ichthyol;
  • "Tilosinokar", an intrauterine device based on an antibiotic;
  • Tablets "Ginobiotics";
  • "Biometrosanita", tablets for uterine administration, which differ in foaming, enhancing their effect;
  • Furazolidone sticks;
  • Ichthyoli sticks.

In addition to local drugs, it is possible to prescribe a general course of antibiotics. They are used depending on the condition in which the animal is located and restrictions in the use of products (accumulate in meat and milk). Good results can be achieved by adding antibiotics to the novocain blockades.

Features treatment of individual forms of endometritis

The infusion of antiseptic liquids and the use of rectal massage are prohibited with necrotic or gangrenous inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Such forms of the disease are characterized by minimal secretion, and excess irritation will cause additional ruptures of the endometrium. It is necessary to conduct a general antitoxic treatment, that is, the infusion of intravenously Ringer-Locke solution, calcium gluconate, "Hemodeza", glucose 5% and saline solution. Antibiotics are also prescribed in combination with a novocain blockade.

If the disease has passed to the chronic stage, treatment is not advisable, which is associated with destructive processes. If the process of inflammation is removed, the endometrium will still be immune to the embryo.

The study of this and is engaged in veterinary medicine. Endometritis in cows (treatment we examined) is quite a dangerous disease.


The task of treating cows for endometritis is extremely difficult and often costly. In addition, the use of many drugs leads to the fact that drinking the milk of a sick cow and eating its meat is contraindicated for a long time, as the medicines accumulate in the tissues and organs of the animal. Therefore, the best way is to carry out preventive measures to prevent postpartum endometritis. How to prevent the disease?

Correctly organize obstetric care. To do this, you need to control the process of delivery, prepare the room and equipment. Such prophylaxis is necessary for every household, and only experienced specialists should deal with sterile cows. It is worthwhile to equip individual generic boxes, where to translate animals in advance. Before placing animals in the stall, it and the feeding trough must be disinfected, and after drying and processing the floor is covered with dry and clean sawdust or straw.

Organize walks to animals. After a lapse of two to three days after the birth of the calf, the cow must walk, which will be a good prevention of diseases. About stelnyh cows, too, do not forget, they also need a walk before childbirth. Walking is useful for preventing postpartum diseases and for the birth itself.

Carrying out the prophylaxis of all the cows that have been raised Special drugs must necessarily handle all animals in the first postnatal days. Great attention is required by animals after difficult birth or detention of the afterbirth.

In the dry period, vitamins should be given to prevent the onset of illness after calving. It is necessary to feed animals properly and in a balanced manner.

In the article, we examined in detail the pathogenesis of endometritis in cows.

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