HealthDiseases and Conditions

A liquid stool in a baby is the norm or symptom of the disease?

Often mothers turn to specialists with a question, what can mean a loose stool in the baby and does not threaten it to the health of the baby. The newborn's gastrointestinal tract adapts to the digestion of food gradually, so the products of the baby's functioning differ from the adult's chair or older children. A mushy, liquid stool with an acidic milk smell for a baby at the age of up to two months is considered quite normal. A certain amount of mucus too should not scare parents. So the intestine of the baby is gradually cleared and adapts to a new kind of food for him.
The stomach of the baby in the first months of life is emptied each time after feeding, with time the chair becomes less frequent. After the introduction of complementary foods, the frequency of stool is stabilized. The norm is considered one to two times a day. But do not worry if the baby did not go to the bathroom on time. Talk about constipation is possible only after a lapse of two days.

The liquid stool in the baby can change not only the color, but also the consistency, especially if the mother is breastfeeding. The feces of babies, who are on artificial feeding, are more dense and light yellow in color.

To guard parents should have symptoms such as restless behavior of the baby, unusual stool coloring, presence of blood impurities in it. The latter especially scares mom and dad. Often the cause of a stool with blood from a baby can be baby food. If you notice that there are blood droplets after feeding in the bowel movement, immediately discontinue this mixture.

Abundant fluid stool in infants and older children may indicate a disease such as enteritis. In this case, the act of defecation occurs up to 20 times a day, and the feces become watery. Exercises have an unpleasant smell and cause severe irritation on the skin. The color of the feces in this case depends on which pathogen the disease is caused by. Bright yellow, almost lemon color - evidence of staphylococcal infection, a greenish-brown hue means that the causative agent of the disease is salmonella.

There are other types of infections that can not be ruled out even in infants. Unfortunately, our maternity hospitals and even children's medical institutions are not sterile.

When intestinal infections need to act quickly, since there is a great danger of general intoxication of the body. Especially strongly in this case, the kidneys of the kid, which have the main impact, suffer.

In the first two months of life, the liquid frothy stool in the baby is a widespread phenomenon. Its cause is considered by experts to be the child's poor absorption of breast milk. This symptom is not dangerous if the baby normally eats and steadily increases weight.

The presence of a significant amount of mucus in combination with restless behavior of the baby, can indicate a dysbiosis. Many parents do not consider this disease serious. But if for an adult person flatulence, swelling and heaviness in the abdomen is simply slight discomfort, then the kids perceive them much harder.

The cause of dysbacteriosis is not always the intake of antibiotics. It can also occur against the background of an unfavorable environment, an increased radioactive background. Dysbacteriosis needs medical treatment, but this should not be frightened. These are not ordinary pharmaceutical preparations, but bacteria that restore the functions of the digestive tract.

A large amount of mucus also indicates inflammatory diseases.
A frequent green loose stool in a baby can be a sign of a serious intestinal infection. In this case, pay attention not only to the color, but also to the smell.
A greyish hue can also give antibiotics to mammals. In this case, the pediatrician should prescribe compensation treatment, consisting in taking probiotics.

If the child's diet is abundant in carbohydrates, while the food is poorly digested, the color of the feces can acquire a yellowish-green color. According to the experts on breastfeeding, the first couple of months, the presence of green particles and mucus in the stool of a child are considered the norm. After the feeding of the baby will be introduced complementary food, the color of stool can also vary depending on what product it uses for food.

The dark color of the stool, combined with a shortage of body weight, indicates that the mother's milk is not enough for the baby.

Not only dark, but also too light chair testifies to malfunctions in an organism of the kid. If the stools for a long time have a whitish or pale yellow hue, this means that the work of the gastrointestinal tract has malfunctioned. In this case, it is important to immediately establish the reasons and start treatment.

Almost white feces combined with very dark urine are one of the signs of jaundice. This dangerous infectious disease requires immediate hospitalization.
Having found a loose stool in the baby, do not panic. If this phenomenon is one-time, it is hardly necessary to attach importance to it. But if the baby often cries, refuses to take the breast, and the loose stool becomes watery, immediately consult a doctor.

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