Spiritual development, Dream Interpreter
Why dream of a black kitten? We learn!
Quite often, having woken up in the morning, scrolling through what you saw in a dream, you remain at a loss: what did this or that plot dream about. Some may say that they have absolutely nothing to dream about, but it is not. Each person during a dream sees various pictures which in any case arise in a brain in rest period and rethinking of all experiences for the last day. Simply the images that arise in this case can be so veiled that a person in life would not have guessed what they want to tell him. For example, what does a black kitten dream about on a cupboard or a white dove flying in a window? Most likely, this is a probable answer to the problem that is exciting at the moment. Or, conversely, a warning about possible conflict situations.
Sonnikov and the proposed options for the interpretation of dreams there are many. But for the most part the question of what the black kitten dreams about, the answer will be unanimous - this is not a very favorable sign. Most often, small kittens, seen in a dream, mean that you await minor troubles and problem situations awake.
If you see a dream, a black kitten in which is the main character, it means that your subconscious mind sends you a signal that you need the support of other people. Perhaps this is because you feel helpless and defenseless in reality or follow a blind life. If you drive out kittens in a dream, this can mean your inner growing up.
White - harbingers of pleasant surprises. Redheads dream about money. To the trouble and bustle - kittens of gray color. Many black, respectively, to a lot of trouble.
In general, when the cat is painted black, it always means a danger. A dream on the night of Tuesday warns that it's by no means worthwhile to take risks. But if the representatives of the cat family appeared in a dream on Saturday night - this means that fate will be favorable to you in the near future.
A dream of abandoned kittens warns of impending loneliness. Also, such stories can mean a possible pregnancy, if they are dreaming of a woman of childbearing age.
According to the interpretation of Nostradamus, the cat is a symbol of witches, evil forces and at the same time home comfort and luck. A sleepy city full of cats is a harbinger of hunger and drought.
Having looked through all the above values, you will know exactly the answer to the question: what does a black kitten dream about?
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