Education, Secondary education and schools
Interesting autumn competitions in primary school. Scenarios and ideas of the autumn quiz for primary school
During the summer, autumn always comes, the children go to school. Children can be very difficult after the holidays to join the educational process in full force of their abilities, because behind the window there are so many bright colors and so you want to play and run. Experienced teachers necessarily provide their wards with this opportunity, only in after-hours and with an educational goal.
What event will be held in the autumn?
If you look into the planning of after-hours activities of primary school teachers , you can see a lot of activities planned for the autumn season. There may be such events as:
- Autumn competitions;
- All sorts of quizzes on "Autumn";
- Birthday of autumn birthday;
- "Autumn Ball";
- Exhibitions of works from vegetables called "Generous Autumn".
How to prepare an autumn event?
In order to properly prepare the autumn event, you must first determine its category. It will be classroom or school. For the class event, the birthday of the autumn celebrants will suit. It is worth holding such competitions:
- "Mushrooms";
- "Rain";
- "Collect the leaves";
- «Autumn associations».
This is speed competition. In addition, this way it will be possible to find out which of the children has a sharp wit more.
Who should attend the autumn events?
The question of those attending the event is quite simple. If this event is great, then you need to spend it together with your parents, since the age of children is still relatively small. Well, if this is an all-school plan, then parents are not invited as guests. Otherwise, you can get a bazaar. At school-wide events a sufficient number of teachers who will be able to ensure order during the holiday.
How to prepare a room for the autumn holiday?
Of course, the preparation of the holiday is a pleasant affair, but at the same time troublesome. The teacher-organizer needs to think over many things, one of which is the preparation of the premises for the event.
Preparing competitions in primary school, you need to take into account the safety factor of children. If the holiday is held indoors, you do not need to choose contests where more physical activity is required. It is necessary to clear the premises from unnecessary objects when carrying out mobile contests.
Registration of an autumn holiday in an elementary school
As practice shows, music for children of primary school is very important. Therefore, conducting autumn games and competitions, you need to consider this factor. The teacher-organizer needs to correctly choose the musical accompaniment, preferably taking into account the given topic. If the competition or the game does not provide for a large activity of children, then the music should be more calm. Well, if the teacher will arrange accompaniment of classical music. Autumn is widely represented in the works of the classics of this topic. There is where to sweep wide Russian soul.
Autumn competition for children
One of the most popular autumn children's contest is "Autumn in Our Life". Here the guys present their works, made of natural materials, starting with applications from autumn leaves and finishing with hand-made nuts, cones, berries, vegetables and fruits.
What should be the holiday of autumn?
Any autumn holiday in an elementary school should be bright, generous and emotionally full, like autumn itself.
For the event, it is necessary that the child has an initial knowledge base on a specific topic. Here, classroom leaders will come to the aid of literary reading lessons, where you can show the children how beautiful autumn is in poems of poets, acquaint them with writers born in the autumn season. At the fall, you can hold autumn competitions. In elementary school it can be a contest of readers of poems about this time of year. It is necessary to remember that children should be encouraged to participate. To do this, you can think of some prizes with autumn themes, for example, cut out of paper mushrooms, autumn leaves or something else.
Dedication to high school students
Children, studying in primary school, get used for four years to an active life position at the beginning of the school year. And after going to high school, they still do not realize their new status. In order to help children find their "I", you can hold an event called "Dedication to high school students". Poems about the fall, theatrical scenes, comic vows come to the aid in organizing this event. They will in a game form tell the fifth graders about the school life of older children, explain the new requirements that they are presented.
The autumn competitions held in the first quarter of the primary school will help fifth graders prepare for a new phase of their lives.
Of course, sixth-graders should prepare such an event because their age group is the closest to the fifth graders, respectively, and the interests are similar, in addition, they recently graduated from the fifth grade themselves and can tell about all the difficulties of their life like no other. In addition, it is worth taking the help of parents and older children. This kind of event is sure to be interesting for everyone.
Create, create, participate! And let the school autumn be the most beautiful, emotionally bright and unforgettable moment in the life of every child!
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