
Endometritis in cows: symptoms and treatment

The cow's uterus is extremely susceptible to the development of pathogenic microflora. In most horned animals in the postpartum period, there is a possibility of inflammation of the mucous organ. Endometritis in cows is usually manifested rapidly. There is a high risk of death.

Description of the disease

On the mucous membrane of the uterus of the animal, pathogenic bacteria rapidly multiply. The body begins to release toxins, which only contributes to the aggravation of the inflammatory process. If the pathogenic microflora penetrates into deeper tissues of the uterus, the animal's body can no longer cope with the inflammatory process on its own. Complex endometritis develops in cows, whose therapy may be quite long.

Initially, the disease always develops in an acute form. The animal deteriorates state of health, the cow becomes sluggish, refuses food. If therapy is not performed correctly, the animal may experience chronic inflammation, which will be characterized by periods of remission and exacerbations. Chronic endometritis in cows can be treated much worse. Subsequently, most animals lose the ability to produce offspring.

Catarrhal endometritis

Disease in this form is the least dangerous. Inflammation affects only the superficial layers of the uterus. Often unpleasant symptoms develop immediately after the birth of a calf. At this stage, it is much more difficult to formulate the correct diagnosis due to the fact that immediately after calving from the birth canal there are bloody discharge called lochia. Subsequently, the inflammatory process may worsen.

Catarrhal endometritis in cows is treated quite simply if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner. In some cases, pathology can occur in a latent form. Over time, inflammation worsens, becoming chronic. Therefore, a qualified veterinarian should carefully inspect the animal immediately after delivery. This will avoid dangerous consequences for the cow.

Purulent endometritis in cows

The disease in this form is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. The bacterial microflora develops in the damaged epithelium of the uterus. Pus-catarrhal endometritis can also be diagnosed. Cows pathological process develops not later than a week after the birth of the calf. Damaged uterine cells begin to release a large amount of infiltrate (a fluid containing toxins). An animal significantly deteriorates well-being. The cow rises in fever, it starts to refuse food, behaves restlessly. In addition, the animal is losing milk.

The fact that the state of the cow has deteriorated significantly, shows a special pose. The cow arches its back as if about to urinate, raises its tail. In this position, the cow is found because of strong pain. Purulent endometritis in cows has another characteristic feature - sticky discharge from the urethra. Exudate has an unpleasant putrefactive odor.

Treatment of endometritis in cows at this stage requires the use of antibiotics. Preparations are selected taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora.

Fibrous endometritis

In this form, the disease also in most cases develops after the birth of the calf. If the animal has good immunity, the pathological process passes quickly without special treatment. With complications, cows often encounter after the first birth. Despite the fact that the uterus is affected shallowly, fibrotic inflammation develops. Inside the body, yellowish films form.

If the animal's health starts to deteriorate rapidly, it can speak of the transition of the disease to a necrotic form or about the formation of sepsis.

Necrotic metritis

If the birth of the animal has gone through with complications, there are strong gaps, damage to the epithelium, at best, postpartum endometritis will develop. Cows that give birth for the first time, often the situation is complicated by necrotic metritis. This disease, in which rapid destruction of uterine tissues is observed. Appears purulent foci of inflammation. If the animal is not helped in a timely manner, it dies.

Tearing off, the tissues of the uterus begin to secrete toxins. Harmful substances spread throughout the body of the cow. As a result, dangerous complications develop, such as inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis, etc. Acute endometritis with necrotic tissue damage is rapidly progressing. The animal significantly deteriorates the state of health, which can be easily noticed. Symptoms such as heart palpitations, fever, diarrhea appear. The characteristic sign of necrotic metritis is paralysis of the hind limbs. A cow can not stand, refuses food and water.

If there is no full-fledged therapy, in just a few days the animal may die. Therefore, it is important to seek help from a veterinarian in good time, even if the cervical endometritis is at an early stage of development.

Gangrenous metritis

The disease in this form develops with the putrefaction process running. Anaerobic bacteria enter the damaged epithelium of the uterus. Treatment of endometritis in cows in this form is long and costly. In many cases, the animal can not be saved at all. The cow has symptoms of severe intoxication, developing sepsis of affected uterine tissues. Characteristic are also the following symptoms: a strong palpitation, rapid breathing, a significant increase in body temperature, a significant decrease in the amount of milk. The state of the cow at this stage is characterized as severe. The animal can not stand, it can be unconscious.

In most cases, the disease occurs in parallel with various vaginal infections. In addition, the inflammation can go to the peritoneum of the cow. As a result, peritonitis develops. It often happens that the uterus quickly fills with purulent contents, which does not have time to flow out. The threat of organ rupture is growing, which also leads to the inevitable death of the animal.

Causes of pathological process

Acute endometritis of cows in most cases develops after childbirth. Incorrect manipulations lead to the fact that the animal begins an inflammatory process. Factors contributing to the entry of pathogenic microflora into the uterus include: the lack of disinfection of tools, poor hygiene of a veterinarian, frequent abortions without compliance with safety standards.

In some cases, endometritis in an animal is not associated with delivery. Inflammation can develop if the conditions of keeping the cow are violated: regular cleaning is not carried out in the stable, the cow is not subjected to hygiene procedures. In addition, the animal may have weakened immunity. For this reason, endometritis often develops during the winter-spring period. The trigger mechanism can also be inflammatory processes in the vagina. Therefore, even if the cow behaves absolutely normal, before planning its pregnancy, it is worth a preventive check with a veterinarian.

When to start worrying?

Unfortunately, at an early stage it is not possible to diagnose endometritis in a cow. Symptoms can be so insignificant that it is almost impossible to notice them. Signs of acute inflammation include: the presence of putrefactive elements with an unpleasant odor in the animal's lochia, a sharp reduction in milk yields, a decrease in appetite of the animal, a sharp loss of weight, an increase in body temperature.

An accurate diagnosis can be made only by a qualified veterinarian. Initially, a visual examination of the vagina of the animal. Characteristic is an increase in the walls of the organ, the appearance of mucous or putrefactive discharge. In the region of the genital organs of the animal, gray, crusty crusts can be seen. It is possible to determine precisely what causes the pathological process, thanks to the histological examination of the detachable. In addition, in this way, a specialist can determine the sensitivity of a pathogenic microflora in order to prescribe appropriate therapy.


To achieve full recovery of the animal allows complex therapy, which includes alleviating the state of the cow, fighting infection, eliminating the source of the pathological process. The animal must be under veterinary control. The pathogenic environment is removed from the uterus, antiseptic treatment of the organ is carried out. Used drugs that activate the processes of tissue regeneration. If the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection, antibiotics are used.

Of great importance is also the stimulation of the protective forces of the organism of the cow. Immunomodulating drugs may be used. Good results show vitamin therapy.

In detecting endometritis in a cow, in no case should one begin its treatment without special skills and knowledge. Only a qualified veterinarian can properly administer the therapy.


Regardless of the development of endometritis in cows, the symptoms and treatment directly depend on the microflora caused by the disease. In most cases, veterinarians diagnose a bacterial infection. Therapy is carried out using a wide range of drugs. Good results in the treatment of endometritis show the tool "Sepranol." The active substances of the drug are chlorhexidine and propranolol. The drug is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. If you start therapy at an early stage, with unpleasant symptoms with the use of a solution, "Sepranol" can manage in a matter of days.

If the cervix of the animal is open, a medicine in the form of suppositories can be used. Thus, the active ingredients penetrate the damaged epithelium more rapidly. After the introduction of the drug, cow milk for food purposes can not be used for two days.


This drug is also widely used in veterinary practice. With endometritis in cows, the "Uteroton" means stimulates the protective forces of the animal's organism, helps to eliminate toxins and reduce the uterus. In addition, the medicine helps to restore the cow after labor, therefore it is widely used for preventive purposes. The active ingredient is propranolol.

The drug when used alone will not give a positive result. In most cases, "Uteroton" is used as part of complex therapy of endometritis of horned animals. The drug is not used to treat cows that have not previously given birth. During pregnancy, the drug is also not used. "Uteroton" can provoke premature contractions.


The drug also belongs to the category of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action and can be used in endometritis caused by a bacterial infection. The active ingredient is levofloxacin. The substance easily penetrates into the affected tissue of the uterus, suppresses the activity of the pathogenic microflora. In veterinary practice, a medicine in the form of a solution is used.

After applying the drug "Lexo" milk cow for food purposes can be used only after 96 hours. And even after this period, the product can be used only for feeding animals after heat treatment. Cow slaughter for meat can be performed 9 days after the administration of the drug.

Prophylaxis of endometritis in cows

Unpleasant consequences can be avoided if regular preventive veterinary inspection of the animal. The process of birth requires special attention. After the appearance of the calf, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the ancestral ways of the animal using an antiseptic solution. As the prophylaxis of endometritis, the drugs "Sepranol" or "Uteroton" can be used.

It is superfluous to follow the immune system of the animal. The cow should fully rest and eat.

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