
What will the ultrasound of the knee joint show? Explanation of results

What will the ultrasound of the knee joint show? Now we shall understand this question. But first, let's talk briefly about the procedure itself.

Ultrasound is a well-known method of investigation. It allows you to diagnose any organs of the human body. It is absolutely painless way to detect various diseases. This method is widely used in medicine, since it is very simple and does not require complicated preparation before carrying out. However, for the diagnosis of ultrasound is considered a very informative way.

The essence of the research is that ultrasonic waves propagate through the body and, when displayed, give the opportunity to see a picture of what is happening inside the process.

What can you see on ultrasound?

What will the ultrasound of a man's knee joint show? The structure of the knee joint is quite complicated. In addition, he has significant loads to which he is exposed every day.

These include walking, running, climbing stairs, descending stairs, squatting and others. Due to the daily load, this body is subject to wear and tear and can be damaged. If violations in the work of the knee joint are identified at an early stage, then the treatment will be more simple and quick.

What will the ultrasound of the knee joint show?

  1. Bones of the joint.
  2. Cartilage.
  3. Bundles.
  4. Muscles of the joint.
  5. Vessels.
  6. Synovial fluid of the joint.

What diagnoses can be made based on the results of the study?

Depending on what the ultrasound will show, the doctor can diagnose such diseases as:

  1. Osteoarthritis.
  2. Osteoarthritis of the knee.
  3. Arthritis, synovitis, tendonitis.
  4. Disease associated with a meniscus.
  5. Various damage to the ligaments, for example, stretching.
  6. Fracture, both open and closed.
  7. Congenital disorders of the knee joint.
  8. Various neoplasms.

With the help of dopplerography, it is possible to see violations related to blood flow and joint vessels.

Who is assigned the study?

Who can assign an ultrasound of the knee joint? What does this study show the child? The ultrasound of the knee joint does not have age limits for any contraindications. Therefore, this examination can be assigned to the elderly and to young children.

There are several main directions of the appointment of an ultrasound of the knee joint. Firstly, people undergo this procedure, for the purpose of diagnosing any diseases of the knee joint. Secondly, this method of research is often used to examine the condition of the body of athletes. It is necessary to do this in order to find out the professional suitability of a person before the competition or to see the state of his body under heavy physical exertion.

There is a category of athletes who fall into the zone of risk of knee joint damage, namely: skiers, gymnasts, figure skaters, skaters and others. It is especially recommended to perform ultrasound examination of the knee joint to children who are engaged in these sports. Ultrasound will show whether to continue to play sports professionally, or not.

What will show ultrasound of the knee joint and what are the disruptions in its functioning can be distinguished through this study? When a person comes to this examination, he has a referral from his attending physician. It already wrote a presumptive diagnosis of the patient.

It is also recommended to take the results of other examinations on ultrasound, if they were passed by the patient. Depending on what direction is prescribed to a person, such an examination will be done through ultrasound. Here we are talking about a complete ultrasound study of the patella, or part of it.

What does the diagnosis show?

What pathologies can be detected by ultrasound of the knee joint? What does this study show?

  1. What contours has the joint: even or not.
  2. What looks has a bone. Namely: homogeneous, uniform, thickened or exhausted.
  3. Is the synovial fluid normal? It can have different states, such as reducing its number or increasing. Also, this fluid in the subject may be normal.
  4. The state of synovial articular fluid is investigated by means of ultrasound of the knee joint. What shows? It can be with threads or flakes, homogeneous or heterogeneous. Also this liquid can be without any inclusions.
  5. The state of cartilaginous tissue is examined. Namely: its contours, thinness and thickness.
  6. Through ultrasound, you can determine the condition of the joint space. It can be narrowed, expanded or in a normal state.
  7. There are free bodies in the knee joint.
  8. A meniscus is being studied.

Also through ultrasound you can see:

  1. What is the state of the patella?
  2. Is bursitis or lunge present?
  3. In what condition are the ligaments and tendons of the knee joint, as well as the muscles.
  4. Is there a Becker cyst.
  5. Presence of any growths or other changes associated with the femur and tibia.

Advantage and price of ultrasound in the regional polyclinic

The advantage of ultrasound is that the patient can receive the result of the examination five minutes after the procedure. Based on the results of ultrasound, the doctor who gave the referral to this procedure can confirm the preliminary diagnosis or disprove it.

When a patient addresses a district clinic, ultrasound is done free of charge in the direction of the doctor. But cases when a person turns to a private medical institution for examination are not excluded. This topic should be discussed separately.

Ultrasound of the knee joint. Why apply to paid centers?

In a private clinic, all services are provided for a fee. But it is necessary to say that ultrasound does not belong to an expensive examination. The cost of its holding is quite affordable. Before the procedure, the patient does not need to prepare, there are no special recommendations.

The advantages of performing an ultrasound of the knee joint at a paid point is that it is equipped with everything necessary. Namely: slippers or shoe covers, napkins and other items that may be needed during the ultrasound.

The price of the service in private clinics

There are special centers of ultrasound. They are equipped with modern equipment, so they have all the conditions for patient comfort and ultrasound of the knee joint.

Why choose a center with modern equipment? The pricing policy of medical institutions varies, depending on the region of the country. The cost of a single ultrasound procedure is influenced by factors such as the quality of the equipment on which the study is conducted, the level of skill of specialists.

Doctors of high level work on the newest devices, which allow a more detailed examination of the internal organs of man. On average, the price for ultrasound of the knee joint is from 600 to 1500 rubles.

The difference in equipment plays a significant role in the diagnosis of pathology of the knee joint. Modern equipment allows you to see a three-dimensional color image and diagnose pathological processes at an early stage. This fact is considered very important, because the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better.


Now you know what the ultrasound of the knee joint is, we called the testimony to the trial. We hope that the information in this article was helpful to you.

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