Health, Diseases and Conditions
The elbows are a sign of dry skin.
Why are elbows scratched? Have you ever asked this question? Most often, elbows are scratched due to the fact that the skin on them becomes too dry, thus provoking flaking of the skin. The causes of such dry skin can be quite a lot, for example, temperature drops or just clothes that contain too many synthetic fibers. To put it simply, the elbows are scratched because of the dryness of the skin, which appears due to a violation of the water-fat metabolism of the epidermis.
How to get rid of dry skin? A few tips.
- It is necessary to completely abandon the soap, replacing it with any foaming agents.
- Extrude a little foaming agent on a soft brush, then add a few drops of glycerin and massage the rough elbows.
- At least twice a week, use scrubs with fruit acids. This is an excellent tool for removing dead skin.
- Scrub can be made and at home from sour cream with a fine salt or coffee grounds.
- Put on the trays every day, nutritious body creams that contain moisturizing ingredients. If the skin of the elbows are cracks, it is best to use a cream with an extract of alfalfa or chamomile. If on the skin of the elbows there are tuberosity, then with lecithin or glycerin.
- If the elbows are scratched quite strongly, then in such periods they can be lubricated with interior fat or fish oil.
- You can also wash your elbows with soapy water, then lubricate with cream and lemon juice. Lemon juice can help both to heal small skin cracks, and to remove redness from the skin.
And some magic recipes.
- Compresses from sunflower or olive oil have an excellent therapeutic effect. Compresses must be placed on the elbows and tightly wrapped with a bandage leave for the whole night.
- Wipe the cinnamon elbows with salt, then rinse the salt and grease the elbows with cream.
- There is another rather interesting method of treating this disease, which was proposed by scientists from Bulgaria. It is necessary to prepare one solution - take glycerin, rose water and only 10 drops of ammonia. This solution must be carefully rubbed into the elbows elbows for several days, which will give a wonderful effect - the skin will become beautiful and healthy, as before.
- It is necessary to take a part of the bulb, cut it very finely to the state of the gruel and put it on the elbows, and then paddle it with the usual plaster. In just half an hour you can safely remove the bandage and peel pumice hardened skin. After that, in order not to remain irritated, you can lubricate the skin with olive oil or even butter.
- Moisten a cotton swab in rice broth, sauerkraut or grapefruit juice and rub them with redness on the elbows, which after this procedure should take a healthy pink shade.
- Also, in order to "bleach" the elbows, you can use the crumpled leaves to the juice of cabbage. They need to wrap damaged areas, thus making an improvised compress.
- The recipe for an excellent bath, which can be used if itches the elbows. In a solution of soapy water add about 50 grams of ordinary soda and mix thoroughly. Then it is necessary to proceed as follows - for 10 minutes we hold elbows in water, then we clean them with pumice stone, then again 10 minutes in water and again pumice. This procedure should be repeated at least once a week.
After you started to follow the above tips and perform all of our recipes, you will notice the first improvements in just 10 days, but to ensure the best effect, you must adhere to the chosen treatment plan for at least one month. In addition, after this month you need to periodically repeat this procedure, and then the skin on your hands will always be beautiful and healthy.
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