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How is a pomegranate: with or without a stone? We learn!

The pomegranate, no doubt, is a very useful fruit. This gift of the southern regions is mentioned even in the Bible under the name "paradise apple". And its useful properties are described in ancient Indian treatises and Greek poems. For what it is necessary to use this fruit and how to eat pomegranate: with or without a stone?

The main reason why it is considered curative for the human body is hemoglobin. Thanks to the grenade, its level in the blood rises, which is very important for anemia and a lack of iron in the body. To do this, you must eat a few grains a day or drink a glass of diluted pomegranate nectar. Also good are the juice, grains and peel of pomegranate in the fight against diarrhea - they have astringent effect, which allows to stop diarrhea. And in the case of the infectious nature of the intestinal disorder, polyphenols, which are contained in the fetus, reduce the spread of infectious agents.

This fruit helps to lower blood pressure gently, which is very useful for those who suffer from hypertension. And it effectively helps to remove radionuclides - such juice for those who work in conditions of high radiation is simply irreplaceable.

But how is a garnet with or without a stone? It is believed that the seeds of fruit can cause inflammation of appendicitis, if they eat a large amount. It turns out that in the case of garnet, the use of bones substantially outweighs the alleged damage that they can inflict on the body.

Seeds contain oils that help stabilize the hormonal background in women. They are especially useful for those who suffer from painful menstruation or go through a period of menopause. So, for women, the question of whether it is possible to eat pomegranate bones will suggest a uniquely positive answer. But what about the rest? Here the situation becomes not so unambiguous. For example, is it necessary to eat pomegranate seeds for children?

Because the children's gastrointestinal tract is very tender, it can be damaged by any rough food or by a violation of the regime. Bones, of course, will not cause a 100% inflammatory process or any other dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, but if possible to limit their eating the baby still worth it. At least because the seeds can easily be choked. So, if your child asks how to eat pomegranate - with or without a stone - advise them to spit out.

The rest, healthy adults, will not be harmed by seeds. Moreover, for those who have a weak peristalsis of the stomach, the bones can be very useful. When they are digested, the stomach expends efforts, similar to the digestion of cellulose, which, as is known, helps to accelerate metabolic processes and improves the functioning of the digestive tract as a whole. So, when choosing how to eat a pomegranate - with or without a stone - you can safely eat the seeds without spitting the seed. But, as with any product, it's worth knowing the measure. Too many bones can clog the stomach and induce indigestion. So a few grains of pomegranate daily will benefit the body, but a large number of them will be harmful.

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