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The theory of "three calm" MV Lomonosov. What is the essence of the "three calm" theory?

Lomonosov is one of the greatest Russian scientists who made a great contribution to science. The article describes the theory of the "three calmness" of Mikhail Vasilyevich.

What is the theory of the "three calm" Lomonosov?

Lomonosov made a very significant contribution to the science of our language. Important to this day is his role in the formation of the literary language. The name of this great linguist is associated with a long period of the formation of Russian-speaking speech culture. He was also very concerned about verbal aesthetics. The Russian language, according to Mikhail Vasilievich, keeps in itself endless possibilities that successfully help him to influence all spheres of national culture, such as, for example, art, science, literature. And nevertheless, paying tribute to the charm of his native language, the great linguist most soberly distinguished those circumstances which, in his opinion, favored the formation of a literary speech.

With his inherent tenacity, he also developed the idea of the need to root in the literary language acquired by him through a long historical development of value. The constant controversy with the opponents of church Slavs, who in every way denied the need for their integration in colloquial speech, prompted him to write the book "On the Benefits of Church Books in the Russian Language," where he detailed the importance of using these words. This treatise, as well as the theory of the "three calm" Lomonosov, was written with the aim of most clearly and fully informing the people about the existence of these Church Slavic sayings in the language of the great-power people, and also point to their primordially close and related relationship to each other. And these works are actual even after several centuries and are obligatory for studying.

On the theory of "three calm" in general terms

The essence of the theory of the three "calm" Lomonosov can not be explained in a nutshell. According to Mikhail Vasilievich, each "calm" absorbed the already organized base of speech expressive means, behind which, in turn, a certain range of genres of fictional literature was fixed. Simply put, the genre in Lomonosov's terminology turned out to be in this respect "calm", in which there is a kind in biology in relation to the genus. A high "calm", for example, were written ode, poems about heroism, in which the exploits of the great Russian people were celebrated, various solemn speeches, public appearances. Moreover, this selection in three styles was carried out not only because of their ideological and thematic design, but also linguistic and stylistic, since, for example, for solemn speeches, speech funds were selected in accordance with the content of the forthcoming event.

The theory of the "three calm" Lomonosov contains a broader meaning than is considered in the modern style of the Russian language.

Consequently, literary genres for Mikhail Vasilievich carried a derivative of the "calm" meaning and were assigned to each of them. In accordance with the above, all the established genres were concluded by him in the three "calm" of oral and written creativity: high, medium (or, in other words, mediocre) and low. Below we will consider in more detail the significance of the theory of the "three calm" Lomonosov.

High "calm"

The lofty "calm" of Lomonosov was likened to the words and expressions that used to be written in ancient times. These words, surrounded by a halo of antiquity and elevations, contributed to the creation of a "magnificent" and noble syllable.

Lomonosov advocated the purity of Russian speech, trying to exclude from the language "dilapidated" words that lost their original significance. Therefore, when presenting the Russian literary language to the people, he tried to incorporate into him as many raised elements of church and book culture as possible. In addition, along with the Church Slavonic sayings, some archaisms used in the Old Russian script were also included in the high style. The theory of the "three calm" Lomonosov reveals just such a high, lofty literary style of the Russian language.

Low "calm"

Mentioned above "calm" Lomonosov frees the Church Slavic sayings, characterizing it with the use of the already familiar common folk words. They write songs, comedies, friendly letters, scripts and other literary genres.

By resorting to the components of immediate colloquial-everyday speech, Lomonosov created the theory of "three calm" and thereby significantly expanded the boundaries of the literary language, enriching his stylistic order. At the same time, he emphasized that the low "calm" is characterized by the use of "medium and mediocre sayings," thus indicating the need for the integration of common speech with conventional means of speech.

Middle (mediocre) "calm"

To the formation of an average "calm" Lomonosov approached quite loyally. In it, he allowed the use of the most diverse speech tools, ranging from high-tiered sayings to the so-called "low-grade" words.

Its uniqueness lay primarily in the freedom and breadth of use of words of various origins and stylistics. Of the Church Slavonic sayings, only a few were allowed into it.

Relying on the skill of writers in regard to competent selection and combinations of words, Mikhail Vasilyevich did not consider it necessary to leave any specific instructions regarding the vocabulary of the average "calm".

He only pointed out the importance of distinguishing in words the words of Church Slavonic and common people.

The average "calm", characterized by the variety of speech facilities and the nature of the genres assigned to it, was subsequently recognized as very universal. Such is the theory of the "three calm", justified by Mikhail Vasilievich.

"Three kinds of sayings"

Lomonosov M.V. Distinguished in the Russian language "three kinds of sayings," that is, three stylistically colored, not similar to each other speech beds.

The linguist attributed the words widely used and familiar to the Slavic people to the first.

The second speech stratum consisted of literature, which is of little use in everyday speech, but widely known to writers and connoisseurs of archaic writing. Here there are mostly church words.

From this it can be concluded that Lomonosov's "three calm" theory was not ready to include in the literary language all indiscriminately the words found in general church books.

A completely different lexical composition was timed to coincide with the sayings of the third kind. Here there were no more Church Slavicisms, and only words and expressions that had been known to the Russian people from time immemorial were encountered.

Grammatical forms of "calm"

In addition to lexical, the theory of "three calm" MV. Lomonosov included for each of them the grammatical forms already mentioned by him in the discussion of "Russian grammar."

Full and accurate representation of them gives the works of M.V. Lomonosov's, executed both high, and low, and average "calm".

The grammatical differentiation of their species was based primarily on the correlation of grammatical forms. In the high, for example, few obsolete forms of numerals have been preserved.

A distinctive feature of the high "calm" is also participial forms, most of them transformed from book words.

Verbs-interjections were the hallmark of the low.

High was also characterized by the use of the comparative degree of adjectives and a large number of exclamation sentences. This was the future of the language Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, the theory of the "three calm" which to this day enjoys wide popularity and sometimes provokes controversy.


This concept entailed all sorts of friction, discussions and disputes regarding the subsequent development of domestic fiction. The theory of the three "calm" Lomonosov prescribed a solution to the problems of using Slavicisms, prescribed in church books, as well as words originally known to the Russian people. In addition, Lomonosov created this theory as proof that one can not completely abandon the words of Old Slavic origin, because they represent a valuable cultural heritage of the people.

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