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The novel "The Theater", Maugham Somerset. Summary

The novel "Theater" Maugham Somerset, an English writer, was published in 1937. Maugham received a brilliant education. In addition to the successful activity of the playwright, he managed to work as an agent of British intelligence during the First World War, traveled a lot and with ease of true talent reflected his impressions in literary works. Many of his novels and stories went into the status of classical literature, including the ironic, light novel "Theater."

Julia Lambert and her husband

In the novel "The Theater" (Maugham Somerset is the author), the main character is Julia Lambert, the famous British actress. Having achieved success due to her talent in her young years, she kept the palm of the championship and at forty-six years. "Brilliant, famous, beautiful, talented" - these epithets she hears every time after the performance. Julia is successful, her life was a success. She has a lot of admirers, and Lord Charles Tamery does not like her all her life at all, not counting on reciprocity at all.

The husband of the great actress is Michael, "the most handsome man in London," as Julia says of him. She fell in love with him passionately at the age of nineteen, he became a fan of her talent. In their youth they played together in one troupe, but a weak temperament did not make him an actor, and in life he was distinguished by a calm and very even temper. They wanted to get married, but Michael's parents were against marriage. Only thanks to the actor's talent, put into action by Julia, she managed to please his parents. In the First World War, Michael went to the front, and Julia suddenly realized for herself that she did not like him anymore. But my husband was still handsome, practical, calm, reliable and knew that he was useless as an actor. This knowledge did not torment him, he believed in Julia and, going to the front, convinced her not to leave the stage.

After several years of spiritual turmoil, during this time in the family was born the son of Roger, the name of Julia Lambert became famous, she became famous as an actress of rare talent. The secret actor's skill was that Julia played in life and lived on stage.

A small history of relations

When Michael's parents died and left a small fortune, he decided to let him in and rented a small theater, the star of which was the great Julia Lambert. The co-founder of the company agreed to become an old admirer of talent Julia - a wealthy "old woman" and aristocrat Dolly de Vries. Michael became the administrator and director of the theater, and it turned out he had a much better acting career. The theater was doing well, thanks to the position in society, Dolly introduced Julia and Michael into the aristocracy. The son grew up and studied far from his mother. Julia was bored.

The book "The Theater" (Somerset Maugham - the author of the novel) was written after the First World War, when many families comprehended the crisis and disintegration. The author, as a participant in military operations and a connoisseur of human nature, reflected this in the novel.

But one day Michael introduced her to a young clerk, Tom Fennel. William Somerset Maugham unfolds the narrative in English society, divided into classes. And if Julia, the daughter of a veterinarian, managed to occupy her place in the aristocratic environment thanks to talent, then Tom has few chances to get into higher society. He was an accountant and helped Michael disassemble the papers. Unexpectedly for myself, as an easy fun ("... the boy will remember this for life and will tell his grandchildren"), Julia invited him to dinner. She could not remember what his name was, but she liked the role of the noble Julia Lambert - the great actress she played at dinner.

Tie the novel

During dinner it turned out that Tom watched all of her performances and was openly in love with Julia. It was very amusing for the actress, but she quickly forgot about this episode. But one day Tom sent her a bouquet after the performance, and after that he called and invited me to tea. Guided by curiosity, Julia accepted the invitation and at the appointed time was in a small apartment Fennel. Deciding to make happy the visit of the young man, Julia suddenly remembered that she had rented very similar housing herself at the beginning of her career. A small, poor room, a gracious host, and rushing memories weakened the internal control a little. The more unexpected for her were the fervent kisses and confessions of Tom, and, yielding to frivolity, Julia gave herself up to a rush.

Came in the dressing room before the performance and remembering with a smile what had happened, she decided to erase this cute episode from memory. But Tom was persistent and, having received yet another audience, showed such adoration that the actress, who decided to refuse him categorically, again could not resist. Roman spun and dragged her behind him. Julia Lambert suddenly realized that she was in love with a young man. She gave him expensive gifts, spent much time in his company and did not think at all that public appearances in the company of a young man could compromise her. Her reputation was flawless, for many years she married her model husband and created her image almost sacred. William Somerset Maugham wrote the novel at a time when the reputation in society meant a lot, and, once making the wrong move, you could become an outcast.

Middle age crisis

Save the situation and bring to Michael rumors decided tormented by the jealousy of Dolly de Vries. Michael believed the gossip or not, Julia could not understand, but it was sobering. Michael jokingly told Tom that he would be grateful to any person who would agree to go with his wife to clubs and restaurants, relieving him of this responsibility.

It was summer, and the Lambert family, waiting for a son, moved over the city. Tom Fennel was invited as a companion for Roger. Julia hoped that the romance would blossom on vacation, and life would sparkle with new faces, but with vexation realized that Tom preferred her company to her son. So bitter discoveries began, Julia began to suspect that she was getting old.

In the novel "The Theater" Maugham Somerset accurately describes the subtleties of female psychology. Julia, as they would say now, was experiencing a midlife crisis.

Returning from the summer vacation, Tom and Julia did not see each other for a while. But her son became friends with Tom, and they spent a lot of time together. It is during this period that she learns that young people have fun in the company of young girls - actresses. Jealousy awoke in her, and his son puzzled her with words about what she wanted to know about real life. Explaining Julia her, as she thought, a strange desire, he explained that he saw at home the excerpts from different performances, but did not see what his parents and their relationship really were. The actress was seriously scared that her deception was about to open, but Roger soon after the conversation left.

Life on stage, theater in life

The book "The Theater" (Maugham Somerset) tells of the release of illusions, false ideas and freedom of choice. Driven by "better feelings" (or fear of losing profits), Dolly de Vries decided to open Julia's eyes to her young lover. She said that he promised the young actress Evis Crichton patronage in the theater, saying that the "old woman" Lambert would do everything for him. Indeed, Tom turned to Julia with a request to give Evis a role in the new play. This actress could not forgive. And it was not in the trampled female vanity, and especially not in love (by this point Tom Fennel was no longer loved). But he betrayed the talent and art in her face. This was impossible to forgive!

Evis Crichton got the part, but her career died on the day of the premiere. Played in half strength at the rehearsals, the great Julia Lambert gave the full power of her talent in the premiere performance. It was her triumph, her revenge, her glory and happiness! The whole world was again at her feet, and the unlucky actress was beaten. Accidentally met with Tom near the dressing room, she saw in his eyes even more admiration, but she was already all the same. In the novel "Theater" Somerset Maugham revealed the character of not just a talented actress, but also an intelligent woman. Passing through crises, betrayals and difficulties, we become stronger, and the weaker sex is sometimes more dangerous.

The novel shows a section of society and relationships within it, and also concentrates on the features of the female view of the world, the author acts as a connoisseur of souls and characters. Perhaps you are fascinated by a complete narrative, then at your service book - Somerset Maugham, "Theater." You already know the summary, now it's time to read the full version of the novel.

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