BeautySkin care

Answers to the question of how many years you can shave your legs

Hair removal on the legs is an aesthetic necessity. Ways to do depilation a lot. You just need to define your own, use it and enjoy the smooth skin. Frequently asked questions on the Runet forums: "How many years can you shave your legs?" The answer to it is simple - depilation everyone starts to do when there is a need for it. Basically, this need arises during puberty, when the activity of the development of a young organism provokes the appearance of vegetation on the legs, hands, intimate places and face. Therefore, to answer the question about how many years you can shave your legs, you can definitely - from 14 years. But is it so early? After all, in addition to smooth skin, you can get a number of discomforts associated with constant shaving and improper care. Let's take a look at some of the issues that smooth skin lovers come across.

First you need to determine the better shave. For this procedure, there are the following tools:

-britched machine ,

- a cream for depilation ,

- wax.

You need to think not only over how many years you can shave your legs, but also what. The machine cuts every hair, in the end, each subsequent turns out to be sharper than the previous one. There are chances of cuts and irritations. Vegetation starts to cover the skin from the next day. Shaving is often that thins the hair and they can grow into the skin. As a result - inflamed and dry areas of the skin, tubercles. After shaving the machine, you need to apply a special cream, which contains components to restore the surface of the skin. Cream for depilation is a gentle way to get rid of the vegetation on your legs. The agent is applied and after a certain time is washed off with water. It contains moisturizing ingredients, so it does not dry the skin. Suitable way for those who have thin and light hairs. For those who have a skin surface covered with thick and dark hair, this method will not work, because it will not be easy to achieve smoothness. Wax is removed by vegetation, those with a pain threshold is high enough. The procedure is performed by heating the wax plates. In the melted warm state, the mass is applied to the leg area, then a strip is applied, which after a couple of seconds is removed from the surface along with the hairs stuck to it. And so every patch until all the hair is removed. Despite the soreness of the procedure, the effect of smooth skin will remain with you for 2-3 weeks.

Sometimes the creation of beauty is like a torturous torture. However, for the sake of a chic look, you can go for a lot. Therefore, wondering about how many years you can shave your legs, be ready for such moments as painful sensations, redness, ingrown hair. The skin before and after depilation should be moistened, protected from ultraviolet rays, exfoliate the keratinized layer from its surface. The most active period of depilation is summer, when you need to walk in short shorts and skirts. In a cold period of time, you can take a break and give your skin a rest. How many years can you shave your feet to decide you. The main thing to remember is that beauty and health are inseparable concepts.

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