Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Summary of "Romeo and Juliet" - the saddest story of love
It is considered that the most tragic play about love was written by the great Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet," the summary of which is not capable of expressing the whole heat of passion and the horror of the endings of the work, is undoubtedly a very sad story. But, frankly speaking, the plot itself is not so unusual as for the tragedy of love. Modern life is full of situations and more terrible. Why is this Shakespeare tragedy considered "the most sad story in the world of love" until now?
So - Verona. In the main square, a fight between the servants of two warring families - the Capulets and Montagues, which ends with the intervention of the prince, who banned a collision under the sign of death. Romeo appears on the stage. He is still unhappy in his love for the beautiful Rosaline. Juliette, the only daughter of Capulet, at this time learns that her father wants to marry her to Paris, a very enviable groom. She does not mind. The girl is not yet fourteen, the heir is used to submitting to parents.
The summary of "Romeo and Juliet" is unable to convey the intensity of emotions that was hovering at a ball at the house of Capulets, where the main characters got acquainted quite by chance. If you read this episode in the original, their sudden and very keen love for each other does not at all seem unrealistic. Juliet soon learns that her lover is the son of Montague, hated by her family.
Lorenzo's invented plan for the reunion of lovers fails. Juliet, having taken sleeping pills, fell asleep. Romeo, not warned about this trick, kills himself near what he thinks is a dead lover. A summary of "Romeo and Juliet" can only record the events of the tragedy, but not transmit the emotions with which the work is saturated. Waking up, the girl kills herself, because her Romeo at that time is already dead.
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