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The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz - the leading storyline in Goncharov's novel
The well-known Russian writer IA Goncharov in 1859 publishes his next novel Oblomov. It was an incredibly difficult period for Russian society, which seemed to split into two parts. The minority understood the need to abolish serfdom and advocated the improvement of the lives of ordinary people. Most of them were landowners, gentlemen and well-to-do noblemen, who were directly dependent on the peasants who fed them. In the novel Goncharov offers the reader to compare the image of Oblomov and Stolz - two friends, completely different in temperament and strength of spirit. This is a story about people who, despite internal contradictions and conflicts, remained true to their ideals, values, their way of life. However, it is sometimes difficult to understand the true reasons for such trusting intimacy between the protagonists. That is why the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz seems so interesting to readers and critics. Then we will get to know them better.
Stolz and Oblomov: General Characteristics
Oblomov is undoubtedly the main figure, but the writer pays more attention to his friend Stolz. The main characters are contemporaries, nevertheless they are not at all similar to each other. Oblomov is a man of just over 30 years. Goncharov describes his pleasant appearance, but emphasizes the lack of a certain idea. Andrew Stolz - the same age as Ilya Ilyich, he is much leaner, with a smooth, swarthy complexion, almost without a blush. Stolz's green expressive eyes are also contrasted with the gray and unclear gaze of the protagonist. Oblomov himself grew up in a family of Russian nobles, who owned not one hundred strong serfs. Andrei was raised in a Russian-German family. Yet he identified himself with Russian culture, professed Orthodoxy.
Relations between Oblomov and Stolz
In one way or another, the lines linking the destinies of the characters in the novel Oblomov are present. The author needed to show how friendship arises between people of polar views and types of temperament.
The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is largely predetermined by the conditions in which they were brought up and lived in their youth. Both men grew up together, in a boarding house not far from Oblomovka. Stolz's father served there as a manager. In that village, Verkhlev, everything was saturated with the atmosphere of Oblomovism, slowness, passivity, laziness, simplicity of morals. But Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was well educated, read Viland, taught verses from the Bible, recounted illiterate reports of peasants and factory people. In addition, he was read out by Krylov's fables, and with his mother analyzed the sacred story. The boy Ilya was sitting at home under the soft wing of parental care, while Stolz spent a lot of time on the street, talking with his neighbors. Their personalities were formed in different ways. Oblomov was a ward of nannies and caring relatives, while Andrew did not stop taking up physical and mental labor.
The secret of friendship
The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is amazing and even paradoxical. Differences between the two characters can be found a huge number, but, undoubtedly, there are traits that unite them. First of all Oblomov and Stolz are bound by a strong and sincere friendship, but they are similar in their so-called "life dream". Only Ilya Ilyich is dozing at home, on the couch, while Stolz falls asleep in his eventful and impressed life. They both do not see the truth. Both are not able to give up their own way of life. Each of them is extraordinarily attached to his habits, believing that this is the only correct and reasonable behavior.
It remains to answer the main question: "What kind of hero does Russia need: in Oblomov or Stolz?" Of course, such active and progressive personalities as the last will remain in our country forever, will be its driving force, will feed it with their intellectual and spiritual energy. But we must admit that even without the Oblomovs, Russia will cease to be such as our compatriots knew it for many centuries. Oblomov needs to be educated, patiently and unobtrusively awakened, so that he can also benefit the country.
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