
Pattern of a life-size textile doll. Fabrication of a textile doll: a master class

Sometimes you want to create something extraordinary, emotional, beautiful, for example, sew a pretty doll. But it stops one little thing ... For work you need a pattern of a full- length textile doll .

And this article will help needlewomen solve this problem. From here to the piggy bank of the master will move the pattern of a full-length textile doll of the manufacturing technique, which impresses him most. And then let the imagination help to create something that will surprise and conquer all around.

Such different hand-sewn dolls!

The child learns the world through the game. And that's why textile dolls appeared on the ground. They served as toys for children from poor families and were created in the most primitive technique.

But gradually the manufacture of a textile doll as a separate type of creativity took its niche in needlework. It can even be called one of the trends in art. Today there are dolls not only for games, but also for interior decoration. Often they are used as an option for a teapot for a teapot.

Today, there are Waldorf dolls, tildes, pumpkins. The techniques of their manufacture are now in the lead in the rating of tailor-puppeteers. Although in pure form to meet a particular doll is quite difficult. Techniques of manufacture intertwine among themselves, supplement one another. And every master brings in his work something of his own.

The modern master can choose for itself the most different patterns of author's textile dolls for work. Starting from the templates, he has the opportunity to create his own technique of making an original craft in this kind of needlework.

Features of the doll-tilde

The most important thing for a toy made in this technique is the seam that passes in front. Although now there are more and more dolls, which are called tildes, with side seams. But, having undertaken work, it is necessary to understand that the author already many years ago defined the canons of technique that must be observed when sewing.

The second important condition is a natural fabric, from which they sew the handicraft: cotton, coarse calico, linen, fleece, flannel. It should be necessarily monophonic! Tilda - a representative of the fair sex - has a tanned body. Therefore, if it is difficult to find the fabric of the desired color, it can be painted beforehand or after sewing, using both special dyes, and blush, powder, slate, pulp from instant coffee and PVA glue.

Tony, the creator of the first tilde, immediately won the recognition of the masters, as sewing a textile doll in this technique is very simple. "Primitive" - so often define the creation in this style. And this does not bear a pejorative connotation. Just for making such a cute toy the master does not need special skills and talent. It is enough to have at hand a pattern of a full-length textile doll. Of course, you will need another piece of solid cloth for the body of the toy, clothing, hair for yarn, scissors, thread, needle, patience and diligence.

Patterns for a doll-tilde

It will help the beginner to get a real textile doll, a master class. The patterns presented here should be downloaded and printed on paper. Then they cut out and proceed to the most critical part of the work.

First, the body is cut out together with the head. To do this, the creation of a full-size textile doll is superimposed on a fabric folded in half and wound around. Cut details with scissors, making allowances for seams of 2-3 mm. There should be two symmetrical halves.

Then the details of the legs and hands are bent. The fabric is also folded in half, but the pattern is drawn twice. It should be 4 pieces for the hands and 4 for the legs.

Master class of making textile dolls

Staple the parts in pairs, folding them face-down inside. You can make seams by hand. But if you get to stitch it - great! For a tilde, it does not matter how the stitching is done.

It is important to leave a small hole in the workpiece, through which it can then be unscrewed. Carefully pencil straightened the workpiece, it is filled with sintepon, cotton wool or other filler. After that, the hole is sewn with a hidden seam.

Hands and feet are sewn to the body in the right places. Some in the knees impose a seam. Then the tilde can bend its legs. Just do not in this case, heavily stuffed part.

The tilde's face is not very developed. Usually the master is limited to small eyes, sewing buttons or beads or embroidering a small "point". But the hair should be given more attention - this is an important part of the appearance of this tilde.

Waldorf Doll

More often tilde is an ornament of an interior. But Waldorf doll is quite suitable as a child's toy. And all because the face of these cute little puppies has been worked out with more precision than did the tildes.

A distinctive feature of these dolls is their protruding spout. Doing it is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. It is sufficient to first make a blank for the head - make a ball of cloth and tightly fill it with filler. Then a bead or a smaller ball is attached to the template - it will simulate a spout. A thin layer of sintepon is laid over the resulting preform and the main fabric is stretched. Now it is clearly visible that the spout rises above the cheeks.

The very face is either carefully drawn by paints, or embroidered with threads of mulina.

Sometimes the masters pay special attention to the fingers on the legs and pens of the pupae. This is true for those toys that depict babies. He will help the master to have such feet a textile doll, a master class.

Patterns of pumpkin head

And these pupae have their own technique of making the most important part - the head. It is cut from four to six identical parts, reminiscent of the petal of a flower. Here is a drawing of a full-size textile doll, the head of which is made of 6 parts.

Hands and feet are sewn in the same way as in dolls made in other techniques. But the problem is that a fairly large head of the toy should be kept on a thin neck, and it can arise before the master. Experts advise to solve it using wooden skewers. First skew pierce the body of the doll, bringing out the sharp end 4-5 cm above the cut on the neck. Then the finished, filled with filler head-pumpkin punctured on the point. For insurance, you can use a couple or even three skewers. The lower end of it is best broken off and pulled out at the waist level of the pupa.

Each master should understand that he has every right to make his own changes in the appearance of the product. It's only thanks to the creative imagination of the authors that new technologies for the production of textile dolls appear in the world and this kind of creativity is developing.

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