Education, Colleges and Universities
Student's day schedule: by items
Studentism is a wonderful time in the life of every young person. It is full of pleasant impressions, but still the student's life is not easy. Constant workloads during studies can negatively affect the health of young people. That is why the student must observe the special schedule of the student's day. By the way, this will help him and in the future be more organized in the work.
Correct mode of the day
The correct schedule for the student is extremely important. The student should develop a certain schedule and follow it constantly. It is proved that, by performing at least several points from this schedule, a person can become organized and collected.
It should be noted that the daily schedule should be taken with extreme care and take into account all occupations, as well as additional workloads. Many students make mistakes when planning the schedule and plan mental work for the evening. It is at this time that the perception of information is distorted.
Also, when drawing up the schedule, it is also necessary to build on the active work of the heart muscle. Rest is best two times a day: at 13.00 and at 21.00. It is in these two periods that the heart system is particularly relaxed.
There are other biorhythms of the human body, which must also be taken into account. Only by properly planning the daily routine, you can achieve the most productive activities and great success in study.
Student's day schedule
The daily schedule for the student should be made depending on the type of shift in the university. Below is the daily schedule for the student on points.
Time | Actions |
7.00-7.05 | Rise and bedding. |
7.05-7.15 | Gymnastics or exercises. |
7.15-7.20 | Visiting the bathroom. |
7.20-7.45 | Morning meal. |
7.45-8.00 | The road to the university (preferably walking tour). |
8.00-13.30 | Study. |
13.30-14.30 | Afternoon meal (preferably after dinner arrange a short walk). |
14.30-15.00 | Rest (free time). |
15.00-16.30 | Self-study or tasks (better split into two parts). |
16.30-18.30 | Visiting sections, playing sports (frequency from 3 to 5 times a week). |
18.30-19.30 | Evening meal. |
19.30-21.00 | Self-study or tasks. |
21.00-23.00 | An evening walk. Meetings with friends are possible. |
23.00 | Preparing for bed, sleep. |
For those students who study in the second shift, the daily routine must be different.
Time | Actions |
8.00-8.05 | Rise and bedding. |
8.05-8.55 | Active charging (jogging is possible). |
8.55-9.00 | Visiting the bathroom. |
9.00-9.30 | Morning meal. |
9.30-11.30 | Self-study or tasks. At the same time it is necessary to allocate time for visiting sections, playing sports (frequency from 3 to 5 times a week). |
11.30-13.45 | Afternoon meal. Walk and possible meetings with friends. |
13.45-14.00 | The road to the university (preferably walking tour). |
14.00-19.00 | Study. |
19.00-22.00 | Rest, eating, preparing for bed, sleep. |
It can be seen that the approximate schedule of a student's day can vary from his occupation. In general, a visit to the institute and self-training are the main tasks for the student. Other activities are only for variety.
Planning of mental work
Some experts argue that the made-up schedule of the student for a week will help him learn better and even find time for work. However, the student should not strive to earn extra money. It is much more important to devote all free time to mental labor. By the way, his planning is also a very important stage in drawing up a daily schedule.
All mental activity is divided into three types:
- Easy mental work (reading books, talking). This type of activity is not necessarily planned, since it does not burden the person very much and does not greatly affect his health.
- Operative thinking (re-solving problems, studying non-hard material, translating texts from a foreign language). On the day of operative thinking, you should not spend more than two hours.
- Mental work with high efficiency (study of a new complex material). Such information should be received by the student in small portions and intermittently.
How to make higher education more efficient
To achieve certain success in studies, there must necessarily be a student's day schedule. A sample of it was given above. However, there are a few more secrets about how to make the student's mental activity more effective.
Academician Vvedensky singled out a few points that every student must follow:
- In mental activity it is important to gradually pour in.
- Choose for yourself the correct pace of work.
- Mental activity must be organized, and the study of the material must be gradual.
- Must alternate work and rest.
Importance of the diet
In order to study easily, the young body needs to eat right. The dependence of mental activity on the diet has been proved by scientists for a long time. By the way, the student's schedule will also be incomplete if it does not specify three meals a day.
So, of course, it is important to control the balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but still the main source of energy for learning is the hydrocarbon-containing products. Records on the content of carbohydrates are confectionery, but nutritionists do not advise to abuse sweet. Excellent they are replaced by various cereals, potatoes and fruits.
In a day the student should eat food with a total caloric content of not more than 3,000 kcal, taking into account the mental load. The total calorie content of a daily diet for female students should not exceed 2 600 kcal.
Vitamins for study
In addition to proper nutrition, which is included in the daily routine of the student, it is also important to monitor the consumption of vitamins. It is proved that without them the student will be uncomfortable in perceiving new information, experiencing sluggishness and weakness, and especially feeling bad in the off-season.
The most important vitamins for learning are C, PP and B vitamins. For example, daily intake of ascorbic acid helps the student to recover faster after mental and physical activity. Vitamins of group B and PP (or nicotinic acid) help to normalize metabolic processes, and also positively influence the central nervous system. It will be easier for a person to endure emotional stress.
Habits of students
When a student asks himself how to make a student's schedule, he needs to pay attention to his habits.
At modern youth basically there are two bad habits - abusing alcohol and tobacco smoking.
Smoking negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscle, and also increases blood pressure. If a student smokes often, then he may gradually develop tachycardia and hypertension, and with it the normal perception of information decreases. A person becomes physically weak.
Abuse of alcoholic beverages also adversely affects mental performance. Under their action, the vessels in the brain contract and collapse. With frequent drinking of alcohol, the normal work of the brain is put at risk, which greatly interferes with the student's active activity.
The meaning of sleep
A properly composed schedule of the student must necessarily include a healthy full-fledged sleep. It is proved that during a good rest at night the brain gets rid of unnecessary information, and the energy of the body is restored.
If the student does not sleep at least 6 hours a day, then he can not avoid lethargy and fatigue. He will gradually cease to perceive new information, and the one that entered it in a day will be forgotten at night. Also, chronic lack of sleep can cause increased excitability, attacks of aggression. Sometimes in neglected cases, a person may have hallucinations.
Doctors recommend sleeping only on the right god, slightly bending the legs in the knees. It is in this position that the muscles relax, and the tension that accumulates during the school day is removed. By the way, if the student had insomnia, then, perhaps, his day was too full, and then he will need to adjust his daily or weekly schedule.
Movement is life
In modern life, people practically do not move. In order for the body to function properly and the muscles are not atrophied, you need to exercise.
A student's regular schedule necessarily includes physical activity. Why is it necessary?
So, scientists have proved that with active brain activity there is a reduction in skeletal muscle. As a result, at the end of the session almost all muscles are involuntarily tense. In order to relax them, you need to play sports or just actively move. After another portion of exercise, a person immediately feels relieved and relaxed.
It is important to remember that all loads must be moderate. Their number directly depends on the physical preparation of the person. Excessive overexertion, on the contrary, will negatively affect the state of human health.
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