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Symptoms of angina in women, first aid, treatment with folk remedies

The human body is imperfect, and despite the fact that there are more and more modern technologies and new inventions, humanity suffers from terrible diseases. The death rate from cardiovascular diseases has increased several times over the past centuries. These diseases affect both women and men. Ignoring simple signals of the body, we give the disease the ability to prevail.

Consider the symptoms of heart angina in women, ways of providing first aid and find out what folk remedies can help the body cope with this disease.

Angina pectoris

The lack of blood supply to the heart muscle, which causes pain in the heart, is called stenocardia. Often this disease is called a thoracic toad, because the pain extends beyond the breastbone. This is not an isolated disease, but a set of symptoms that are manifestations of coronary heart disease.

An acute shortage of blood supply to the heart muscle is called ischemia. As a result, there is a deficiency of oxygen, which leads to the appearance of cardiac pain called angina.

Since ischemia refers to chronic diseases, angina pectoris may remain a symptom for many years. Thus, angina in women has almost identical symptoms with the same disease in men, but there are some peculiarities.

In a state of rest, attacks almost disappear, in the case of emotional or physical exertion can become aggravated and occur even several times a day.

It is necessary to remember that if there was an attack of angina, this indicates that the heart muscle experiences oxygen starvation. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

Types of angina pectoris

Angina in men and women is of several kinds.

1. Stable angina, or angina pectoris, according to the degree of severity is divided into classes:

  • 1 class. Characteristic of the development of the attack, the occurrence of pain in the heart area as a result of too much stress. It is extremely rare.
  • 2 class. It can be aggravated due to fast walking, climbing stairs, after eating.
  • 3 class. It develops with ordinary walking, when climbing even to the second floor, after stress or excitement, sometimes it's enough to go out into the cold.
  • 4th grade. Characteristic of the development of an attack without any stress, whether emotional or physical.

2. Unstable angina. It is characterized by the following:

  • Progressive attacks of angina pectoris, the severity of the course and the frequency of seizures increase. Characteristic of the appearance of attacks at night.
  • The attack of angina, which appeared for the first time, was repeated less than a month later.
  • You can grab and in a state of rest.
  • Attacks of the post-infarction period, in this case, angina pierces a person within two weeks after a heart attack.

3. Variable angina. For this species is characteristic manifestation in the morning hours or at night in a state of rest. The attack lasts about 2-5 minutes, in this case "Nitroglycerin" is effective.

If signs of unstable angina appear , immediately call an ambulance, because urgent hospitalization is required.

With the attack of stable angina, one tablet of "Nitroglycerin" is enough, and with unstable this drug is ineffective, especially since it lasts a little longer.

What are the symptoms of angina in women And the reasons for their appearance? We need to get acquainted with this in more detail.

Causes of angina pectoris

Consider the reasons that can cause an attack, they also affect the symptoms of angina in women.

  1. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart.
  2. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis.
  3. Spasm of sclerosed coronary arteries.
  4. Heart disease.
  5. High blood pressure.
  6. Acute tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia.
  7. Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, cholelithiasis.
  8. Acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases.
  9. Attack of renal colic.
  10. Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome.
  11. Climacteric neurosis.
  12. Psycho-emotional overload and stress.

It can be concluded that there are many reasons for the development of the disease.

Features of angina in women

The disease is one at all, but due to the difference in sex there are certain features of the course and development of a disease such as angina.

The first symptom of angina is pain. Due to the peculiarities of the body, the symptoms of angina in women are expressed somewhat differently than in men. This may depend on the pain threshold, but in this case it is a question of the dislocation of pain. So, complaints of chest pain in women are not always a confirmation of the diagnosis of "angina", although they complain more often than men. It is also proved that most women do not experience pain in the arm or shortness of breath with angina pectoris. And painful sensations are most often piercing and pulsating, rather than squeezing, as is typical for angina attacks in a strong half of humanity.

For the female body, there may be pain in the abdomen, nausea.

Most likely, this is due to the different origin of angina attack. In women, the most common cause is spasm of coronaries, and in men - narrowing of the lumen of the coronary vessels, plaques or thrombus.

Of great importance for women is age, if we talk about a disease such as angina. Before the onset of menopause, angina pectoris in women 40 years of age has a significantly lower development risk than men of the same age. Since estrogens reliably protect the female body from the development of various diseases, including diseases of the cardiovascular system. After the onset of menopause, the risk in women becomes the same as for men.

Symptoms of stenocardia

Women and men can distinguish the main symptoms of angina attacks:

  • Pain in the heart.
  • Painful sensations in the forearm, neck or back, along with pain in the chest.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Dizziness.
  • Anxiety, fear of death.
  • Feeling weak and tired.

The following symptoms of angina in women may also be observed:

  1. Cough - a frequent phenomenon in angina pectoris. It often occurs at night in a lying position. This is due to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation. It should be borne in mind that with the appearance of such a symptom, pain, the manifestation of other symptoms may decrease, but weakness will persist.
  2. Feeling numbness of fingertips.
  3. The presence of shallow breathing.

A stroke of angina

Often the question arises if the angina in women is what to do at the time of the attack and how dangerous it is.

The attack of angina may begin quite unexpectedly and just end. Its duration is from 1 to 5 minutes or a little more. If it continues for half an hour, there is a chance of developing myocardial infarction.

Studies have shown that if it occurs, 50% of women die, in men this figure is slightly less.

After an attack of angina, 38% of women die within 12 months, while in the male population this figure is 25%. 46% of women remain disabled, while men - only 22%. Based on this sad statistics, we can conclude how dangerous is the angina in women. First aid should be given promptly, without letting the fit develop into a myocardial infarction.

Emergency help

Much less common is a disease such as angina in women 40 years old. The photo clearly shows the localization of pain, characterizing the attack with this disease. There is some order of action if there are symptoms of angina pectoris :

It is necessary to call an ambulance if:

  • The pain does not stop within 5 minutes or intensifies.
  • The condition worsens, weakness, vomiting, and breathing have worsened.
  • The effect of resorption of "Nitroglycerin" is absent.

While waiting for an ambulance, it is necessary to do the following:

  • Help to sit down and provide him full physical peace.
  • Minimal movements. The best position of the body with an attack is reclining.
  • It is necessary to calm the victim, otherwise nervousness can intensify the attack.
  • Provide air access, if this room, and unfasten or remove tight clothing.
  • The victim should breathe evenly and deeply, keeping calm.
  • Give the tablet "Nitroglycerin" and, if any, half a tablet of "Aspirin". Medicines put under the tongue. If within 5-15 minutes of the proper effect of the drug is not available, you can repeat the medication.

Methods of treatment of angina pectoris

We examined first aid and symptoms of angina in women.

Medications for the treatment of this disease are primarily designed to arrest seizures, reduce their periodicity and quantity, and also to prevent the development of myocardial infarction.

In addition to "Nitroglycerin" prescribe drugs to reduce thrombosis:

  • "Aspirin".
  • Clopidogrel.

Medications that reduce oxygen starvation:

  • Bisaprolol.
  • Metoprolol.
  • "Atenolol."

Statins are also used:

  • "Atorvastatin."
  • "Simvastatin."

Not only drug treatment removes the symptoms of heart angina in women. Treatment with folk remedies gets quite good reviews.

Folk remedies

Very effective in home treatment was the therapy with honey and garlic.

And the recipes can be advised as follows:

  1. The head of garlic is grated and mixed with the juice of three lemons, 200 grams of honey is added. Leave the mixture for 3 days in a dark place. You should take 1 teaspoon in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Excellent tea helps from hawthorn. Brewed at the rate of 4 tablespoons. Herbs for 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Collection of an equal number of herbs: hawthorn, valerian and dog rose. For a liter of boiling water, boil 5 tablespoons of the mixture and insist in a warm place.
  4. A storehouse of vitamins for the heart in such a drug: dried apricots, honey, lemon, prunes, raisins, taken in equal proportions, grind, mix and consume 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  5. The calf liver is rich in useful microelements. It is necessary to include it in the diet more often.
  6. Fir oil is rubbed into the chest with pain in the region of the heart.

Representatives of the weaker sex are very vulnerable and emotional, so you should always be on guard to not miss the alarming symptoms of angina in women. Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at strengthening the heart muscle, nervous system and immunity in general.

Prevention of angina pectoris

Prevention is necessary for all adults, not just the weaker sex. That such a diagnosis, like angina in women, at 45 years was not put, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. Refuse to smoke.
  2. Timely detect and treat arterial hypertension.
  3. Change the power. Limit salt, fats, muffins, and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits.
  4. If you have diabetes, you need to keep the glucose level under control.
  5. Control the content of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Dosing exercise.
  7. Avoid emotional stress.
  8. It is recommended to moderate the load after consulting a doctor.
  9. Walk more and experience only positive emotions.
  10. It is recommended to do breathing exercises on Buteyko. Thanks to her body gets rid of excess carbon dioxide, replacing it with oxygen.

By observing these simple rules, you can be sure that you will not soon be visited by angina pectoris. In women, symptoms can not be ignored because of the high percentage of deaths from cardiovascular diseases.

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