Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Fat burners. Efficiency And Composition.

Features of the effect of fat burners on the body.

In our time, when the problem of excess weight is very relevant, you can find a huge amount of fat burners in the market. Often in advertising, which happens to be hidden, you are told about the miraculous disposal of a few pounds of fat per week, about improved health, a slender waist and passionate looks in your direction from people of the opposite sex. And they show exactly what the straggly housewives dream about, which can not cope with themselves - a decrease in appetite and necessarily a sharp reduction in weight, no gradualness can not go on. Let us analyze the points on these points of contention.

Let's start with a decrease in appetite. Usually, with the suppression of appetite, the following substances actively fight. First of all, it is l carnitine and other substances that have a similar effect to it, that is, carry the transportation of fatty acids into the cell, where it must burn successfully, thereby releasing energy. And when the energy is enough, then the desire to eat sweets and sandwiches usually does not arise. Also on the appetite have the effect of substances such as caffeine and ephedrine. And if caffeine is purchased very simply in any sports shop and even a pharmacy, then ephedrine is banned for sale in the country. And even in spite of the fact that in the bodybuilding the sports nutrition store is the place where a great number of all "working" preparations are stored, but laws will be violated there on navrjatli. And the negative effect of banned drugs, such as ephedrine and DNP is very strong.

It is very useful and effective when various toning extracts of plants, such as levzeya, yohimbine or ginseng, are added to the fat burners. They help to carry the diet easier in the physical plane.

About the speed of losing weight, you probably need to write this paragraph in a huge red font so that it bumps into the memory of some impatient people who at first patiently fed on the wrong food, did not go in for sports, but suddenly they decided to change their life in a radical way in a couple of weeks.

What is the reason for the sharp decrease in the waist and weight in the first days of the diet. As soon as you begin to eat less fat and carbohydrates, and if you also exercise more, the body starts to consume glycogen, stored by muscles. And if you consider that 1 gr. Glycogen accounts for about 2.7 grams. Water, then burning the stocks that filled the muscles, they begin to decrease sharply in volume, and accordingly your weight decreases. So that the fastest weight loss, so promoted on TV and from the pages of magazines, will result in a sharp start to the storage of new glycogen as soon as you decide that you are already good enough and decide to return to nutrition before the diet. And consequently you not only will return "lost", but also add weight.

Tips for burning fat.

If you decide to lose weight, even if you are a girl and do not seek to have muscle mass, then in any case, do not stop just eating. It is necessary to keep the protein level at a high level to avoid catabolism, i.e. The breakdown of muscle tissue, which in itself is a very harmful process and no beauty and health will not bring you.

If you decide to sit on a low-carb diet, then in the first place it does not mean that you do not need to consume carbohydrates at all, and secondly the level of their consumption should be reduced gradually. Because Eventually reaching a certain low level of carbohydrates, your metabolism will slow down so much that burning fat stops, and you will feel terribly terrible. Complete discontinuation of carbohydrates can lead to very severe health problems. Naturally give up animal and milk fat. Even if they come from such harmless products as fat-free cottage cheese, so for example the consumption of one liter of low-fat milk can imperceptibly give you about 15 grams of animal fat. Yes, and lactose in dairy products can ruin all your efforts to refrain from consuming sugar. Fats can only be consumed vegetable and fish, naturally within reasonable limits. With each meal, eat a few vegetables, such as salads or cucumbers. Fiber, which they contain, will reduce the negative effect of insulin, which is produced after eating. The level of carbohydrate intake should decrease throughout the day, of course, the intake of carbohydrate food before bedtime is out of the question. And from receptions of sweet and white flour products it is necessary to refuse categorically. And be sure to follow the carbohydrate index of the foods that you consume.

And the most important thing. If you want to lose weight, do not strive to immediately buy fat burners. Until you change your diet and the main metabolism, no drugs will ever help you lose weight. And if you achieve some results, they will be short-lived. From here it is necessary to make the main conclusion - to lose weight it is necessary to completely change the way of life, to make it right and healthy. And to be beautiful and healthy is much nicer than eating a chocolate bar with tea after a meal.

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