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Vegetosovascular dystonia: get rid of forever (at home). IRR: symptoms and signs in adults

Vegetosovascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia, vegetovascular asthenia, neurosis of the heart) is not an independent disease, but a syndrome that is accompanied by a violation of the functions of the internal organs of a person locally or the whole organism as a whole. In this article we will consider various issues related to this syndrome; Methods, with the help of which vegeto-vascular dystonia is diagnosed. Get rid of forever at home from signs of pathology will help advice from our publication.

What is the IRR?

In order to understand the nature of the origin of dysfunction, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the concept of the autonomic nervous system. VNS is a part of the nervous system, its department, which is responsible for the balance of the internal environment of the body, and also controls the work of the internal organs of the person, regulates their condition in certain failures. An important point is that the autonomic nervous system is autonomous, its activity is not controlled by human consciousness. If the balance of the activity of internal organs is broken for any reason, various kinds of disorders arise. Physicians express more and more confidence that the disorder is a consequence of the current rapid pace of life and occurs in both children and adults in a ratio of approximately 30/70%. We can say that the consequences of modern fast life is vegeto-vascular dystonia. To get rid of people's means forever, medically and with the help of physiotherapy from it is quite real, the main thing is to understand, against the background of which disease symptoms appear.


The causes of vegetative dysfunction include:

  • Genetic heredity, i.e., some signs of dystonia can be observed already in childhood;
  • Diseases of the nervous system - central, peripheral (failure in the work of the hypothalamus, brainstem);
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stress, persistent fatigue, overstrain;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • Depression, anxiety, emotional or mental imbalance.

Most often, the state of dystonia occurs in the form of a neurosis with symptoms very similar to the signs of various chronic diseases. Development of the disorder occurs after severe stress, and the human psyche does not accept the traumatic situation, but as if it projects it onto the internal organs. Manifestations of autonomic dysfunction can affect a variety of organs and systems, individually or together.

As noted earlier, the vegetative nervous system regulates biochemical and physiological processes in the body: from maintaining normal body temperature of a person and normal blood pressure level to the activity of endocrine, immune systems, etc.

Manifestations of the IRR

Consider the most common syndromes, which leads to vegetative-vascular dystonia. Symptoms in adults can manifest as:

  • Cardiovascular syndrome, which is expressed by bradycardia, tachycardia, ie, a violation of the rhythm of the heart; Violation of blood pressure; Chilliness of limbs; Pallor of the skin. This causes aching pain and discomfort in the heart area, not associated with physical exertion.
  • Rapid and shortness of breath, a constant lack of air - all these are signs of a hyperventilation syndrome. It arises because the composition of the blood changes, there is a large content of alkali due to the loss of carbon dioxide, as a result of which the respiratory center is depressed. All this leads to spasms in the muscles, the sensitivity of the limbs is lost, the person is dizzy.
  • Sexual violations. Men have an erection, women may experience vaginismus.
  • Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are manifested in the form of discomfort during and after food intake, nausea, vomiting.
  • Cystalgia is a frequent and painful urination without changes in the urine.
  • Increased sweating of the palms and soles of the feet.
  • A constant slight increase in temperature and chills characterize the violation of thermoregulation. This phenomenon is often observed in childhood.

How is the diagnosis made? The first signs of dysfunction

Since asthenia is a syndrome that is a consequence of fatigue in the simplest case and the consequence of a disease requiring treatment in a more difficult situation, the most appropriate approach in the therapy of a pathological condition is the elimination of the causes for which vegetal dystonia occurs. Getting rid of the syndrome forever with the help of traditional medicine is possible, but we must remember that it is wrong to treat only the symptoms of pathology in treatment. First you need to see a doctor. As a rule, everything starts with a primary examination of a neurologist and therapist, to which a blood test for hormones, an MRI of the brain, an electrocardiogram of the heart can be added. Further, the specialized specialist should find out whether or not there is a real (organic) disease in the body. In addition, the therapist or neurologist establishes the reason for the functional failure in the body. Many people are embarrassed by the fact that they have to communicate with the therapist on scrupulous subjects, but it is important to know that health is the most valuable thing a person has, and they need to be engaged first of all. In addition, neuroses do not refer to severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.

At the initial stage, a person can have gradual changes in the body, first imperceptible and not too obvious. Absence of vacation, full rest, inactive way of life, lack of sleep, stress at work, conflicts with others and generally poor socio-economic conditions can be a trigger for the development of the disorder.

Neurocirculatory dystonia greatly reduces the quality of life, but is a reversible disorder. Many people dream of such an unpleasant ailment as a vegeto-vascular dystonia, get rid of forever. At home, the independent manifestation of symptoms will be helped by independent psychological training and physical exercises.

Methods of diagnosis

The diagnosis of "vegetovascular dystonia" is quite common, but to make this diagnosis, a doctor needs to conduct a lot of research, to study the patient's lifestyle and come to some conclusion. And sometimes it's not easy at all, since many diseases are masked for the syndrome, which is called "vegetative-vascular dystonia." Symptoms in adults can characterize other functional disorders and diseases. Specialists competent to make such a diagnosis may include not only therapists, but also neurologists and cardiologists. In this case, the main diagnostic methods that are used for suspected vegetovascular dystonia include:

  • ECG (electrocardiography) allows you to assess the state of the human heart. Usually, the monitoring of the cardiac system of a person with the help of an electrocardiogram is performed daily for a certain period, appointed by the specialist in each case individually.
  • Rheovasography is the recording of the pulse and blood filling of organs and tissues, displayed graphically.
  • Gastroscopy - examination of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of an endoscope, which allows you to assess the state of the gastric mucosa. The endoscope is a flexible tubular device with a lighting device.
  • Electroencephalography allows to evaluate the state of the nervous system. Usually conduct a graphic recording of electrical impulses of the brain.
  • CT (computerized tomography) is a study that uses X-rays to obtain images of the human body in a section. The technique allows you to see the smallest changes in the tissues, which can not be traced on a conventional X-ray. In addition, the effect of rays on the body with CT is much lower.
  • Magnetic-nuclear resonance (NMR) is a method that allows to obtain a multilayered, three-dimensional image of organs in various planes.

In view of the survey data, a diagnosis is made and a treatment regimen is assigned. It should be noted that therapeutic tactics includes a whole range of actions. Among the measures aimed at improving the patient's condition, appointed by specialists, it is possible to distinguish the treatment with medications and folk remedies, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes, and rejection of bad habits.

Improving the quality of life

  • It is necessary to adjust the mode of the day. A compulsory requirement is a full-fledged dream. The average duration of sleep should be at least 8-9 hours daily.
  • It is necessary to optimize not only labor, but also the right rest. Physicians recommend alternating mental stress with exercise. Useful will be auto-training and other methods of psychological relief.
  • Sports - the most important factor in the life of any person. Keep yourself in good shape will allow swimming, walking, skiing, hiking, as these kinds of loads train the vessels, the heart muscle.
  • Balanced nutrition will ensure sufficient intake of potassium and magnesium salts in the body, which contribute to the improvement of the vessels and heart, and help restore balance between the parts of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Massage and acupuncture improve blood circulation and general condition of the body.
  • Psychological correction. Each psychotype is exposed to vegetative dystonia in varying degrees. Sanguine, for example, is easier to tolerate the disease and recover faster. Melancholics and cholerics are more vulnerable in this respect.
  • In addition, a smile is an elementary, but effective way of activating the brain areas that are responsible for positive emotions. Smile more often, it increases the vitality.

How is vegetovascular dystonia treated?

Treatment (drugs for the therapy of vegetovascular dystonia are quite diverse) with this syndrome in any case should not be avoided. In each case, it can vary depending on the degree of manifestation of the manifestations, as well as on the reasons for the development of the pathological condition, from diseases in which the symptoms are manifested. Very often in therapy, antidepressants and tranquilizers are used. The dosage is determined by the doctor. Usually the minimum period for taking such drugs is 6 months, although the effect may occur in two weeks. Tranquilizers are drugs that relieve anxiety. They are appointed for at least a month. To such medicines it is possible to carry, for example, "Afobazol".

If the patient has unstable blood pressure, he is prescribed antihypertensive drugs, with hypotension - caffeine and ginseng, vitamins of group B. If there are pronounced problems with the heart, for example tachycardia, β-blockers are prescribed.

With venous insufficiency, headache, heaviness in the head take "Vasoket", "Venoplant", "Detralex" for 1-2 months. At a noise in a head add "Betaserk".

With asthenic syndrome appoint neuroprotectors, antioxidant complexes, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation - "Nootropil", "Ildronate", "Glycine".

Most medical centers, including narrowly focused, such as cardiology centers, offer their services for the treatment of ailment. We must remember that only under the strict guidance of physicians should get rid of the diagnosis of "vegetative-vascular dystonia." Treatment in Novosibirsk carries a network of cardiological clinics "Heart". Consultations are conducted by specialists of the highest category. The center is located at: Krasny Prospekt, 6. You can make an appointment at (383) 255-44-55 on weekdays.


As noted above, there is a huge number of diseases of the internal organs, against which a vegeto-vascular dystonia arises. Treatment with herbs is reduced to the use of phytochemicals, which has a calming effect, positively influences the nervous system, normalizing the mood, removing anxiety and tension:

  • Melissa - a sedative, which the doctor Avicenna isolated from many herbs that have a positive effect on the heart. Melissa is used in the form of broths, infusions.
  • St. John's Wort - a natural antidepressant - reduces anxiety, normalizes sleep. Many sedative drugs contain it in its composition. For example, "Novo-Passit", "Deprim".
  • Hop is an analgesic.
  • Hawthorn bounces the heart, reduces blood pressure, calms.
  • Mint has a hypnotic effect, soothes, reduces nausea.
  • Valerian removes psychoemotional stress.

The use of herbs in the form of infusions, tinctures and broths is really a wonderful way to bring the organism in order, forget about what vegeto-vascular dystonia is. Getting rid of dysfunction at home is easy. For example, you can use a prescription for which you will need birch buds, chemist's chamomile, St. John's wort, elephant root and honey. All components must be crushed, pour with cooled boiling water, again bring to a boil on fire, cool and let it brew. Add a tablespoon of honey. It is recommended to take a broth half a cup in the morning before a meal. The effect appears after a month of regular admission. People suffering from this syndrome will feel better in their condition, can significantly improve the quality of life, get rid of pressure spikes, increased sweating, fears and anxiety that cause vegetative dystonia.

Treatment with homeopathy must also be performed under the supervision of a specialist, because the action of herbs in the body manifests itself as a cumulative effect, i.e. the result of their reception is not immediately obvious. Excess in the body of a dose of substances contained in herbs, as well as an overdose of medicines, is hazardous to health. In addition, we must remember that asthenia is a syndrome that occurs against the background of other diseases and manifests itself by various symptoms that characterize functional disorders of the body. Failures in the work of various systems - cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine - all this is vegetative vascular dystonia. Treatment with folk methods will give even better results in conjunction with other methods, such as physiotherapy and psychological techniques.

Phytotherapy for various types of VSD

There are two types of vegetative-vascular dystonia - hypertonic and hypotonic. In accordance with them in the treatment can be used herbal complexes, different from each other. For example, in dystonia, hypertensive type often use soothing herbs together with hawthorn, marsh swine, dog rose. Hawthorn berries take a quarter cup four times a day before meals. Decoction do this: 1 tablespoon of flowers pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist about 2 hours. In this case, you should reduce the amount of salt in food, caffeine, alcohol. Limit fatty foods. Add to the diet natural vitamins - vegetables, fruits, herbs, as well as garlic and chocolate.

With vegetovascular dystonia, hypotonic type is prescribed ginseng and eleutherococcus, which increase blood pressure and have tonic properties. However, with insomnia, these herbs can not be used. Tincture of ginseng is taken within a month in the morning, before meals, 1 teaspoonful. Today, herbs in a wide range are presented in pharmacies in the form of alcoholic tinctures.


To eliminate the symptoms of AVI in adults, it is necessary to exclude various diseases, against which this syndrome arises. Among them, we can note diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, mental disorders, such as neuroses, neurasthenia, changes in brain structures. A good effect on the restoration of the adaptive capabilities of the body is provided by oxygen, pearl, aromatic baths, which have a calming effect. Circular fan fan improves metabolic processes of the body, accelerates metabolism, restores skin functions, helps to eliminate signs of such syndrome as vegetative-vascular dystonia. Treatment in the sanatorium includes a whole range of physiotherapeutic procedures, such as electrophoresis with the use of medicinal solutions for the cervical spine; Sinusoidal currents; Applications of paraffin to the occipital region; Therapeutic exercise, reflexology.

The above procedures can be obtained during the spa treatment. Timely correction of vegetative disorders eliminates numerous complaints of patients. A good result is provided by breathing exercises, various relaxation techniques, such as yoga.

Another very simple way to deal with depressive states is the use of orange in clothes, in the surrounding personal space. Eating bright vegetables - oranges, carrots - will also improve the physical and emotional state of the body.

The literature on vegetovascular dystonia

Many are lost when they see in the outpatient card the diagnosis of "vegetovascular dystonia". To get rid of people's remedies forever from signs of frustration will help numerous recipes of our ancestors. They used the power of natural plants for healing.

In addition, contemporary writers, people who have firsthand knowledge of what vegeto-vascular dystonia is, share secrets in their writings. For example, Andrei Kurpatov in the book "The remedy for vegetative dystonia" gives advice to people suffering from this disease, how to behave in a disorder to improve their condition and forget what vegeto-vascular dystonia is. Getting rid of Kurpatov forever, and from harmful thoughts, fears and wrong lifestyle.

However, Andrei Kurpatov is not the only author of such books. The reader is also familiar with the name of the doctor Nikolai Grigorievich Mesnik - author of the method of treating pathology by folk remedies. In the book "Vegetosovascular dystonia. Get rid of forever! "Nikolai Mesnik helps people find their own way to health.

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