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Types of art: table. The main arts

The term "art" experts give different definitions, because in one concept, one phrase can not contain all the huge meaning that this word carries in itself. It performs a lot of useful for humanity functions. Art forms spiritual values and educates the understanding of the beautiful.

What is art?

Again, there are several definitions of the concept of "art". First of all, this is a high level of skill of a person in any field of activity. If we explain in more detail, it can be called the ability to create creative reproduction of reality with the help of aesthetic artistic images, objects, actions. The main arts are the spiritual culture of society.

The object of art is the totality of relations between the world and man. The form of existence is a work of art, the means of manifestation of which can be a word, sound, color, volume. The main goal of art is the self-expression of the creator with the help of his work, which is created to evoke emotions, experiences, aesthetic pleasure from the beholder.

Different types of art, whose classification table shows their division into types, uses imagination and illusory instead of strict unambiguous concepts. In human life, it acts as a means of communication, enriching knowledge, educating values, as well as a source of aesthetic joys.

The main functions of art

Types of art (their table is presented below) exist in the world for performing certain public functions:

  1. Aesthetic. Reproduction of reality according to the laws of beauty. Influence on the formation of aesthetic taste, the opportunity to live and feel emotions. Ability to distinguish sublime and standard, beautiful and ugly.
  2. Social. The ideological influence on society, the transformation of social reality.
  3. Compensatory. Solving psychological problems, Restoring peace of mind and balance. Removing from gray reality and everyday life by compensating for the lack of harmony and beauty.
  4. Hedonistic. The ability to bring positive emotions through contemplation of the beautiful.
  5. Cognitive. Study and knowledge of reality through works of art, which are sources of information about the processes of the public.
  6. Prognostic. The ability to predict and anticipate the future.
  7. Educational. Influence on the formation of personality and moral formation of man.

Classification of art forms

Art does not have a single form of incarnation. In this regard, it is classified according to different criteria for genres, genera, species, subspecies. There is no single generally accepted system, therefore art is divided into groups according to certain factors.

Dynamics is one of the criteria by which art forms are classified. The table, placed in this article, shows how the types of creativity are divided according to this scheme. So, in terms of dynamics, art is divided into:

• Temporary (dynamic);

• spatial (plastic);

• spatio-temporal (synthetic).

In accordance with the expressed emotions and evoked feelings, it is divided into genres: comedy, tragedy, drama, etc.

The types of art are determined according to the materials used:

• traditional - paints, clay, metal, gypsum, wood, granite, canvas;

• modern - electrical engineering, computers;

• sound;

• the word.

The main classification system identifies the main 5 types of art, each of which additionally has several subspecies:

• applied (labor);

• Fine;

• entertainment (game);

• sound;

• verbal.

For an illustrative example, you are given a summary table, in which all the main types of art are collected.















Decorative and Applied




The photo

Graphic arts



Then you can read more about each of them.


The material bearer of the literary form of art is a word through which artistic images and written texts are created. It can reflect the epic narrative of certain events, the lyrical disclosure of the inner world and the author's experience, the dramatic reproduction of the actions that have taken place.

The literature is divided into:

• Historical;

• Scientific;

• training;

• artistic.

• reference.

Genres of works are determined by gender, form, content.


There is also the ability to convey emotions in an audible form of art - music. It represents the embodiment of artistic images, ideas, emotional experiences through organized in a special way silence and sound. This is recorded art and music notation. Music, depending on the functions, is divided into religious, military, dance, theatrical. On performance it happens: instrumental, electronic, vocal, choral, chamber. The main musical genres and directions are:

• variety;

• alternative;

• non-European;

• ethnic;

• popular;

• classical;

• Rock;

• jazz;

• avant-garde.

Applied (labor) arts

Applied arts (the table calls them still spatial) include architecture and arts and crafts.

Architecture helps to form a spatial environment. With its help, design and construction of various structures is carried out. It helps to make the buildings necessary for people appropriate to their spiritual needs.

Architecture is closely linked with the development of technology and technology, so with its help you can judge the scientific achievements and artistic features of different eras. Among the most famous historical styles of buildings can be distinguished Baroque, Art Nouveau, Classicism, Renaissance, Gothic. Depending on the purpose of the buildings, the architecture is divided into public, industrial, residential, garden and park, and so on.

Decorative and applied art is a creative activity aimed at creating objects that simultaneously satisfy the artistic, aesthetic and everyday needs of people. To some extent, decorative and applied art has a national and ethnic character. Among its main types can be called: knitting, embroidery, lacework, pyrography, origami, quilling, ceramics, carpet weaving, artistic painting and processing of various materials, jewelry art , etc. Products are made using different materials and technologies.

Fine Arts

Photography, sculpture, painting, graphics as an art form, using the image, clearly show the reality in the tangible artistic forms.

Painting is a color representation of reality on a plane. This is one of the oldest art forms. Depending on the subject of the picture, there are such genres of painting: historical, battle, mythological, animalistic, still life, landscape, portrait, everyday.

Graphics as an art form is the creation of a drawing by a line on a sheet or with a cutter on a hard material with a subsequent print on paper. This type of creativity, depending on the method of drawing the picture is divided into subspecies: engraving, ex-libris, poster, woodcut, lithography, linocut, etching, print. There is also book industrial and computer graphics.

Photography is the art of documenting a visual image, which is performed with the help of a technical tool. Has almost the same genres as painting.

Sculpture - the creation of three-dimensional three-dimensional artwork. With the help of this art, relief and round images are created. In size is divided into easel, monumental, decorative.

Spectacular (game) arts

Spectacular arts are directed not only to aesthetic pleasure, but also to the entertainment of people. Just a person and is the main object, through which spectacular art comes to the viewer. It has several directions.

Choreography is the art of dance. It is the construction of images with the help of plastic movements. Dances are divided into ballroom, ritual, folk, modern. The choreographic art of the ballet is based on musical and dance images, based on a certain plot.

Cinema is a synthesis of some kinds of arts - theater, dance, literature, fine arts. Has many genres (comedy, drama, thriller, action, melodrama) and subspecies (documentary, artistic, series).

The circus is a demonstration of entertainment performances. Includes clownery, acrobatics, reprise, pantomime, tricks, etc.

The theater, like the cinema, consists in combining several types of creativity - music, literature, vocal, fine arts, choreography. It happens dramatic, operatic, puppet, ballet.

Estrada is the art of small forms, which has a popular-entertaining focus. Includes choreography, vocal, spoken genre and others.

Mankind has been creating and studying art for centuries. It is the greatest spiritual and cultural property of society, plays a huge role in its development and improvement.

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