EducationSecondary education and schools

How to write an essay on "Nature of the native land"?

An essay on the theme "Nature of the native land" is often asked to write to students of primary or secondary school. First, this is a good exercise. It helps you learn how to formulate sentences and, on the whole, demonstrate your written language. And secondly, this topic is considered one of the simplest. After all, it is unlikely that the student will have difficulties with describing the places he has seen since childhood.


What should be the introduction of the work, the theme of which is "Nature of the native land"? There is no exact answer to this question. The most important thing is that it accurately determines the theme of the essay. After all, the introduction is necessary in order to introduce the reader into the course of the matter and prepare for acquaintance with the main text. You can start like this: "Our region is famous for its unique nature. It is unique. There are no such places anywhere else, anywhere else in the world. Our region is known for its expanses far beyond the country, many come here to admire the local beauties. And the local people are the happiest people, because they were lucky to be born and grow up here. "

Such an introduction will be a good start for an essay on "Nature of the native land." And after it you can proceed to the main part - to the content.

Main part

Such a theme as "Nature of the native land" is good in that it does not require any specific content. Only the direction is set - it is necessary to tell about your homeland, its expanses and beauties, and in the rest - complete freedom of creativity. Well, the best and right option would be a beautiful landscape description of those places that touched the soul of the author himself. So it will turn out to convey the true mood and tell about it so that before the eyes of the reader there will appear a picture of this nature. You can write something like this: "I live in a really amazing place. Wherever many would like to live. Needless to say, most people dream of looking at the vast expanses of my land with one eye, visiting it at least once. After all, there is a sea, clean air, high mountains and simply amazing flora. It is very spacious here, most days in the year the sun shines. And even when the cold comes or it rains, something special begins to flow in the air. Wet asphalt, empty streets, raging sea - this is not such a slushy time that sets in during cold times in other places. We have this special time. "

If you begin to express your thoughts in the main part in approximately this way, you will be able to write a very expressive composition.


Speaking about how to write the essay "Nature of the native land," you can not say a few words about the style. As it was already possible to understand, an artistic description is important here. The author in this case should use words, like an artist with a brush. Each sentence should mirror the imaginary picture like a mirror. But it's important not to overdo it. If there are too many beautiful words, then it will be too much. It is necessary to competently combine the proposals with the artistic tinge and the usual ones. Only this way it will be possible to write an essay in which each paragraph is in harmony with each other.


"Nature of the native land" - an essay that, apart from the introduction and the main part, should have a conclusion. How should it be? Many people ask this question. Some people have difficulties with the beginning, and others - with the last paragraph. Well, everything is simple here. To finish the essay you need several meaningful phrases that could "put a point" in the text. You can write something like this: "My land is an amazing place. And each of us must take care of the nature that surrounds us. She's as gorgeous as possible. And it is very important to help her maintain her inspirational beauty. "

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