
How to test the lungs? Methods of examination of the lungs

Today we will tell you how to test the lungs. There are several ways. All of them will be considered in detail in the article.

Such body organ, as the lungs, is located in the chest. It is designed to ensure the breathing process. During it, the air enters the body, which consists of many elements, one of which is oxygen. Oxygen saturation of the body is very important for the normal operation of all systems.

Why check the lungs?

To assess the health of the patient, the doctor needs to know how the lungs function regularly. Not only focal infringements can be determined by means of how the above-named organ works, but also to draw conclusions regarding other disorders in the body.

For example, many heart diseases are directly related to impaired lung function. Therefore, as soon as the first signs of such problems appear, this may indicate a heart disease in a person.

Common diseases

Chronic lung diseases spread quickly. According to the statistics of such diseases, more than half are observed. The most frequent painful abnormalities from the norm or pathology of the respiratory system:

  • Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the lungs. It affects mainly the organs of people with weak immunity.
  • Lung cancer or oncology - the defeat of the cells of the body with a malignant tumor.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Because of the abnormal inflammatory response of the lung tissue to external stimuli, airflow into the respiratory tract is limited, and it is difficult for a person to breathe.
  • Asthma. This is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract.
  • Bronchitis is a disease that characterizes the inflammation of the bronchi.

There can be inflammation and neoplasm in the lungs not only in smokers or people living in areas with poor ecology. Therefore, the organs need to be examined on a regular basis, even if they feel well, an additional measure of prevention will not harm them. Especially dangerous if the child is sick. And how to test the baby's lungs for lung disease? You can start with a more common diagnosis. For example, it can be a lung X-ray, the price of this study is not too high, about 200 rubles.

To date, various methods are used to diagnose the lungs and determine the disease and identify pathologies.

Types and methods of examination of the lungs

X-ray examination of the lungs involves a picture of the chest. There are several types of such diagnostics:

  • The most famous method is how to test the lungs, with which you can consider changes in the structure of lung tissue, find areas of compaction or empty spaces, determine whether there is fluid or air in the pleural cavity. X-ray machine can create an image and then display. This kind of research is carried out in real time. It is called fluoroscopy. The main disadvantage of this diagnosis is that we can not consider very small foci of pathology, which has already begun to develop.

  • The X-ray apparatus is also used for such research as radiography. But this method involves fixing the image on the film without displaying it on the screen. With its help, you can see even the most minor changes. A variety of diseases can be identified using X-rays: tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung development abnormalities. Often, the procedure can not be done, since a large dose of radiation can be obtained. X-ray of the lungs to the child can be done only as a last resort, if it is impossible to diagnose by other methods of research.
  • By the same principle of action, as with radiography, there is another method called fluorography. Here, too, the light image is printed on a film or displayed on a monitor. Minus of fluorography in low quality images. With its help you can see the pathology, but it is impossible to consider in more detail. Low exposure to radiation in humans with this method makes it possible to conduct massive preventive studies.

And how to check the lungs in addition to fluorography? Such a question is asked by people, if there is any doubt about the thoroughness of the detection of diseases. For this computer tomography is already suitable. It will go a little further. And where to undergo fluorography for the purpose of prevention? Usually it is carried out in a polyclinic at the place of residence. The doctor will write a direction for this procedure. And where to take a fluorography? If you need a second study, you can go to a private medical center that specializes in the provision of such services.

CT scan

How to test lungs for oncology? A more thorough examination of the lungs can be obtained using computerized tomography. Cross sections of the chest and other organs in the image are very clear.

This can not be seen with the help of the three methods described above. The tomography shows how the pulmonary tissue or trachea, bronchi and lymph nodes changed.


Radiography, conducted under anesthesia, is needed to monitor the bronchi. When bronchography is used contrast agent, which is introduced into the lumen of the bronchi. Since the substance does not transmit X-rays, the image is contrasted. If the bronchi are enlarged or there are abscesses and caverns of the lungs, as well as neoplasms, then with the help of bronchography this can be seen.

Endoscopic examination

Endoscopic research involves the introduction of endoscopes (optical instruments) inside to examine and examine the internal organs for the presence of various pathologies. The doctor will be able to tell how to test the lungs without resorting to X-rays. Especially when a small patient needs a check, because a baby's x-ray can not be done.

Examine the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi with bronchoscopy. This study is done under local anesthesia, which protects the patient from unpleasant sensations. In the trachea, a bronchoscope is attached to which the forceps are attached in order to take a tissue sample, remove the foreign body or remove polyps, and also a miniature chamber and other devices. Visual inspection of the internal surface of the bronchi and trachea, a biopsy or a bronchial picture using this diagnostic . Identify erosion, ulcer or swelling, as well as treat bronchoectatic disease and inflammatory processes of the lung can this method.


Endoscopic examination of the lung membranes is performed using a thoracoscope. When thoracoscopy it is injected into the lungs under anesthesia. In this case, a puncture in the chest is first done. The examination of the lungs in real time, pictures and tissue samples can be done with thoracoscopy.


To detect the accumulation of fluids in the membranes of the lungs (pleural effusions), ultrasound examination of the lungs is used. Through the alveoli, penetration of ultrasonic waves is impossible. Therefore, the application of this method is limited. The control of the puncture or the introduction of a drainage tube for pumping air, liquid is done with ultrasound of the lungs.

Determine the respiratory volume of the lungs, the degree of respiratory failure can be by pulmonary ventilation.

Pleural puncture

The lining of the lungs is examined using a pleural puncture. Through a small puncture, a piece of tissue is taken. Diagnosis is performed under local anesthesia. If there are suspicions of pleurisy, swelling, or pleural effusions, then this procedure is prescribed.

Examination study

Mucous discharges from the respiratory tract are also examined to understand how well the lungs function. In this case, two ways are distinguished: microscopic and bacterioscopic.

Detection of mucus, parasites and various formations is possible by the first method. A detection of pathogens of various pulmonary infections - using the second method.


As you can see, the X-ray of lungs, the price for which starts from 200 rubles, is not the only procedure that allows you to check the organ in detail. There are many different methods.

If there are any alarming symptoms in the lungs, you should immediately consult a doctor. If this is a pathology development, then it should be treated early. Otherwise it can affect the vital activity of other organs in the human body. In addition, the earlier the therapy is started, the less the cost of medical services can be, since treating any pulmonary pathology is much easier at an early stage.

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