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How is the conclusion formulated in the fable? Fable and its morals

What do people associate with the word "fable"? Krylov's surname will probably pop up, vaguely remember something about a monkey with glasses, for whom memory is better, he will name Aesop. However, the genre of the fable is much more interesting and much older. Therefore, as we believe, people used to ask how the conclusion is formulated in the fable. In turn, we in our note will try to answer this question.

Why do I need a fable?

For a long time children (and some adults too) demand explanations: why one should be afraid of steep precipices, why should one listen to rustles in the bushes at the cave, why should we listen to adults, and a thousand different "why" and "why". People need convincing, simple and understandable examples. But it is better to avoid moralizing in this case, notations in general cause only disgust. Why? Because no one likes edification, because it always smells of reproach and accusation. But a fictitious story with a concrete conclusion, which even a child will believe, will do fine.

And the adult with his examples has no trust, the parent in the eyes of the child is a "prohibitive sign", but the world is so great and interesting.

The child does not know that under the prohibitions the parental care is hiding, he thinks about the following: "What if they do it out of harm?" And some faith in their own invulnerability works, they say, nothing will exactly happen to me.

Do not worry, dear readers, this information has a direct relationship to the answer to the question of how the conclusion is formulated in the fable. And we move further in our reasoning

Why the fable is so good as an instrument of upbringing

A fable or its relatives (a parable or a fairy tale) kills a rhinestone of three hares.

  1. Avoids edification.
  2. Narrative of fascinating history.
  3. And gives the child the first lessons of morality.

Sometimes the moral is placed at the beginning of the story, in order to emphasize the author's grace and wit. When the essence of the presented is already known, the task of the narrator consists only in the novelty of the plot and in the beauty of the syllable.

Now you can easily answer the question, how the conclusion is formulated in the fable. It is submitted in the form of morality, which is usually easy and unobtrusive, but the moral lessons of fables are remembered for life.

However, in the Russian-speaking reader, the word "fable" is necessarily associated with a poetic form.

Aesop and Phaedrus

Initially, the story of morality was prose. Aesop and Phaedrus (well-known fabulists of antiquity) created small stories with a very instructive end. Their listeners and spectators did not even have time to think: "And how is the conclusion formulated in the fable?" At the very moment when they listened to the last word, the morale of the work became self-evident for them.

The works of Aesop and Phaedra were so new and so amazed contemporaries that their works were collected in collections and retold to each other at the hearth. But time went on, the stories and lines did not change, and the novelty could be given to new ideas only by a new form, just a fable could not surprise a morality.

Jean Lafontaine

The poet Jean Lafontaine translated the works of the ancients into French in verse form. Old ideas played with new colors, and archaic legends became trendy among the Parisian and then Russian intelligentsia. Russian figures: AP Sumarokov, VKTrediakovsky - first translated the fables of Lafontaine, and then they began to write their own. Naturally, imitating the fashion of that time, they did it in the form of small rhymed works.

I.A. Krylov

The top of this genre in Russia is considered to be the works of IA Krylov. There is an advantage in poetic fables: as a fable, as a rule, carries only one thought, and all its characters are called to show a pattern of right or wrong behavior, then an easy and unobtrusive, slightly crafty work in rhyme and with a certain rhythm will do it best.

The conclusion of Krylov's fables was not too different from the morality of his ancient predecessors. The only thing I want to emphasize is that, willingly or unwillingly, Ivan Andreevich adapted the fable subject to Russian realities and made it more understandable to the domestic reader or listener, the same is true for LN. Tolstoy.

However, most people think that the prose is easier to perceive, because the different techniques used to create a rhyme complicate the understanding of what is happening in the storyline and blur the boundaries of the narrative. Perhaps this is so, but morality saves the situation. She immediately discovers what vice or virtue the author describes, making the work short, concise and complete.

We hope that our article has helped the reader not only to understand, frankly speaking, the easy issue, as the conclusion in the fable is called, but also encouraged him to re-read classical works of this genre of domestic and foreign masters.

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