HealthDiseases and Conditions

Voice of the hoist: what to treat and what are the causes of the disease?

The problem of loss of voice, probably, worried everyone at least once. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Most often it is found in the morning, when a person wakes up and understands that the voice is hoarse. Than to treat? The question appears by itself, since the lack of the opportunity to speak leads to a great deal of discomfort.


If the hoarse voice, the reasons for this can be very different. The most common of these is the inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the larynx. They arise as a result of hypothermia of the body (general or local).

Viral infection is another cause of inflammation. First, the infection affects the nasal, oral cavity, and then descends into the larynx and trachea.

The hushed voice can be a consequence of the transferred sore throat. Especially such consequences disturb those people, in whom ENT diseases are chronic.

Constant overstrain of ligaments is also a frequently occurring cause of loss of voice. What category of people is at risk? More often the disease occurs in people whose professional activity is related to the work of vocal cords - these are teachers, singers, actors, speakers, etc.

What else provokes such a throat condition? If human activity is associated with production, where you have to constantly inhale harmful fumes, dust, polluted air, it can also lead to laryngeal disease.

A hoarse voice may indicate a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other serious abnormalities in the body.

Symptoms of the disease

In addition, it is difficult to pronounce sounds, a person experiences pain in the throat, in which it is difficult to swallow. Burning, sensation of lumps, dryness, perspiration, fatigue of the voice are invariable symptoms of the disease. A rise in body temperature is possible, but not always. After some time, a rough cough may begin, at first dry, and then with sputum discharge. The patient experiences general weakness.

Osip's voice. What to do?

The very first thing is to go to the doctor. Self-treatment here is very undesirable. To start taking a course of medications, you need to know exactly the cause of the onset of the disease, and, as is known, there are many of them. For each case, the doctor applies different methods. Improperly selected treatment can lead to undesirable complications.

A special caution should be given to parents. They should know that if a child has a hoarse voice, then it is only the doctor who knows how to treat it. It is especially dangerous to engage in self-medication to restore the voice in children under 5 years old. Swelling of the mucosa of the larynx can lead to a sharp violation of breathing!

Doctor's advice

When visiting a doctor, it is obvious that the voice is an ospus. How to treat the disease, the doctor does not immediately determine, because you need a thorough examination of the patient, and maybe even a more detailed examination.

But the mandatory appointment will be the correct voice mode, in which many are not allowed to speak loudly. In some cases, the doctor prescribes complete silence. Even the conversation in a whisper negatively affects the course of treatment.

For the period of the disease, it is necessary to revise the diet. Food should not irritate the mucous membrane, so it is not too hot and not very cold food. It is better if they are products of plant origin. During this period, nutrition should be taken responsibly. Dairy products are also welcome. Completely excluded from the diet alcohol, hot tea and coffee, hot hot meals. Smoking is also contraindicated, it aggravates the development of the disease.

An abundant drink is recommended. In this case, mineral water without gas is good. Rinse throat also gives good effect. The solution can be prepared by yourself or bought at a pharmacy. Preparations "Furatsilin", "Givalex" and also sea salt in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of warm water are solutions for rinsing the throat.

Sprays for treating the throat have a very good anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect, so they can also be recommended. It is possible that the doctor will prescribe the patient a sedative if the loss of voice occurred against the background of stress.

More serious treatment with medications should be started only when the doctor prescribes it.

Folk remedies for voice restoration

Folk healers have many recipes that help in cases where the voice is hoarse. Than to treat the patient, prompts and everyday experience. But the use of these methods requires great care, since without consulting a doctor to take any action is undesirable. And yet there are folk recipes, which everyone at least once in his life took advantage of.

  1. Warm (not hot!) Milk with honey, gogol-mogol, warm scarf around the neck - traditional treatment of sore throat. Although these methods of treatment are not always effective and appropriate.
  2. Means for removing hoarseness: mix in equal proportions milk and "Borjomi", put 2 teaspoons of honey. Drinking should be warm.
  3. Two egg yolks grind well with sugar, add butter there. Take between meals. Good to remove hoarseness.

If the voice is hoarse than to treat the disease, the "green pharmacy" will also prompt.

To gargle, inhalation, you can use the following decoction: take 15 grams of elderberry, linden, chamomile flowers, all pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 1 hour.

Calendula officinalis is a plant that is often used to restore voice. Two teaspoons of dried petals of calendula flowers are covered in a thermos and insisted for 2 hours. One third of the glass of infusion should be drunk 3 times a day. Treatment lasts for 2 months.

The main factors that treat the hoarse voice are time and peace. The doctors agree with this argument.

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