
Today you will learn how to grow mushrooms in the home

Today, many are interested in the question of how to grow mushrooms in the home. And is it possible? Yes, it is possible. A fairly good harvest of mushrooms can be obtained by growing them in a basement, garage or shed. And if you observe the necessary conditions, you can provide mushrooms not only for your family, but also to do this profession professionally. And now we will share our knowledge on how to grow champignons in the country.

Preparatory stage

The most difficult in this business is the process of agricultural technology. But if there is a great desire and elementary skills of working on earth, then everything must necessarily work out.

For the cultivation of champignons fit any room, because these mushrooms do not need sunlight. Especially they need fresh air and constant humidity. You can grow mushrooms in the open ground. In this case, shoots must be covered with a film to avoid loss of moisture. Having carefully studied the described stages of work, you will learn how to grow mushrooms in the home.

Stages of growing mushrooms

First of all, it is necessary to prepare (purchase) compost, which consists of chicken and horse manure, gypsum and straw, then decompose it on the prepared shelves of the basement, shed or other room.

If in the purchased compost was not introduced mycelium, then, of course, you need to buy it. Acquired spores are further introduced into the ground.

After that, the mycelium is covered with a layer of peat (about 7 cm). Do not forget about maintaining a constant moisture and special technological watering. The cycle of cultivation of champignons lasts almost 3 months. In recent weeks, active fruiting has been occurring.

How to grow champignons at home

There are people who do not have summer cottages. But they are also interested in the question of how to grow champignons at home. There is a so-called apartment method. It consists in the following. A mycelium is acquired, which is divided into several parts and placed in 3-liter cans with a layer of about 20 cm. The surface should be flat, so it is gently pricked a little. From above pour another layer of earth (about 2 cm), which must always be kept moist. The bank needs to be covered, but not tightly, leaving a slot for air access. They should stay at room temperature for 7 days, then they are transferred to a place more cool for another 3-4 days. After the banks again return to warm conditions of detention. If all the conditions are properly met, then the small mushrooms will appear in 10-14 days.

Collection and further care

In food you can use only young mushrooms, which have not darkened the plates and the film is not damaged. In overripe mushrooms, very harmful substances accumulate for the human body.

Unlike other mushrooms, champignons are not cut with a knife, but as if unscrewed from the soil. Do this very carefully, so as not to damage the rest of mycelium. The well must be sprinkled with earth after removing the fungus.

To mushrooms and continue to yield, you must not forget to keep the soil in a constant wet state.

Now you know how to grow champignons at home. And on your table can be present fragrant mushrooms almost all year round.

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