Education, Colleges and Universities
Altai State Agrarian University: answers to questions of entrants
The Altai Territory is the largest agrarian region of our country. Here, grain, meat and milk are produced, sunflower, sugar beet and other crops are grown. All agricultural products arise due to qualified specialists working in the agricultural sector. Most of them were prepared by the Altai State Agrarian University.
When was the university founded?
In the Altai Territory, a higher educational institution, connected with the agricultural sector, began its activity in 1943. It was formed on the basis of an institute evacuated from the city of Pushkin in connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The university that was founded in the first years accepted students only for 2 faculties - zootechnical and agronomic. In the future, in connection with the development of the educational institution, new structural units were opened in its structure.
University became a university in 1991. Today it is a well-known educational institution in the Altai Territory. It is located in the capital of this subject of Russia - in Barnaul. There are about 10,000 students, and more than 600 teachers. Training is provided in 7 educational buildings, at 7 faculties.
In which structural units can I enter?
Applicants entering the Altai State Agrarian University, it is not easy to make a choice, because each of the functioning faculties offers several specialties:
- Agronomical faculty. Here come to such areas as "Agronomics", "Gardening", "Forestry", "Agroecology and agrochemistry."
- Faculty of Engineering. This structural unit invites applicants to "Agroengineering", "Vocational training (transportation)", "Operation of transport-technological complexes and machines".
- Faculty of Biology and Technology. Here, the entrants are offered a choice between "Zootechnics", "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products", "Animal food".
- Faculty of Economics. Here, training is provided on Economics, Management, Commodity, Municipal and Public Administration.
- Faculty of veterinary medicine. This structural subdivision, included in the number of faculties of the Altai State Agrarian University, offers one direction of training in the bachelor's degree ("Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise") and one specialty in the specialty ("Veterinary").
- Faculty of Environmental Engineering. Every year they come to "Water use and environmental management" and "Cadastres and land management".
What is the faculty of correspondence education?
Particular attention among all existing structural units deserves the faculty of correspondence education of the Altai State Agrarian University. His story began in 1948, when for the first time on the correspondence form of training the university received 50 people. In the future, the faculty evoked increasing interest with every passing year. The evidence is modern statistics. To date, over 5,000 people study at the faculty of distance learning.
The structural subdivision conducts the preparation of bachelors, specialists, masters. The following directions are offered to the applicants:
- Engineering;
- Economic;
- Agricultural.
How is science developing at the university?
Altai State Agrarian University in Barnaul conducts not only educational, but also scientific activity. Teachers and students take part in it. The work is conducted in different directions. Research is conducted in the following areas:
- Treatment of animals, development of new medicines and ways of diagnosing diseases;
- Increase of soil fertility;
- Increase of productivity of agricultural crops;
- Protection of plants against diseases and pests;
- Application of various agricultural machinery, etc.
Achievements and studies are published in the herald of the Altai State Agrarian University. This is a monthly magazine distributed by subscription. In it you can learn a lot of new and interesting from the field of general biology, agronomy, veterinary science and zootechny, agroengineering.
What is the attraction of student life?
Most freshmen, coming to study at the university, practically do not know anything about the student life during extra-curricular time. What is it interesting? First, there is a student club here. It is created for those people who want not only to learn, but also to develop creatively. The club is engaged in preparation of holidays, solemn events. It has various creative teams and studios.
Secondly, there are sports sections in the university. In the Altai State Agrarian University (AGAU), boys and girls are engaged in basketball, volleyball, kettlebell lifting, winter and summer polyathlon, track and field athletics, ski races, table tennis, chess.
Does the hostel have a hostel?
The most important question for out-of-town applicants is whether the university has a hostel. Yes, the Altai Agrarian University has 5 habitable buildings. All rooms have the necessary furniture, the Internet is available for use. The cost of living is not high. Annually it is approved by the rector before the beginning of the academic year.
Thus, the Altai State Agrarian University is a university with a lot of merits. Over the years of his work he has trained more than 55 thousand specialists. In the future, he will continue his educational activities. He does not plan to stop in his development. The university will improve the educational process, introduce innovative technologies in it, and engage in international cooperation.
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