
How to make runes by yourself: a master class

If you want to learn how to make runes with your own hands, you need to have at least a basic knowledge of them.

Magical science has existed among us since ancient times. Beginning as a magic, it gradually flowed into the concept of "magic". The people who seized it during the period of the Inquisition were, for the most part, burned at the stake. But those who managed to survive, transferred their knowledge to others and thus left them in the centuries. To date, people with magical abilities live a little, but they all perfectly master their skills.

In general, magical practice is a certain position of the body and consciousness in space and time: it does not require any objects or amulets to be conjoined. However, a person is a living being, subject to changes in mood and under their influence. Especially in order that it does not interfere with the qualitative manifestation of magic, special items were created. Thanks to them, any magician, no matter in what bad mood he is, can tune in to the right wave and quickly enter the astral.

Runic magic is one of the varieties of magic. It uses a lot of locked objects, but the most effective and often used are runes. Used in a set consisting of plates and runic alphabet, they are able to give much more information than other types of objects of magical properties.

Where can I buy runes?

You can buy the runic set for yourself in three ways:

  1. In souvenir shops or special shops. Sets are implemented as fortune telling, but do not have enough magical power.
  2. Do practicing magicians. They sell the runes already sanctified.
  3. Make runes of your own with stones, clay, or wood. However, for this, it is necessary to do everything in strict accordance with the proposed instructions. But in return you will receive plates plaited only on you.

In either of these cases, you can become a full owner of the runic set.


Runes are made from a variety of materials, each of which has its own magical significance. You can distinguish:

  1. Created from wood. Such runes are the most revered and most universal. They can be applied daily.
  2. Carved out of stone. If you have not decided yet, from what and how to make runes with your own hands, then you can choose a stone. It is ideal for all kinds of influences.
  3. Made of leather. Ideal for those who want to improve their financial situation.
  4. Runes of clay. They are most adapted to guessing on earthly questions. The polymer base is especially good. It is believed that it most readily includes spirits, with whom you can later establish close contact.
  5. Black magicians make runes from the bones of animals or dead people, human teeth or animals, from the nails.

Technique for making sets of wood

When deciding to create runes, a person can choose wood or clay. Two of these types of material have approximately the same properties:

  1. They have easy conductivity.
  2. Through them it's easier to find out about your destiny.
  3. Simplicity of material processing.

If it is not possible to use polymer clay, it is recommended to use wood. And taken from a living tree, ash or oak - both these species are the closest to the sacred in the belief of Asatru.

Next, learn how to make runes with your hands in stages. This work is as follows:

  1. The first thing that must be taken into account is that it does not matter how you processed the plates. They may be uneven, different in length or thickness. The main thing is that you like them and do not break when applying runic signs.
  2. Put a picture of the rune symbol on each workpiece. You should use a pencil or a thin marker for this.
  3. Cut out each rune. Use for this work stationery or mounting knife. At the end of the cutting, do not worry about the mismatch of the original with your set. The main thing is that they are convenient for you and keep the main contours of the product.

When the workpieces are completely ready, proceed to painting. You can use persistent paint. However, it is not capable of maintaining constant contact with evoked spirits. To fully communicate with them, you should use your own blood. You can obtain it in two ways: by incision on the finger or in the medical center. At the first variant it is recommended to make preliminary sterilization of a fragment or a cutting object. At the second - you can ask a friend of a health worker to take your blood from a vein and take it with you.

The final stage can be considered the revival of each rune. It is necessary to exhale on each rune, while representing the image of air from your lungs. With each rune, this procedure is repeated for three times.

Features of each stage

When doing a job, it is recommended not only to read about the technique of execution, but also features, that is, how to make runes with your own hands from the tree correctly. There are the following, obligatory conditions:

  1. Preparation should be carried out separately. Each rune must go through all the stages separately from the rest. It is recommended not to rush when performing this procedure - ideally, if the whole process takes you about 2-3 months.
  2. Feel the rune. At the time of preparation of each symbol, it is recommended to feel the union with the material. When cutting or punching the rune, one should imagine its image. Only in this way you can properly adjust the plate to work.
  3. Do not like it - redo it. After painting, you need to look again at the rune and listen to your emotions and sensations. If the disc bears a negative for you, discard it and create a new one. Often consider them, hold them in your hands or put them under your pillow. Proximity and unity are the most important conditions for the successful creation of a rune-set.

Correct storage

So, you cut out your set, also coped with the question of how to make an amulet (runes) with your own hands. Now another, equally important question arises: how to store them correctly?

Here the most important condition is the complete hiddenness of the location of the rune set. It is connected with such a nuance as the storage of your personal life force. If all stages in the runes are correctly executed, part of your strength needed for successful and fruitful communication with the spirits should be preserved.

If you fall into the wrong hands (even relatives), your strength can be used against you and against another person. At the first variant you can die, at the second - seriously to be ill. To prevent this situation, no one should be allowed to see your set.

All runes should be stored in a special bag. It can be of different materials. You can put an image of Odin or any other Scandinavian god on it. This picture will give extra protection to your records.

How to set up runes for work?

The most difficult thing with runes is adjusting them to work. It requires a well-developed imagination, accuracy and consistency in the execution of actions.

The amulets are "charged" as follows:

  1. How to make runes with your own hands - you figured out, now you should imagine the image for which the creation of plates and started. It is important that there are about three of them.
  2. The image must be realistic. One should not imagine a keyhole as a security - it is better to imagine yourself in a house filled with warmth and tranquility. This will allow you to customize in the amulet a kind of protection code from someone else's invasion.
  3. Selection of the source of energy. It is forbidden to use yourself as a source. So you will only squander all your reserves without accumulating anything. Ideally - connect to other sources.
  4. Full compliance of the source for the purpose of application. In order for the amulet to work constantly, one main and two additional sources should be selected. It is important that they coincide with your goals. For example, when protecting people from the negative, you should connect the amulet to their emotions. And if you want to treat - to the natural environment.

To run runes to the fullest, you can perform hibernation programming. The set will work when the source is activated and "sleep" - in case of a decline in its activity.

Features of creating runes from stone

To learn how to make runes with your own hands, the master class should be read carefully.

Along with the production of a set of clay, you can also use a stone. Its processing and preparation is fraught with the following features:

  1. When searching for the right material, you should carefully listen to your inner sensations. If you liked the stone, you should take it with you. No - it is recommended to return it to where it was lying.
  2. In total, you should collect about 26 stones. It is desirable that they all have a size of about 3 centimeters in circumference. In this case, they must have a flat, oval or round surface.

Sequence of manufacture

Once suitable products have been found and meticulously selected, they should be thoroughly washed with soap. At the end of the water treatment, the stones should dry thoroughly in a bright place. This may take as much as one hour, and all three.

Dry stones should be coated with a clear lacquer - pearlescent or colorless.

Further, you can make runes with your hands from stones (photo above) in this way:

  1. Preliminary work. It includes training in patterning. Before you start the stone, you should try how to make runes with your hands from paper: hard or easy?
  2. The main stage. It is required to prepare the following materials: blue enamel paint, cocktail tubes, soft rag. Then you can start drawing runes. The paint is applied with a stick and at the same time, the name, meaning and connection are pronounced. If this condition is met, the amulet will be charged with energy.
  3. Technique of execution. Each symbol should be drawn according to the rules. Vertical lines originate from above, and diagonal lines from the left. In total there should be 24 drawn and one empty rune. The latter belongs to Odin.

Where to get clay for making plates?

Before making runes by hand in stages, especially from clay, you should find the right places to find the material. You can find it in the following places:

  1. In the store - in the finished form. The most simple and unreliable option. Clay will not receive the necessary charge, and the runes themselves will be deprived of their individuality and full strength.
  2. In the form of dry mixtures. They are sold in building stores and diluted in a home environment. However, such clay will also not be effective enough, as it will remain dead.
  3. Outdoors. It should be sought on the slopes, in lowlands and other places saturated with moisture. Such clay, obtained by labor, will receive a maximum of a charge and remain alive even after processing.

Rules for the preparation of clay

After the clay is brought home, it should be shaped like a future plate. Then the blank is wiped off with a soft object and laid out on a lighted spot or near a heater for drying. The process takes about a week. In this case, it is important to cover each plate with a packet with a little air for a couple of days. After solidification, the package is retracted.

After drying, all products are fired. The procedure is as follows. Sand is laid out on a hard cast-iron surface, on top - plates and a pot. Heating should be done slowly: from a small temperature to the highest. The heating process should last 6 hours.

Before you make the runes with your own hands of clay, the workpiece must be completely dried.

Writing characters on clay

Before you correctly make a rune with your own hands, as well as subsequent runes, you should prepare brushes and paint.

All the further procedure is carried out in the same way as when working with a stone. As a coloring material, you can use paint, gouache or own blood. One thing to keep in mind: when using the latter, several layers must be applied - to avoid absorption and loss of image.

What do you need to know about runes?

Starting to engage in runic magic, it is recommended to carefully study all the literature devoted to it. In particular, special attention should be paid to the works of magicians or ancient books.

When studying runic signs, you should look thoughtfully at each image of the symbol, and also remember its meaning: this will determine how well you can master this art. It is desirable to learn all the names by heart with an understanding of their true meaning.

What is not allowed at work?

After reading how to make runes with your own hands, making it will be the simplest thing for you. However, one should not forget about the following prohibitions:

  1. Use a single source of energy for your set.
  2. Connect runes to yourself or to other people - only emotions are allowed.
  3. Transfer the set to third parties or use others to achieve their own goals. You can only use those that are made independently, purchased in a souvenir shop or bought from a magician.
  4. Use excessively strong sources of energy. They can devour you - without the right to life.
  5. Use an amulet to point the spell. She can go back and eat all of your energy.
  6. It is not clear to imagine images.

Following these prohibitions will help you to use runes for one hundred percent.

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