HobbyBoard games

Lotto rules - play and win

One of the most popular home board games is lotto. Rules of the game in the lotto, as well as the game itself, are familiar to most people. The most common form of it is the "Russian Lotto", in which miniature barrels smell so tasty a tree.

The rules of the game in the lotto are very simple: the player receives from 1 to 3 cards, each of which is a table with three rows and nine columns. The number of digits on the card is 15: five random numbers in each row. In order to remember how to play the Russian lotto, do not need a lot of time. It is necessary to know that there are three main variants of the game: short, ordinary, or long, and "three by three". The first option wins the person who, observing the rules of the game in the lotto, quickly filled the entire line of any of the cards. In the ordinary game, the winner is the participant who filled all the cards faster than the rest. "Three on three" - the most reckless version of the game. Before the start of the game, all participants make bets. Lottery "money" can be cookies, buttons or peas.

The rules for playing lotto with this method are as follows: when one of the players completes the top line of one of their cards, all but him double the bets that were made before the start of the game. The one who will fill the fastest two lines, gets a third of the winnings. The rest of the equivalent of cookies or peas to the money goes to the participant who filled the entire card first.

A similar game, for participation in which you need to spend, is the Ukrainian television game - Lotto Zabava. The purchase of a ticket of this lottery gives a chance to win not only cash prizes, but also a car or an apartment. Here in order to win, you need to know how to play Lotto Fun. First, the purchased ticket, consisting of three fields of five rows and five columns each, must be left until the end of the lottery.

To win the Jackpot, it is necessary to cross out all the numbers of the first three lines of any ticket field: the number of crossed out figures should be equal to the number of balls dropped from the lototron. If the strikeout turned out to be three lines that are not in the ticket in order, the ticket is also considered to be winning.

In order to win this lottery, you must fulfill one of the following five conditions:

1. The figures of three horizontal lines should be struck out, with as many steps as kegs dropped out of the lototron, and one free cell with the MSL symbol is taken into account;

2. Almost the same as in the first paragraph, but two cells with the MSL symbol are allowed;

3. filled two horizontal lines of the same field and one line of the other field;

4. Winning ticket, in any field of which one horizontal line is filled. In this case, the number of numbers equals the number of dropped kegs;

5. the coincidence of two horizontal lines one at a time in any field of the ticket.

These are the most likely combinations for winning. Sometimes lottery founders introduce additional options for winning. You should be careful and, most importantly, believe in luck.

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