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Summary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Russia

The summary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child allows us to get acquainted with the text of the normative document as soon as possible, as well as find answers to all questions of interest. And to systematize the knowledge gained, it is important to consider each section in particular.

Beginning: Preamble

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, like any other document, primarily includes a preamble. Its content is agreed with all the states that are parties to this international treaty. First of all, the emphasis is on the justice, peace and freedom of every person, on the protection of his dignity and honor, regardless of gender and age, social status and race.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child briefly describes a general social policy of an international character, which is also aimed at protecting the human dormitory, the rights and freedoms of minors. This normative document is aimed at maintaining the family as the main component of the social unit. Every child in this world has the right to help and care. For the purpose of harmonious and natural both physical and personal development it is necessary to surround the child with care, attention and love. In general, this information is presented in the preamble of the international document.

Introductory but basic articles

The summary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes 54 articles. The first rule states that a child who is under 18 years of age is recognized as a child. At the same time, the document sets the priority of national legislation, pointing to an earlier age of majority. The effect of the ABA under consideration extends to every child who lives in any of the states. For the human rights organizations, the race and color of the child's skin, his social status and mental development, religious affiliation or his state of health do not matter.

When resolving disputes, authorities must pay attention to the satisfaction of the child's interests first. In the absence of adequate protection, States undertake to take responsibility for providing the necessary conditions for development, life support, care and attention. In turn, all necessary administrative or criminal measures are applied to the guardians or parents, and the child is provided with appropriate conditions. The summary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child indicates that the participating States should mobilize all their resources to provide children with everything they need.

Natural rights of minors

The next section of the normative document is devoted to inseparable rights. Every child, as well as any person on the planet, has an inviolable right to life. Immediately after birth, he undergoes an established registration procedure and automatically obtains the citizenship of his state. In addition, no one can belittle the right child to communicate with parents, as well as care for him.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees the individuality of everyone, which includes citizenship, family ties, views, interests, personal development, and so on. Unlawful interference and forcible change of personality is prohibited. When there is a threat of loss of individuality, the state ensures the protection of the child, provides the necessary assistance, and also sanctions the offender.

About parents

The summary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child applies in some ways to parents who are responsible for the upbringing of the younger generation. Each state is obliged to prevent the separation of children from their parents in the necessary measure against their will. The only exceptions are cases where the competent authorities resolve the issue of the right to upbringing. Here separation takes place to ensure the interests of the child in the present and future. As a rule, at the same time the child is cruelly treated, does not show proper care, reside separately from him.

In such a situation, any interested person who wishes to protect the interests of the child has the right to vote. States undertake to respect the rights of the child concerning unhindered communication with him. In the event of separation, he can exercise his right if one or both parents wish.

Restriction of communication with parents can result from the decision of law enforcement agencies, for example, as a result of imprisonment, deportation, expulsion, death. In this case, the child has access to all the necessary information about the location of his relative. At the same time, the information is not disclosed until the coming of age, if the information can adversely affect the development of the individual and the welfare of the child.

About the role of the media

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (the year of adoption - 1989) indicates the importance of the media in ensuring the proper living conditions of each child. In addition, relevant organizations should provide access to information of an international and national nature. These measures are aimed at the formation of social, moral and spiritual well-being, as well as mental and physical health of the child.

In order to implement the above-mentioned activities, the States Parties to the agreement undertake to encourage:

  • Mass media, which disseminate information and materials that are necessary and useful for the child in the cultural and social sphere.
  • Distribution of children's literature and related art works.
  • Dissemination, preparation, exchange of information that will benefit the minor. Particular emphasis is placed on the dissemination of cultural materials from foreign countries, national as well as international sources.
  • Development of language abilities of the child.
  • Protection from information and information that could harm the spiritual and moral development of the child.

Parental responsibility

The Convention on the Rights of the Child briefly refers to the sanctions applied to parents for improperly performing the assigned duties of upbringing. States must make every effort to ensure the equal, common and equal responsibility of each parent for the development of the child. Moreover, guardians who, in the manner prescribed by law, took responsibility for their upbringing, should also be punished in case of improper performance of their duties.

On the other hand, the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 indicates the need for mutual assistance for proper education. Elementary measures are the development of children's infrastructure: kindergartens, schools, libraries, polyclinics and so on. In addition, government authorities help ensure that children are aware of their rights and have been able to take advantage of the resources provided.

Protection of a minor

The summary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child shows the need to protect every child in a moral and physiological sense. The state is obliged to take the necessary measures: administrative, educational, social, criminal nature to protect against all forms of negative impact. Mental and physical abuse, exploitation and sexual abuse, insults, gross or negligent treatment - the child must be protected from these factors in general, as well as by parents, guardians and government agencies.

Special protection

The Convention on the Rights of the Child in Russia guarantees every minor the conditions for development and upbringing. If the child is left without parental caress and care, without a family environment or is exposed to negative influence, the authorities must protect him. Every child has the right to apply to human rights bodies at any time, receive care and help.

Child care in national legislation

State care in case of loss of parental care implies transfer to upbringing, adoption or other forms of content and development. If it is necessary to implement such circumstances, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of each child: its ethnic origin, previous upbringing, religious and cultural identity. Without fail, the state is authorized to develop a social policy for orphans or children left without parental care. Each year, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities that will help the younger generation find a place in their lives.

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