Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Dan Abnett, "Horus Rising": a summary
Practical every fan of the fantasy genre is familiar with the universe of Warhammer 40 000. To date, this world is represented simply by a huge number of desktop and computer games, a mass of books and even a full-length animated film. At the same time, Warhammer 40 000 is a universe that was created by completely different people, supplementing it with their understanding, fantasy and new characters. That is why it is sometimes very difficult to catch the order of events and make a certain chronology.
The Universe of Space Marines
The world of Warhammer 40 000 is so huge that it contains a whole universe. At the same time, it is inhabited not only by people, but also by representatives of other civilizations. Naturally, there are always various conflicts between them, which turn into whole wars. However, the most terrible evil in this world is the creation of Chaos. It is with their arrival that the most interesting events begin to develop, and it was thanks to them that the beginning of the storyline of this world was laid.
The writer Dan Abnette has invested the greatest amount of work in the creation of this universe. He not only created an interesting and exciting series of books, but also described in detail all the subtleties and details of everyday life of different classes and races, with which he acquaints the reader. It was this approach to detail and details that allowed the author to gain immense popularity, and his sequence of presentation provided an opportunity to familiarize himself with this universe in a certain chronology.
Space knights of the future
In the work "Rise of Horus" the reader acquaints himself in detail with the main characters of the cycle. He learns about their way of life, traditions, rituals and origin. It is this book that reveals the mystery of the creation of mighty warriors who do not know fear and possess great physical strength.
Also this work shows the way of life and thinking of other classes of earthlings. It describes the process of the birth of religion, which as the god puts forward the Emperor. A great and powerful ruler with immortality and vast knowledge, far ahead of his time. It is he who is the creator of the space paratroopers and it was thanks to him that the Great March began.
In the book, Dan Abnett introduces the reader to the great general Horus. He was entrusted with the management of the huge fleet of the empire, which was sent to the depths of space to establish the power of the Earth and unification of all mankind.
However, great power implies a great responsibility. The writer shows us that sometimes even the most loyal subjects can betray and become proud. At the same time, people who are already familiar with the described universe, get an opportunity to learn about the formation of a warrior who later turned to the other side of the barricades and turned into the most important enemy of his former master, whom he once called "Father."
In the novel "Warhammer: Rise of Horus", all events are shown by secondary characters, which are subsequently brought to the fore. We can get to know a lucky Space Marine, a journalist and other people participating in the campaign.
Everything that happens is described from their point of view and gives the reader the opportunity to look at the same events from different angles. This approach makes it possible to understand what really became the cause of betrayal, what were the prerequisites for this and how it later affected the fate of the entire universe.
The book "The Rise of Horus" is very interesting because the author details the purpose and principle of operation of certain devices and mechanisms. He brightly and colorfully gives an idea of where events occur, what a character looks like, and creates a realistic atmosphere of everything that is happening. Such a narrative makes the reader believe that all this is happening or was actually happening. Abnet simply immerses his fans into a fictional world, which in this case begins to change before our eyes, continuing to grab attention.
Also, the book "The Rise of Horus" describes in great detail the social component of the world and the hierarchy of power. It displays the relationship of different classes to each other, their capabilities and methods of influencing events. It is in it for the first time that the nature of the worship of higher powers and the ascension of a person, even genetically changed, into the status of a celestial is revealed.
Origin of the legend
It is believed that the "Horus Heresy", "The Rise of Horus" and other books of this cycle should be read very first, because they formed the basis for the depicted world. However, some fans of the genre do not agree with this opinion.
They believe that Abnet simply described the process of becoming a great commander, his life path, the process of ascent to the top of power and the fall from there. And in fact the entire cycle simply tells a legend that fans of the genre knew by legends or by the game.
However, a beginner in the universe of Warhammer 40,000 should start with this work.
The book "The Rise of Horus" introduces the reader to the characters who will accompany him throughout the cycle. Some of them are found in the works of other authors, and some have long become an integral part of the fantasy world.
With this in mind, special attention should be paid to the study of all actors. That is why the writer at the beginning of the book describes in detail each character, indicating its place in the universe, the sphere of influence and social belonging. At first it's even a little annoying, but with further reading I want to go back to the list to understand the meaning of some actions or words.
At the beginning of the book "Horus Rising" the reader is invited to briefly familiarize himself with the events that preceded the further description. The Great Emperor creates an entire army of mighty warriors, which in all respects surpass the average person. He equips them with the most modern weapons and armor. As a result, he himself heads the campaign to the edge of the universe on huge ships, in which a whole city can fit. Its goal is to unite humanity under one single head and prepare it for the forthcoming war with the forces of Chaos.
However, after a certain time, the Emperor is removed from the campaign for reasons that are not clearly understood by anyone. All the management of the mighty fleet he hands over to his primarch Horus, who is not only a space paratrooper, but also far surpasses his physical data. It is after these events that we immerse ourselves in the magical and exciting world of Warhammer.
Almost the entire plot of the book "The Rise of Horus" is tied around a spaceborne paratrooper named Loken. Thanks to his courage and courage, which stood out even against the background of genetically modified soldiers, he gets access to the leadership of the entire campaign. At the same time, Loken becomes a member of a certain cult that existed before the formation of his legion. He begins to be confused by some actions based on the prejudices of the brothers, and the reader finds himself embroiled in his personal opposition and struggle both with himself and with the entire system created by the old paratroopers.
It was thanks to Loken that the author was able to show the life of soldiers, training and various details of weapons. It is also worth noting that the reader looks at everything that happens with his eyes, and since he becomes part of the council and has access to Horus himself, all events can be seen in the first person.
In the first book of the cycle, we learn about the methods of warfare. Annette describes in detail some of the battles, filling the narrative with colorful fights. Also, the reader is given to understand the principles of colonization, which the Empire is introducing, and its methodology for solving social issues.
In this book we learn about the power of space paratroopers, their devotion, endurance and willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the common cause. We are shown the way of Horus's ascent to his power and the principles of his management of the huge fleet of the empire. Particular attention is paid to the religious background of certain moments that became the head of the belief of the whole universe and led to the fall of a mighty army entangled in heresy.
The style of writing and the sequence of narration are captured literally from the first minute of reading. The very same plot is so interesting that you want to read the book again. It is worth noting that this work breathed new life into the admirers of this saga. It was thanks to Abnett novice writers noticed the universe of Warhammer and dedicated her to her work. It can now be confidently called the chronicler of the space assault and the progenitor of a whole separate cycle.
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