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How to eat pomegranate? Practical tips

Exotic fruit - garnet, is abundant on the shelves of stores. But how to choose, clean and most importantly, as there is a grenade, is not known to many. There are subtleties and simple rules. Applying them in practice, you can easily add this fruit to your diet.

First let's see what a grenade is. As practice and some studies have shown, this is a very useful product. Its juice contains a large amount of carbohydrates, in particular glucose and fructose. In addition, it has many organic acids. Scientists have proved that the use of pomegranate prevents the appearance and development of tumors. This is due to the presence in it of antioxidants. Substances that are part of the pomegranate, reduce cholesterol.

A lot of controversy arises about how to properly eat pomegranate. Some people mistakenly believe that the bones of this fruit can not be eaten.

It is proved that bones, like all other components of the pomegranate, are also useful. Fiber, which they contain, normalizes the work of the intestine. Bones are not digested, but passing through the gastrointestinal tract, clean the intestines and improve its peristalsis. So toxins, bacteria are eliminated and cholesterol level decreases.

Bones contain a fatty oil with vitamin E, which is what normalizes the natural hormonal balance in the body. Therefore, the use of pomegranate with stones is also useful for eliminating problems in the intimate sphere.

However, even such a useful fruit, you need to eat in moderation. To enter it into the diet is necessary only after eating, so that organic acids do not irritate the stomach. In what form and how to eat pomegranate?

It can be eaten fresh, separating the grains from the peel. Also it is used in cooking various dishes. Separately, you need to say about pomegranate juice. It is best to use it no later than 20 minutes after cooking. Thus, the body will get the maximum of useful substances that it contains. You can buy ready-made juice in the store, but it's better to cook it yourself.

To do this, you need to take a grenade and very intensively crush it from all sides. After this, we make a hole in the skin and pour the formed juice into a glass. But in order to use all the possibilities of the fetus, it is necessary to separate the grains from the peel and transfer them to gauze. Then squeeze the juice into a container. You can use gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty.

It is recommended to drink up to one glass of pomegranate juice a day, but not more than 4 per week. For better assimilation it is necessary to dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1. You can use mineral water for this.

As there is a pomegranate, we figured it out, but it's not so easy to clean this fruit. And here there are rules. For easier cleaning of the pomegranate from the peel, you need to do the following. We take the fruit and cut off the top, until the appearance of white veins. Then in the direction of these veins (they form lobules), you need to cut the rind over the entire surface. After that, turn the grenade by a cut down over the plate and begin to knock with a spoon or a knife handle over the surface. Do not be afraid to damage the grain. They will get enough sleep on the plate, and only the skin will remain in their hands.

It is better to eat pomegranate fresh. Therefore, before you have a pomegranate, you need to decide how you will use it. If it is juice, then it should be prepared shortly before eating. The pomegranate and its juice are used for marinating meat. In addition, this fruit is added to various sauces and salads. In any case, the benefit of this product is beyond doubt.

Now that you know how to clean, and most importantly, how to eat pomegranate, add it to your diet and saturate your body with useful vitamins and nutrients.

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