Homeliness, Gardening
How to grow pineapple at home: tips for beginners
When we are engaged in the cultivation of exotic plants in the conditions of our monastery, it takes us a long time, but brings a lot of pleasure.
To determine how to grow pineapple at home, it is best to look through specialized literature or consult with specialists.
As a rule, pineapple at home is a great rarity, which causes admiration and a lot of questions. Our task is to help you figure out how to grow pineapple at home and how realistic it is to make it.
As it turned out, caring for pineapple is very simple and does not require special knowledge. The plant easily tolerates high temperatures and direct sunlight. Also pineapple will suffer a little if its watering will be limited. It is also encouraging that the culture is practically not attacked by harmful insects and is not susceptible to disease. However, if you want the plant to bear fruit, you need to know how to grow pineapple at home. To do this, you must follow certain rules.
The plant can be grown in two ways: plant pineapple from seeds or separate the green rosette from the already ripe fruit. Let's take a closer look at the description of the latter version. So, you need to choose pineapple ripe (but not overpopulated), unspoiled and with a bright green rosette. Then this tip should be carefully cut off and put in a container of water so that it takes root.
First of all, you need a loose and nutritious soil. It is done by combining humus, turf and leaf land (1: 1: 2). Then about 15% of charcoal is added to this mixture. The resulting substrate should be steamed and dried.
The capacity for planting is three-dimensional, because the roots of pineapple grow wider in width than in length. On the bottom you need to lay out a thin layer of expanded clay. If rooting took place in the water, it is necessary to plant pineapple, removing several lower leaves. It is important to remember that pineapple grows well when the temperature exceeds 20 degrees. When watering, avoid over-moistening the soil, because it also adversely affects the condition of the roots.
To grow pineapple at home and achieve its flowering, it is important to follow the regime of care for the plant. Immediately after planting, pour the pineapple is recommended by a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Later you need to cover it with a packet or put it in a greenhouse.
If you comply with all these rules, a magnificent bush will grow in a couple of years, and after five years after planting the pineapple should blossom and bear the first fruits.
In order for the plant to bloom regularly, it is necessary to fertilize it. For this, starting from spring and ending in autumn, it is necessary to carry out top dressing of pineapple with Mullein solution. And to stimulate flowering, you need to pour acetylene solution (15 g carbide per 1 liter of water) every day into the socket.
In winter, pineapple practically does not require soil moisture, because it is in a state of rest. The temperature in the room where the plant is located during this period should not exceed +18 degrees. In the spring, it should be increased to normal rates, and watering the bush should be more abundant and more frequent. And for more correct growth, water for irrigation is most properly used either standing or rain, but not cold.
It is important for flower growers to remember that the higher the temperature in a room and the better lighting, the more delicious the fruit. It becomes sugary, so if it ripens in the spring or summer, its taste will be especially intense.
Naturally, pineapple will not bear fruit in the next two to three years after planting. But then he will certainly please you with beautiful flowers and sweet fruits, of course, provided that you will follow him right and scrupulously care.
Knowing how to grow pineapple at home, you can easily transfer your experience to friends and acquaintances whom he will be interested in.
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