
Vietnamese melon: description and photo. How does the Vietnamese melon grow?

Small-fruited Vietnamese melon is a selective melon plant from the family of pumpkin. Her homeland is the Middle and Lesser Asia. The nearest relative is a cucumber. This heat-loving plant does not tolerate the high humidity of the air, but it is well aware of the abundance of light. Tykvina (the so-called melon fruit) has a small round shape of various colors, usually with small stripes.

On North

In the current climate warming, some southern cultures have the opportunity to move to central and even northern regions. This, as a rule, contributes to the breeding of new varieties, more frost-resistant, having the ability to grow under more severe environmental conditions. In this regard, the cultivation of melons with small fruits, to which the Vietnamese melon belongs, is becoming increasingly popular on the household plots of the central part of Russia .

Reasons for popularity

The thing is that even in favorable years in the middle belt, fewer than two or three fruits of early varieties such as Pineapple or Golden are rarely grown. These melons do not tolerate the fairly sharp temperature fluctuations that occur in this area. Their growth slows down, and to expect when the plant will form a fruit weighing up to two kilograms, it is simply not possible - the weather does not allow. Such varieties should be grown in film greenhouses, low greenhouses (just above half a meter), which is associated with additional difficulties and material costs. And then melons with small fruits (one hundred and four hundred grams) come to the aid of a horticulturist, who show themselves well under similar conditions. According to the results of recent times, the Vietnamese melon variety proved to be quite good.


The motivation for growing such varieties is this: let it be better for a given time to ripen a few small fruits of one plant than one large traditional varieties (and even then it is not known whether it will be possible to mature at all). In addition, small fruits such as the Vietnamese melon themselves prove that it is characterized by early ripeness and yield. After all, the formation of small fruits takes much less time!

Properties of small-fruited varieties

In Europe, the following classification of the main varieties of melons is adopted:

  • Melon mesh,
  • Cantaloupe melon ,
  • Cantaloupe melon,
  • Melon of honey.

The others, in view of the mediocre taste, are of no particular importance.

Vietnamese melon. Description

This plant can be attributed to the sacchariferous subspecies. The variety is early and much more powerful than, for example, the dream of Sybarite. Fruits are round or oval in shape. Color - orange with yellowish stripes. It looks very elegant, like the sun is burning right on the bed, radiating its own fluorescent light. The weight of melon is small - 100-200 grams. But the number of fruits that can mature in a season, sometimes reaches thirty. The flesh of the fruit is bright and light orange in color. It is tender and juicy, oily and sweet, with a very strong pronounced flavor, quite pleasant. Such a melon, growing in southern latitudes, is a common thing. In the climate of the middle belt - rather an exceptional phenomenon (it is known that in watermelons and melons taste characteristics largely depend on how they ripened on the beds). It is noticed that varieties intended for long-term storage, and smell not so much, and the taste is much less juicy and tender.

Vietnamese melon. Cultivation

The plant manifests itself in the midline as a complexly resistant variety. When grown, for example, in greenhouse conditions, it is formed in a single stalk on trellises (with twisting of the stem on the twine as it grows in the technology of growing cucumbers). The formation of fruits takes place in the sinuses of the first and second leaves on the lateral shoots. And shoots are spliced right after the appearance of the ovary. In this case, there is no need for a garter of fruit in the nets, as is usually practiced in the cultivation of large-bodied melons. Plant seedlings in a row through 50-70 centimeters (closer it is not recommended to avoid excessive density of shoots).

If Vietnamese melon is grown in the open ground, then it makes sense to plant the plants over the second sheet in order to translate the melon into two whips with the subsequent rooting. It is necessary to use fertile soils, so there will be a higher yield of yield and intensity of growth. The most suitable - sandy loam and loamy with the introduction of manure into the ground. The humus is brought in up to six kilograms per square meter. Seedlings should be planted when the danger of frost has already passed (usually 20-25 days), the root neck can not be sprinkled with soil. The Vietnamese melon badly tolerates the transplant from place to place, therefore it is necessary to do this together with a clod of earth. Water melon Vietnamese only with warm water. It is necessary to do this in the morning, so that until the evening the soil has time to warm up. The temperature required for emergence is over twenty degrees Celsius. If the plant is grown in a greenhouse, it will be necessary to open it so that the bees have access to the flowers or to pollinate the plants manually.

This variety is still characterized by fruiting up to frost. It stretches for a fairly long period, as when collecting, for example, cucumbers. Mature fruits - with well-marked signs of maturation (they acquire a characteristic color of fiery-orange color and a strong aroma). The peduncle separates easily. Pest and disease Vietnamese melon is rarely affected.

During cultivation the ripening of fruits occurs approximately in the same time as cucumbers: in the greenhouse - from the middle of June, in the open ground - from the middle of July. Thus, the selection variety Vietnamese melon (its seeds can be purchased in specialized stores) is gaining increasing attention among farmers in the central part of Russia.


And finally: the Vietnamese melon-chest, the photo of which has bypassed the entire Internet, is not a plant, but a work of art. And the Vietnamese creative artist, of course, became famous for her imagination.

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