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The lower abdomen pulls, but there are no monthly stomachs - what is the reason?

If you have a situation such that the lower abdomen pulls, and there are no monthly belts, then there may be a number of reasons for this, including this may mean a monthly approach. However, if the onset of menstruation is not yet planned soon, there may be several factors behind this behavior of your tummy.


Yes, it could be something that is so scared or something so women are waiting for. The situation when the lower abdomen pulls, and the monthly does not, is typical for the first days of pregnancy. In addition to this symptom, irritability and nausea may also be present, and you can observe the swelling of your chest. All these symptoms manifest, as a rule, in the first week of pregnancy, and at the same time you can also observe slight brown discharge. They can be confused with the onset of menstruation. Drawing sensations are caused by stretching the muscles of the uterus, and during pregnancy they should last more than a week and should not be too strong. Weak pain can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. The likelihood of this is high if you narrow the tube gaps.

Risk of miscarriage

The probability of miscarriage is highest in the early stages of pregnancy. If you do not suspect about your interesting situation, then an unsuccessful attempt of an egg to gain a foothold in the uterus will develop into a regular menses. And in this case, the feeling that the lower abdomen is pulling, and there is no monthly one, means only their approaching soon. But if you know about your pregnancy, and feel all the symptoms described above, then you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause of this state of affairs. In most cases, such symptoms occur because of increased uterine tone, and if ignored, the consequences can be sad.


The situation when the lower abdomen pulls, and the monthly does not, can be caused by inflammatory processes. Usually the pain in this case have a pulling or aching character and can give back. This means that the inflammatory processes are at an early stage of development, but with time the force of painful sensations will only increase.


It pulls the lower abdomen, and there are no menstruation - it can also be a sign of infection of the urinary tract, as well as a high activity of pathogens that can be transmitted sexually.

Hormonal disorders

If the balance of hormones in the body of a woman is correct, then problems, when pulling the lower abdomen before menstruation, in women does not occur in any of the periods of the menstrual cycle. If the pain is still present, then the cause of this may be prostaglandins. This hormone, with its excessive production, increases the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which makes the process of menstruation painful. In the case of such a violation in the body, the pain usually appears after the end of the period. Hormonal disorders can be caused by increased activity of the thyroid gland, and there are also a number of other symptoms, such as insomnia, weight changes and the like.

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