EducationThe science

Cytology is one of the most promising branches of human knowledge

Cytology is a science that studies cellular interaction and cell structure, which, in turn, is a fundamental component of any living organism. The term itself derives from the ancient Greek concepts of "whale" and "logos", meaning, respectively, the cell and the teaching.

The emergence and early development of science

Cytology is one of a whole galaxy of sciences that budded off in the New Age from biology. The forerunner of its occurrence was the invention of a microscope in the XVII century. It was watching the life through such a primitive construction, the Englishman Robert Hook first discovered that all living organisms are made up of cells . Thus, he laid down what studies cytology today. Ten years later another scientist, Anthony Leeuwenhoek, discovered that cells have a strictly ordered structure and patterns of functioning. He also owns the discovery of the existence of nuclei. At the same time, for a long time the idea of the cell and its functioning was hampered by the unsatisfactory quality of the microscopes of that time. The following important steps were taken in the middle of the XIX century. Then the technique was substantially improved, which allowed to create new concepts, which is due to its intensive development of cytology. First of all, this is the discovery of protoplasm and the emergence of a cellular theory.

The emergence of cellular theory

Based on the accumulated by that time empirical knowledge, biologists M. Schleiden and T. Schwann almost simultaneously offered the scientific world the idea that all cells of animals and plants are similar to each other and that each such cell itself has all the properties and functions of a living organism . Such a perception of the complex life forms on the planet had a significant impact on the way in which further cytology passed. This also applies to its modern development.

The discovery of protoplasm

The next important achievement in this area of knowledge was the discovery and description of the properties of protoplasm. It is a substance that fills the cellular organisms, and is also an environment for the organs of cells. Later, the knowledge of scientists about this substance evolved. Today it is called the cytoplasm.

Further development and discovery of genetic inheritance

In the second half of the XIX discrete bodies were found, which are contained in the nucleus of the cell. They were called chromosomes. Their study has revealed to mankind the laws of genetic continuity. The most important contribution to this area was noted at the end of the XIX century by Austrian Gregor Mendel.

Current state of science

For the modern scientific community, cytology is one of the most important branches of biological knowledge. This was done by the development of scientific methodology and technical capabilities. Methods of modern cytology are widely used in human studies, for example, in the study of cancer, the cultivation of artificial organs, as well as in breeding, genetics, breeding new species of animals and plants, and so on.

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