
Stool color

The color of the feces of healthy adults is brown. This is due to the presence in human feces of sterocilin. This is one of the final pigment exchange products.

The color of the feces is affected by the nature of the diet, as well as the intake of individual medicines. Dye stool with some pathological conditions has a special diagnostic value.

So when obturation (clogging) the bile ducts, the color of the stool becomes grayish white, clayey (acholic). The condition can be provoked by the presence of a stone or the development of a tumor that causes a general compression. In addition, this color of stool is characteristic for a sharp disorder of the hepatic function, which leads to a disruption in the release of bilirubin.

When bleeding occurs in the lower parts of the rectum or large intestine, as well as hemorrhoids, the feces become red. Often in such cases feces are characteristic for feces.

Black color stool, combined with a liquid-porridge or liquid consistency, appears against the background of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This may be due to the formation of hydrochloric acid hematin.

With the development of cholera, stools appear in the form of "rice broth", with typhoid fever - in the form of pea soup.

Green feces very often indicates various gastrointestinal diseases. Often stools have this color for pathologies in the small intestine, dysbacteriosis, and also for prolonged treatment with antibiotic drugs. In addition to color, the smell of bowel movements also changes. He becomes very unpleasant and putrid. Green coloration is caused by a high content of dead leukocytes, accumulating in the intestine against the background of the inflammatory process.

Dysbacteriosis provokes irregularities in the normal digestion of food, which in turn causes fermentation or decay and the formation of substances that affect the color of feces. In addition, the green stain color is characteristic for the development of a number of intestinal infections, including dysentery. Along with this, patients have typical signs of such diseases: fever, vomiting, tenderness in the abdomen of various intensity, general weakness, nausea.

Another reason for staining the stool in green is the development of bleeding in various parts of the intestine or stomach. It can be caused by an oncological disease or complications of peptic ulcer. In such cases, stain color is associated with the oxidation of iron, which is part of the erythrocytes.

The frequent cause of the appearance of green feces are diseases of the blood and liver. Against the background of the pathological state, active decay of erythrocytes occurs, hemoglobin is formed in large quantities from bilirubin. This pigment, entering the intestine, can give the feces a green or dark brown color.

When staining feces in an uncharacteristic for a normal, healthy state, the hue should be addressed to a specialist. In this case, a mandatory examination, including a laboratory study, should be performed.

As it was said above, the color of feces has a special diagnostic value for various conditions of a person. It should be noted that the color of feces during pregnancy indicates the quality of the liver. It is during this period that the body experiences increased loads. The color, odor, and the consistency of the feces may change during the prenatal period. This is often associated with the administration of multivitamin complexes, which, as a rule, contain iron. However, during the entire period of gestation, control over the state of the assays is necessary. This applies not only to feces, but also blood, and urine.

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