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Vedic knowledge for women. Vedas for women

Life outside of life is quite complicated in understanding. In order to understand it, you need to continuously develop your spiritual qualities.
The soul for man is like the core for the Earth. This is the core to which it is difficult to get to and understand its purpose. We can only assume, draw conclusions based on assumptions and conjectures, but are not able to encroach on the knowledge of the truth. There are many religions and scriptures in the world of man. One of the oldest is Vedic literature. It is said that it came to us from the Gods themselves through the wise men who comprehended the truth. In every corner of the planet there is necessarily a group of people who worship Vedic knowledge. There is an opinion that the roots of Vedic culture go not only from the Indian people, but also from the Slavic. Confirmation to that is a record in the writings about their coming from the "White Gods" and a lot of ancient Russian tales, songs and epics that contain the Vedic knowledge of the Slavs.

Connection between Vedas

The assertion that the Russian Vedas is fiction, loudly denies an explicit picture. Having studied carefully Vedic history, we can draw a different conclusion on the basis of the very same writings: long before our era there was one mighty culture uniting many lands and peoples, including Russian and Indian. Therefore, the scriptures given to the Indians do not deny the existence of culture and the concept of "the Vedas of the Slavs". In the ancient records of the Vedas there are descriptions of Russian lands, in the Old Russian written heritage there are many indicators of the presence of Vedic knowledge in them. A vivid example will be "Veles Book" and "The Lay of Igor's Host". What are the Vedas? Reviews about them are the most positive, and the opportunity to acquire this knowledge is the advantage of our century.

What do the Vedas write about

The Indian and Russian Vedas carry in themselves the knowledge of the whole universe, the physical laws of the Cosmos and the secrets of the human soul. The history of peoples, the structure of the construction of the world and the divine principle - this is the basis of the foundations of the scriptures. Without this knowledge, a person is predestined to an unhappy life in a misunderstanding of what is happening and in ignorance (Avidya). Each religion has its own characteristics and similarities with others, but Vedic culture is one of its kind, having everything to make a person happy. The world is built in such a way that the human niche consists of relationships, destinies, fulfillment by men and women. People should take care of their smaller brothers, animals. Be in harmony with all the elements of nature and fulfill your true destiny - to be God's vicegerent on Earth. It is difficult to imagine all this coherent work without understanding between a woman and a man. Vedic knowledge for women is aimed at a full-fledged opening of the feminine, creating a decent rear for the man.

Vedas for women

Man and woman as elements Water and Earth, a woman in the presence of peace and tranquility brings a real grace to a man , elevating him and supporting in all endeavors. Invoking feats, it is necessary, like water for the Earth, seeping through the secret springs of the soul and mind of a man, imbues him with love and peace.

The man, in turn, is a mighty earner and a wise ally, immobile on his way. Imagine a picture: the raging earth with volcanoes and earthquakes and seeping through it the water that rises to the height of the tsunami and sprays like waterfalls. This short-lived couple destroys the world, and no generation of mankind will survive here. So with people, a nervous, ignorant woman next to the same weak man forms the final path of the genetic roots. Without fulfilling one's purpose and not believing God, the couple destroys human relationships by its example, and thereby life on the Earth. It is worth considering whether you are an example for other couples? What do you do to save the family? How do you fulfill your destiny from above? Vedas for women contain wise answers to all questions.

What is the purpose of the Vedas?

This word has many meanings. The main thing is, of course, not to violate the laws of nature, to follow the right path, to be in harmony with the whole surrounding world, to serve faithfully to your family and to be the true guardian of the human soul. Vedic knowledge for women will help to comprehend women's destiny in the family, work and other areas of dwelling.

For a man, the purpose makes sense: depending on the caste that determines the inner striving of man (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisyi, sudra), being a husband, to protect the family from adversity, especially the wife, and then the children, to provide everything necessary for their life, Be a spiritual teacher for the wife and children. For his mother also be a guardian and a protector. What should a woman do? Since childhood, her father protects, and after the wedding - her husband. She is trained by her mother to cook well, maintain order in the house, properly educate children and adequately fulfill a conjugal duty. Vedic treatises say that the best wife for her husband is the one that faithfully serves him. But this does not mean that she is in slavery. No, on the contrary, this wife is so wise that without any superfluous requests she performs all the things necessary for a comfortable and favorable development of a man. Such a wife is truly wise and prudent.

The duties of women (the Vedas of the Slavs)

There are a number of points that determine the wisdom and perfection of women in the family. If she has all of them in the ideal, then happiness always accompanies her.

1. Take care of your husband as a child.

From her youth, the girl is taught all positive qualities and concepts. Mother, father, brothers care about her. In turn, a girl who has become a wife, takes care and attention to the attitude towards her husband. This attitude should be trembling and thrifty, like your child. Why so? Notice how many around mercenary women, how they treat their chosen ones. Is there true love in true love? Current wives are not suitable for full-fledged companions for men. A woman by nature is kind and generous. This applies to love, she gives her beloved all herself, in return, not asking anything. Here it is sincere love and durable.

2. Strong support

In order for a man next to a woman to constantly grow and develop spiritually and physically, she takes on all household work and difficulties. Loyal to performing them as a servant of his teacher, provides a full opportunity to develop his husband. Thus, she is laying on her shoulders some of the responsibilities, the wife for the husband is just necessary, like a boat to cross the vital ocean.

3. Indestructible and unshakable in its purpose

Imagine, next to a spiritually developed man, an unbalanced, quick-tempered, capricious woman. What do you think about this pair? Next to such a woman, a man is not something that can not comprehend the basics of his mission in the world, but he will turn into a wifelike likeness. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman to remain calm and peace in the family. It is unshakable to follow the path of one's destiny. Vedic knowledge for women is of particular importance, no religion tells how to behave in the most at home and how to become a wise companion.

4. The wise counselor

For the husband - the spiritual master - the wife is a disciple. In order for the teachings to proceed correctly and have a good result, with a wise mentor there must be a sensible and judicious student. She will absorb all the right knowledge as a sponge and later become a worthy adviser and friend to the man. What is also important in a strong relationship.

5. Beautiful only for her husband

In our time, girls and women succumb to the wind of fashion, forgetting, or even not knowing about the beauty of women. Fashion casts the image of lasciviousness and debauchery. Is it proper to unhide the body for everyone to see? The picture of life is this: in his house his wife is in hair curlers and a greasy dressing gown, and somewhere behind a festive table in a chic dress, make-up and with a luxurious hairstyle. Everything is clear, since the husband - then let him suffer, and on a visit let everyone admire. Such wives are not just stupid, but also disingenuous. A truly loving woman is beautiful only for her husband, for the rest of the same males, she is inaccessible in her outward appearance. Always were a sign of beauty and wisdom, long hair, covered in places with a handkerchief or other headgear. Now we see short-cut women more often than with a scythe to the beauties. This indicates the fall of the morality of the female sex. Long and well-groomed hair in all ages was and is a sign of a knowledgeable, prudent woman.

6. Knowledge of rapprochement with her husband

To conceive a full-fledged offspring, a woman should know about all the intricacies of rapprochement with her husband. The main point of realizing the purpose of the human is to transfer the knowledge of the father to the heirs. Therefore, special importance is attached to intimate relationships.

Tricks of Vedic Women

The secrets of Vedic knowledge for women are mainly aimed at making her happy. The happier the woman, the more comfortable the relationship in the family and the more joyful the children. Here are a few points that transform Vedic knowledge for women into the secrets of happiness, well-being, harmony with nature:

  • Impeccable appearance, from a beautiful youthful skin to silky, thick hair. Signs of internal health are pronounced in appearance.
  • Proper nutrition, the ability to cook deliciously. Provides beauty, youth and health to all family members thanks to the knowing hostess.
  • Discovery of healing skills. This gift is given to every woman by nature, and possession of it makes a woman truly happy.
  • Peace and harmony in a relationship with a man. And this is the wise education of children, a benevolent attitude to her husband, the presence of passion between a man and a woman.

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