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Eutirox for weight loss: reviews, dosage, instructions for use

In order to get rid of excess weight, many are ready to make any sacrifices. It will be about the drug "Euritox", which is intended for the treatment of endocrine system diseases. In losing weight, it is used to normalize the hormonal background and as a fat burner. Strange as it may seem, among the slimming ones, Eutirox has gained popularity for weight loss, reviews, which are quite numerous in the network, is a testimony to it. It remains to learn the main thing: how much the drug is effective and what are the health consequences.

Description of the preparation

The drug "Eutiroks" is a synthetic hormone, it is completely analogous to that produced by the thyroid gland. It is prescribed by specialists to compensate for the deficiency of the hormone for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The active substance in this drug is levothyroxine sodium, which, after disintegration in the human body, directly affects the metabolic processes.

How does the use of "Eutirox" for weight loss work on the body? The active substance accelerates the metabolism, the drug burns fatty tissue and does not affect negatively the muscle mass, increases efficiency and endurance, stimulates the work of the nervous system. It is necessary to pay attention to the last point: the drug increases heart rate and increases the burden on the heart.

When "Eutirox" is needed

With some diseases of the thyroid gland the body weight increases rapidly. Everyone has long known that the lack of a special hormone provokes obesity, and excess, on the contrary, contributes to weight loss. But let's take a closer look at Eutirox. Instructions for use for weight loss this drug does not recommend, respectively, for the treatment of obesity (without the appointment of a specialist), it is not intended.

But this drug really speeds up the metabolism. This suggests that it is able to break down fatty tissue. That's why Eutirox is used for weight loss. The reviews show that there are many supporters of this method. Only it is worth considering that together with the fat tissue the active substance can remove the protein from the body, and it is important for muscle tissue.

Harm from the use of Eutirox

Despite the fact that, to some extent, the drug really helps to reduce weight and correct the figure, it can cause irreparable harm to health. Among the side effects observed:

  • Weakening of the heart muscle due to the active substance of the drug;
  • The leaching of calcium from the body, which leads to the destruction of bone tissue, the bones become more fragile and can break even under weak mechanical stress;
  • Increased excitability of the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of irritability, nervousness, sleep disturbance.

It is difficult to call this method of losing weight safe, it, on the contrary, is accompanied by a serious risk. Therefore, the use of "Eutirox" for weight loss should be carefully. The more correct is to think carefully before deciding on such a desperate act.

Methods of administration and dose

The most necessary information, if you decide to take "Eutiroks" for weight loss, - dosage. Reviews of those who lose weight in this way contain their recommendations for readers. All are slightly different from each other.

How to actually take Eutirox for weight loss? Dosage in the instructions for use for fat burning tissue, of course, is not indicated. Therefore, you can refer to the recommendation of athletes (the main consumers of this drug).

So, how to apply Eutirox for weight loss? The course of treatment should not exceed 28 days, this is enough to speed up the metabolic processes in the body and restore the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. To minimize the negative impact of the drug on the heart, you should take beta-blockers in parallel, and you can not prolong the course of treatment. At the first stage, the daily dose should not exceed 50 mcg, later the dose can be increased to 300 mcg. The daily rate should be divided into 2 or 3 admission, the last of which should not be later than 6 pm. Take the drug should be before meals or not earlier than 2 hours after it, take the tablets with plenty of water. Tablets "Eutiroks" - this is not a rescue from excess weight, nutrition correction is a prerequisite.

Nutrition recommendations

Everyone knows how to eat right. For weight loss, even with the drug "Eutiroks", you need to make a certain menu, in which there should not be fatty and high-calorie foods. First of all, you should abandon flour and bakery products, sugar, semi-finished products, fatty meat and dairy products.

But it is equally important to include in the diet as much fiber and protein as possible. It is allowed to eat lean meat, poultry, chicken eggs, fish and seafood. You can unrestrictedly eat fruits and vegetables, cereals, especially oats, will be equally useful. In total, the caloric intake should not be more than 2000 kcal per day.

Actually, you can lose weight on these recommendations without additional stimulation. After all, for weight loss will be enough proper nutrition, exercise and a healthy stay.

Why Eutirox does not help to lose weight

The main reason for losing weight with "Eutirox" - is that its active substance accelerates all processes in the human body, including the absorption of glucose. It is the excess of this substance in the diet can lead to opposite results. To avoid trouble, you need to review the diet and make sure that the glucose in it was kept as little as possible, and it's better to do without it at all.

The difficulty is that "Eutirox" acts as a stimulant of the brain, for the correct operation of which glucose is necessary. Therefore, the craving for sweets only increases, you need to restrict yourself rigidly in the consumption of sugar.

You need to think carefully before taking such a drug as Eutirox. Doses for weight loss in any case cause unpleasant consequences for the general condition of a person. Increases appetite, decreases efficiency, there is insomnia. It is hardly possible to avoid such consequences, even if the drug is taken correctly.

Expert Reviews

Specialists refer to the preparation "Eutiroks" positively, but only in the case when it comes to diseases of the thyroid gland. It is really effective and replenishes the hormone deficiency. But for use as a drug for weight loss, he will not be recommended by a doctor. Although it actually accelerates the exchange processes.

The fact that this tool has many side effects. With heart disease, taking it is extremely dangerous for life. Before taking "Eutirox" for weight loss, you should be examined. You should not prescribe it to yourself without a doctor.

Customer Reviews

On various sites, the drug "Eutirox" is actively being discussed for weight loss. Who has lost weight with this tool, they write positive comments about him. This confirms the effectiveness of the drug, it really helps people lose weight.

But at the same time, all losing weight noted the negative impact of the active substance on the well-being. From its use increased blood pressure, there was nervousness, swelling and many other extremely unpleasant sensations.

But at the same time, "Eutirox" for weight loss reviews is not all positive, some buyers noted the extremely undesirable consequences for the figure. There are those who noticed the opposite effect, that is, the weight when taking this remedy increased. Most likely, this is due to excessive consumption of sweet and carbohydrates. The hydrocarbon-containing foods release a lot of glucose into the blood, which turns into fat.


Despite the fact that the reviews are quite contradictory, the drug "Eutiroks" is popular among athletes. They are also the main consumers of this product. To really give a positive result, you need to carefully monitor your diet.

By the way, athletes with regard to nutrition are always very attentive. The basis of their diet - fiber and protein, carbohydrates are present, but in small quantities. As a result, glucose enters the body in small doses and is spent during training, without going over to adipose tissue. But if you do not follow the rules of nutrition, the result will be directly opposite. Glucose at an accelerated pace is absorbed into the blood and converted to fat, and the body again requires another portion of this substance.

Despite the fact that the drug "Eutiroks" for weight loss reviews has positive, too, you do not need to risk your health and prescribe yourself on your own. It is better to first consult with an endocrinologist and get tested. The next stage will be the preparation of the body and the revision of the menu. But if you think about it, you can lose weight without additional stimulation.

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