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The concept of worldview: what is its strength and weakness

The concept of worldview: what is its strength and weakness

As there are no people with the same fingerprints in the world, there are no persons with absolutely identical views on what is happening around. What should, it would seem, unite, sometimes disconnect. Everyone has their own thoughts about their love of their homeland, their attitude to the spiritual, their ideals and principles. This difference is the concept of a world view.

The concept and structure of the world view is a complex phenomenon. The most common understanding includes a set of diverse views of man on the world and environment and is closely related to the activities of the individual, his feelings and feelings. It is impossible to confuse the concept of worldview with the spiritual world and put an equal sign between them. A worldview is a holistic perception of nature and society, expressed in a system of values and ideals chosen by a person depending on the social group to which it belongs.

The concept and structure of the world view has its own classification and varies according to the attitudes that the person has developed in relation to what is happening to life. So it stands out: theocentrism (commitment to God), nature-centrism, anthropocentrism, socio-centrism, knowledge of centrism, science-centrism. And it is necessary to say that the world view is divided into progressive and reactionary.

The concept of worldview includes the following types:

  • Ordinary, arising in the process of gaining experience in everyday activities. The worldview on the world is not based on his religious or scientific views. It is formed and developed spontaneously and relies only on its own experience. This is the strong side of the ordinary worldview. But the fact that it does not take into account the life experience of other people, does not recognize religious views and cultural values, makes it vulnerable.
  • Religious, based on ideas contained in the Quran, the Bible, the Gospel, the Talmud and other sources of world religious culture. In connection with the fact that these teachings contain a definite view on the origin of the world, which is aimed at spiritual and moral education, based on the salvation of the soul, the religious worldview also has weak and strong sides. A person who is a fan of any religion, is focused on problem solving, the obligatory achievement of his goal, because he is sure that God is helping him in this. And this is the advantage of religious views. And the weakness of this worldview lies in confronting other vital positions, an uncompromising struggle against scientific achievements. Although it must be said that modern theologians increasingly turn to believers with the words that new thinking should be more correct and tolerant of everything that exists and is happening in the world. Everything, in their opinion, occurs according to God's command and technical achievements, in this sense, are no exception.
  • Scientific, based on scientifically proven facts. The world picture of a person with a scientific worldview includes a picture that is virtually and unconditionally proved. But this notion of worldview is not ideal. Its strength lies in the validity of the views of scientific achievements, social and production practices of many previous generations. However, such a person considers himself omnipotent and causes great damage to the environment. And this is the weakness of the scientific worldview.

Mythology as a form of outlook is an ancient person to explain the phenomena of the world. In myths, a person tries to understand the environment and simultaneously gives him a moral assessment. They contain the very first information about the origin of all earthly things from cosmic chaos. Mythology is not devoid of a form of outlook and biographical information, as well as moments that tell about heroic events in the life of different peoples. Myths and now I'm working on the minds of people who do not fully understand all the complexities of natural and social phenomena.

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