HealthDiseases and Conditions

Protein-energy deficiency in children. Protein-energy insufficiency: classification

For no one will be a secret that proper nutrition is of the utmost importance in the life of every person. The same applies to children. In this article I want to talk in detail about such a problem as protein-energy deficiency.

What it is?

At the very beginning you need to decide on the concepts that will be used in the article. What is protein-energy deficiency, probably, is clear to all. This is a lack of protein in the child's body. It is also necessary to clarify that this condition is pathological. More precisely, the human body receives too little or no protein in any form. It can also cause the substance to decompose too quickly. In this case, the cause of such a phenomenon can be burns, purulent-septic diseases or severe injuries.

Main reasons

Why can there be protein-energy deficiency? It should be noted that this problem is very common among people in developing countries. In the periods of famine, the percentage of people with this disease reaches 25%. In this case, the reason is insufficient quantity or poor quality of food. The problem is aggravated by a lack of energy intake. And all because amino acids from food in this case are used not for protein synthesis. They are oxidized to produce energy.

Secondarily, protein-energy deficiency in children may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Disturbance of digestion processes (the absorption of useful substances decreases).
  2. The loss of protein can occur due to neuro-endocrine regulation.


We further consider such a problem as protein-energy deficiency. Classification of the disease (two main forms of the disease):

  1. Marasmus. In this case, there is a delay in the growth of the child, there is an atrophy of muscles and subcutaneous fat.
  2. Kwashiorkor. This is an isolated protein deficiency. In addition to stunted growth, the child may have puffiness and fatty degeneration of the liver. However, in this case, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is preserved.

Degrees of gravity

If we are talking about such a problem as protein-energy deficiency, degrees - that's what we should also talk about. There are only three of them:

  1. Easy (first, I).
  2. Moderate (second, II).
  3. Heavy (third, III).

Easy degree

If it is a mild degree of protein deficiency, the child's body is only weakened. In this case, its resistance to various viruses and infections decreases. The main symptomatology, which will be present here:

  1. The growing weakness.
  2. Lethargy of the child, his low work capacity.
  3. Fast is not only physical, but also psychological fatigue.
  4. Chilliness, a feeling of cold.
  5. Thirst and hunger. There may be frequent urination.
  6. Dizziness is possible.
  7. The numbness of the lower limbs will heal.

At this stage, the child's growth may also be delayed.

Moderate degree

We further consider such a problem as protein-energy deficiency. 2 degrees of disease (the first) most often occur in people in developing countries. In this case, as already mentioned above, there is a delay in the growth of children. However, the second degree is also characterized by biochemical shifts in the body. So, there is a significant cellular weakening of immunity. And this leads to increased sensitivity to various kinds of viruses and infections.

Heavy form

There is also a deep or severe protein-energy insufficiency (ie cachexia). However, it is more typical for people with cancer. In this case, the child can lose weight very quickly, diarrhea occurs. The musculature of the patient also suffers, the limbs appear as chopsticks, covered with skin. Hair becomes dull, brittle, drop out. There may be a delay in water in the tissues, it is often fraught with swelling. There are also irreversible changes in the internal organs of the patient. However, all this is individual (this can be told by the doctor after certain studies). Other symptoms that are characteristic of a problem such as severe protein-energy deficiency in children:

  1. Apathy, fast fatigue.
  2. Constant feeling of cold.
  3. Depigmentation of skin and hair.
  4. The skin becomes dry, covered with cracks. The face of the child acquires an old age.
  5. Reduced blood pressure, pulse, temperature.

Isolated form

Quite rare, but still there can be an isolated form of protein deficiency. Most often it is accompanied by a lack of components such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic and nicotinic acid, vitamin A. If we talk about children, then the danger for babies is vitamin deficiency with vitamin A. The disease progresses, intracellular loss of potassium occurs , Phosphorus and magnesium.


If we talk about such a problem as protein-energy deficiency, treatment - that's also what you need to stop your attention. So, if a child has one of the first two forms of the disease, you can still cope with the problem by adjusting the diet. In this case, it is very important to increase the daily intake of protein. For toddlers of different ages, it will vary:

  1. If the child is from one year to seven, the daily dose will be approximately 3-4 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Schoolchildren need a bit lower: 2-3 grams per 1 kg of weight.

The child will be prescribed multivitamin complexes. After all, only one food in this case will not be enough. Water-electrolyte balance can also be regulated.

If the child has a protein-energy deficiency of a severe degree, in this case the baby will be sent to a hospital. It is impossible to cope independently at home with this problem. What in this case will be relevant:

  1. Controlled diet.
  2. Correction of water-electrolyte balance by means of infusion therapy.
  3. Also, additional nutrition will be prescribed for mixtures that are rich in nutrients.
  4. If the digestibility is impaired, the child will be given parenteral nutrition (the introduction of nutrients infusion).
  5. Vitaminotherapy. However, in this case it will be special. Such people need twice as many vitamins as a healthy person. And this is right up until the moment of recovery.
  6. Patients with anorexia may be prescribed drugs that increase appetite. If you need to increase muscle mass, doctors can prescribe anabolic steroids.


In order not to cause protein-energy deficiency in children, you need to carefully monitor the diet of their food. The following foods will help to saturate the food with protein:

  1. Chicken meat.
  2. A fish.
  3. Beef.
  4. Eggs.
  5. Dairy.

It is also important to remember about other useful microelements. Together with the protein, the child must receive in sufficient quantities carbohydrates and fats from food.

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