HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of gingivitis

Gingivitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums. Most often occurs when non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. And, unfortunately, in this case, dental plaque is formed with the formation of tartar. In these structures there is a large number of viable bacteria, which cause inflammation of the gums.

Before talking about the treatment of gingivitis at home, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Treatment - gingivitis is a disease that itself will not work.

Causes of the disease can be:

  • Internal causes are gum traumas with the growth of teeth, wrong bite, diseases of the digestive system, deficiency of vitamins of a growing organism, pregnancy.

  • External causes are no less diverse. These include the deposition of tartar and plaque, the remains of food between the teeth, smoking, infection.

  • Infectious gingivitis develops often in children with improper cleaning of teeth, with caries. Often, gingivitis develops with rheumatism, diabetes, systemic diseases, when immunity is weakened.

  • Some medicine may be used to provoke the disease.

Symptoms of gingivitis

According to clinical signs, gingivitis is divided into catarrhal, ulcerative-necrotic, hypertrophic and atrophic.

The form of the disease distinguishes between acute and chronic. Chronic gingivitis exacerbated more often in the spring.

If the gum inflames in a limited area, then talk about a localized process, with the spread of inflammation to all teeth - about the generalized.

Symptoms of catarrhal gingivitis: redness, swelling of the mucous gums, bleeding. Patients report pain during eating, but their well-being is satisfactory.

Symptoms of ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis: the condition of patients with this form of gingivitis of moderate severity or severe. Difficult to eat because of soreness, there is general weakness, weakness, a rise in body temperature. Submandibular lymph nodes increase. A characteristic feature is a strong and unpleasant smell (by the way, this is the main symptom) from the mouth.

With hypertrophic gingivitis, the gingiva becomes very swollen, papillae appear near the tooth, which sometimes completely cover the tooth. Soreness during eating is preserved.

With atrophic gingivitis, on the contrary, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, and the neck of the tooth is exposed. The patient reacts to cold and hot.

Gingivitis very often leads to periodontal disease in case of complications.

Prevention of disease

Prevention of gingivitis, in the first place, is to observe hygiene and cleanse the oral cavity. Daily brushing of teeth, cleansing of food residues with dental floss, regular examination at the dentist - a pledge of healthy teeth and gums.

How to treat gingivitis? Treatment of gingivitis in the home

Home treatment is an additional treatment for gingivitis. The main treatment, of course, should appoint a specialist. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed, topically ointments - Metrogil Denta, rinsings with hexoral, propolite, romazulan, decoctions of herbs. Dentists carry out professional cleaning, removal of plaque and stones.

Recipes for treatment of gums at home

The recipe is the first. Grate the seeds of well-roasted coffee along with the powdered sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 and brush your teeth with a dry toothbrush with this powder three times a day. In the end, rinse your mouth with arnica solution (one tablespoon of arnica tincture for half a cup of water). An excellent prescription for the treatment of gingivitis.

The second recipe. Rinse the mouth with infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs: St. John's Wort, linden, chamomile. For infusion, one tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist, strain and rinse 6-8 times a day.

The recipe is the third. Treatment of gums with Aloe Vera juice. This plant is often grown on window sills. Wash the leaves thoroughly. Apply to inflamed gums. Aloe can be replaced with Kalanchoe leaves. This tool is a treatment for gingivitis, it helps with this effectively.

Gingivitis requires treatment. Do not allow the transition to a chronic stage. Then treatment of gingivitis will become even more difficult.

Be healthy!

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