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Black Wolf - the inhabitant of Canada and Alaska

In its appearance, the Canadian black wolf is similar to a large pointed dog. The length of these animals reaches 100 - 160 centimeters, the height is 65 - 85 centimeters, and the weight can vary from 30 to 75 kilograms. Some of the largest individuals live in the northwest of Alaska and in northern Canada.

The weight and size of this species depend on the geographical factor. The north the black wolf inhabits, the larger it will be. Some other elements of animal physiology depend on the geographical position. The habitat of Canadian black wolves covers almost the whole of the Alaska Peninsula, as well as the entire territory of North America.

These representatives of the predator family have quite powerful muscles. Black Wolf has high legs and large paws. The length of the track is about 12 centimeters. Two middle fingers of the animal are located slightly in front, and the rest are behind, not spread out. Their imprint is embossed.

The wolf path of the tracks is practically a straight line. The Canadian representative of the species has a wide muzzle extended forward. Long wool on the sides frames it in the form of whiskers and looks very interesting.

The males have a more bulbous head. They are more powerful and larger than females. Thanks to scientists it was established that these Canadian black wolves have about a dozen mimic expressions. These include anger and caress, alertness and calmness, anger and resignation, fun and threat, fear. Grinning teeth, the expression of the eyes, as well as rich facial expressions, speak of the rich palette of emotions of these animals.

Another indicator of the mood is the tail. By his movements and position one can judge the emotions of a predator. Thanks to this, you can determine whether the black wolf is calm or in fear. So you can determine the position of the animal in the pack.

These fauna representatives have thick fur. It consists of the top layer and undercoat. Thanks to this, wolves look a little bigger than they really are. With the help of the first coat of wool, consisting of rigid coarse hair, repulsion of dirt and water occurs. The second is down, not allowing moisture and warming the animal. Molting occurs in early summer or late spring. In this case, peeling of the downy cover from the body and rolling it off with scraps are carried out.

The sub-species of wolves differ in color. The same population can have individuals with different shades, with mixed colors occurring. It is worth noting that the differences are visible only on the outer layer of wool, and the undercoat always remains gray.

According to scientists, the color of the wool is a kind of camouflage, which combines the individual with the environment. In addition, mixed shades are an amplifier of the individuality of each individual species representative. Among Canadian individuals, a Canadian black wolf stands out. This animal is quite inquisitive and calmly reacts to the appearance of a man in an enclosure. As practice shows, the black wolf (photo) lends itself to domestication.

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