
Apple tree Colon Triumph: description, photos and reviews

Colon-shaped apple varieties are the result of the work of breeders, who once, having discovered a similar tree formed as a result of natural mutations, began their experiments. In the course of their carrying out, many varieties of column apple trees were distinguished, which differ in terms of maturation, taste and external characteristics. Colon-shaped apple tree Triumph has an attractive appearance and tasty fruit, which makes it a welcome guest of many household plots.

Variety description

Colon-shaped apple tree Triumph combines the following qualities and features:

  • Semi-dwarfish growth: 2 m is the maximum height that trees reach;
  • The crown is compact, in the form of a neat column, on which are located small shoots (branches) with foliage and fruits;
  • Fruits of medium size, their weight ranges from 150 to 200 g;
  • Color dark red, striped, apple surface dense, glossy;
  • Flesh pulp of a snow-white shade, crispy with a fine-grained consistency;
  • Aroma - pronounced apple;
  • Taste dessert, honey-sweet with pleasant sourness;
  • The harvest period falls on the middle of September;
  • The keeping quality of apples is not very high and averages 1 month;
  • The seedling begins to bear fruit after reaching the age of 2;
  • Winter hardiness of the variety medium - at low temperatures (from -10) additional shelter is required, especially for young plants;
  • The variety is resistant to many diseases and pests.

The fruits of the colonial apple Triumph are mostly used fresh. They are also used for making jam, compotes, jams and baking.

Useful properties of apples

In the varietal description of the columnar apple tree Triumph, it is noted that its fruits not only have excellent taste characteristics, but also are rich in useful substances. Separately it is worth noting the increased content of vitamin C, which is of great importance for the immune system. In addition, the fruits contain carotene, iron, antioxidants, iodine, pectin, phytoncides.

Sweet varieties of apples contain less acid, so they are allowed to eat even for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, apples are useful for mental development, vision and blood vessels, as well as for those who have suffered a heart attack.

Advantages and disadvantages of columnar apple trees

To gardeners, who want to cultivate on their site the columnar apple tree Triumph, one should know about some of its features:

  1. Compact - Apple trees occupy very little space, they can be planted at a distance of 1 m from each other.
  2. The decorative appearance allows to grow such varieties along paths and even in large pots.
  3. Early gives fruit - on the 2nd year after planting, on some trees you can see a few apples in the first year.

In this apple tree has several minor drawbacks:

  1. Low winter hardiness - plants require additional shelter for the winter. Due to the compactness, this is not difficult.
  2. It stops fruiting fairly early - at 18-20 years of age.
  3. Expensive - Colonoid apple trees are considered exotic and their cost is slightly higher than the price of an ordinary tree.

Despite this, their compactness allows to grow fruits of different varieties in a relatively small area.

Selection of seedlings

Before buying the Triumph Colon Tulip, it is worth learning how to acquire the right seedling of a plant. It is recommended to pay attention to such nuances:

  • The age of the plant should be less than 2 years, such seedlings better acclimatize and produce fruits faster;
  • The root system is well developed, not over-dried, its length should be at least 30 cm;
  • Overall appearance should be healthy, without cracks on the bark and shriveled areas.

If you take into account all the parameters of a healthy plant when purchasing, the acquired plant will please the grower for many years.

Landing in the ground

Colon-shaped apple trees of Triumph do not tolerate haste. If planting is expected in the spring, it is necessary to prepare a pit in the autumn - during this time the soil will have time to prepare and combine with the introduced fertilizers. In such a hole, the garden culture gets better and may even blossom in the first year after planting. However, if the purchase of the seedling was spontaneous, it should immediately land it. The technology of planting a columnar apple tree is as follows:

  • Recommended pit parameters 90 x 90;
  • A small layer of crushed stone is placed on the bottom as a drain;
  • Then the stones are filled with 1-2 buckets of organic fertilizers (compost, humus) and 100-150 g superphosphate;
  • A seedling is planted on the fertile layer and filled with soil, which is then compacted slightly;
  • After planting the plant is abundantly watered.

Place for planting a columnar apple tree Triumph should be well-lit, windless. Soil for growth should be easy, fertile, without a close occurrence of groundwater.

Care of the apple tree

The description, photo of the column-shaped apple tree Triumph speak of its undemanding, but some care measures are still necessary:

  1. Watering is abundant, especially in dry weather. The fact is that the apple trees lack a root rod, in which moisture can accumulate. All summer, except August, should maintain the moisture of the root zone, but do not allow stagnation of water. In August, the formation of kidneys, so watering should be limited.
  2. Top-dressing is carried out annually, potassium fertilizers. The first - during the flowering and fruiting period, the second and third - with an interval of two weeks. In August and in the autumn, no additional fertilizing is required.
  3. Pruning apple trees in the spring. It is necessary to cut off only lateral shoots, without affecting the tip. Such manipulations stimulate the active growth of branches.
  4. Shelter for the winter is carried out with the help of burlap along the entire length of the tree. The root zone is covered with earth or sand.
  5. Treatment against pests is carried out as required when the first signs of damage are detected.

With proper care, garden culture will produce a large number of fruits with high taste characteristics.

Reproduction of apple trees

Photo of a column-shaped apple tree Triumph can lead to speculation about breeding a variety with the purpose of sharing with neighbors. There are several ways:

  1. Seed - does not give 100% guarantee of preservation of varietal qualities, besides labor-intensive.
  2. Inoculation of the varietal cuttings requires experience in carrying out such manipulation.
  3. Airlifting is the easiest way. To do this, make an incision on the branch and wrap it in polyethylene with peat and maintain the moisture inside. By the fall there will be roots, and the branch itself can be separated and planted in the ground.

It is not so simple to multiply column-shaped apple-trees, but the result will be a garden culture with a decorative appearance and tasty juicy fruits.

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