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Rosalia Lombardo: the story of a sleeping beauty

Rosalia Lombardo died on the eve of her second birthday, having lived on earth for a very short time. Its glory is sad - the girl died of pneumonia in 1920. Very seriously surviving the loss of the child, the family turned to the embalmer Alfredo Salafii, who treated the body with a special compound. The mummy of the child was left in Palermo, in the catacomb of the Capuchins. Almost two-year-old Rosalia Lombardo is in the eponymous chapel. The exhibit, lying in a small coffin with a glass lid, is open to tourists and is the last point in the route through the catacombs.

Rosalia Lombardo: in life - a child, after death - a sign from above

Some believe that the main secret to preserving the body is the secret chemical composition used by the embalmer. Others consider this a miracle. Anyway, one of the most amazing objects in the funerary catacombs of Capuchins is Rosalia Lombardo. "Sleeping Beauty" - so nicknamed the girl after her death. But this was not only the embalming composition of Salafia.

For a long time, little Rosalie Lombardo remained practically untouched. The photo, which can be found in any source, shows even now the extent to which the body was preserved. And it's been about a hundred years since her death. At the same time she had a light baby skin, which did not touch the traces of decay. Locks and a bow were the same as in life.

After a while, inexplicable events began to occur in the chapel. One of the parishioners claimed that he saw Rosalia open and close her eyes. The attendants of the chapel began to smell the lavender, which usually smells of small children.

The fact that contradicts medicine

All this could not but draw the attention of scientists. They had little hope of making new discoveries, but what they found was really amazing - the girl's brain showed activity twice, which can only be characteristic of a living person!

Dr. Paulo Cortés, who led the medical research, was impressed by this discovery. After all, in medicine, there are cases when the body could "resurrect", having been dead for half an hour. And also the state of a coma can last for several years. However, by the time Rosalia Lombardo became an object of medical studies, she had been in the coffin for 73 years.

Some believe that the girl's soul for some time returned to the body, when the brain activity was registered at intervals of 33 and 12 seconds. Then the surprised researchers carefully rechecked the equipment and the accuracy of the experiment, but no errors were revealed - Rosalia Lombardo really "returned" to life for a while.

Amazing eyewitness accounts

Among the clergy, it is widely believed that Rosalia Lombardo is a messenger of God, although it is not officially confirmed by the Catholic Church.

Some residents of Palermo say that they witnessed how the girl opens and closes her eyes. Believe them or not? Who knows. But the only thing that remains unchallenged is the fact of recording the electrical activity of the brain, which has been dead for decades. Such indications can only be characteristic of living neural tissue.

The chemical composition, until recently kept secret, so influenced the body that the child did not seem dead, but asleep. Around the body of the girl there were always mysterious events. For example, one of the abbots, Father Donatello, says that one of the monks in a short time lost his mind: "He claimed that within thirty seconds Rosalia's eyes were open. Despite the fact that the caretaker was deemed crazy, after that a group of scientists was called to conduct research. "

The solution of the mysterious composition

The scientist Dario Piombino Mascali in the late twentieth century revealed the secret of the composition with which the body of Rosalia was embalmed. It included zinc, formalin, glycerine and other components. With the help of injection, the solution got into all tissues. Later in the United States, research was conducted, during which Alfredo Salafii's balsam was tested. The results exceeded all expectations - with the help of the composition it was really possible to keep the bodies from decomposition. Thus, there is a scientific explanation for how this girl survived. Rosalia Lombardo is more surprised by her mystical visits during the presence of physicians, as well as parishioners and ministers of the chapel.

In the early twentieth century, however, the body began to give small signs of decomposition. Therefore, it was processed and placed in a chamber filled with nitrogen.

Tafonomy is a science dealing with death

The case of Rosalia is not the only one. Although the composition of Balm Salafia is disclosed, this case does not cease to excite medical scientists. Now in science a whole direction has arisen called tafonomy. It studies the patterns that are inherent in the processes of physical decomposition. In America, in the state of Tennessee, even there is a "farm of the dead" - a laboratory in which research is being conducted in this direction.

Against death, a person is powerless. Inventing almost everything for a comfortable life, having learned to heal many diseases and gain control over the forces of nature, people still can not penetrate beyond understanding: what happens to a living being after death.

Preservation of bodies, not giving in to logic

However, this trait is not always final for a physical body. People do not know where the soul goes. And does she come back? Or, perhaps, having stayed for forty days on Earth, it goes to other worlds irrevocably?

This is still unknown to scientists, and no one knows if the secret of the other world will be revealed in the near future. However, the phenomenon of Rosalie Lombardo, as well as other surviving bodies after physical death, leaves a lot of spiritual food for ordinary mortals, as well as fields for the work of researchers.

Other cases of incorruptibility after death

It is believed that to achieve the state of incorruptibility after death help meditative practices. It is known that the body of the yogi Paramahansa Yogananda did not concern decay for a long time. Also famous is the case of Lama Itigelov, who was also found by Russian scientists in the lotus position without any changes.

Thus, the example of Rosalia once again confirms: the physical and spiritual worlds are very close. Perhaps her soul decided to return for a while, not only to become a new mystery for scientists. Who knows, maybe the little Rosalia Lombardo decided to remind humanity about how close the other world is, and how little time people have for good deeds.

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