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Sausage "Moskovskaya": product features

Sausage "Moskovskaya" ... Probably, there is no such person who would not know about it. Once sausage "Moscow" was associated exclusively with scarce food. To date, it has become quite affordable for most buyers. Delicious, fragrant and yet not the least expensive, it differs from other sausages with a spicy sharp aroma, dense consistency, pleasant salty taste. Expressed wrinkles with clearly discernible slices of fat under the shell - all these are characteristic features of this famous product. Let's consider more in detail

Sausage "Moscow" - "festive" product

So, where to start? Sausage "Moskovskaya" has always been considered a festive product. To date, it is bought and about, and without it. By the way, do not be surprised by some innovations. Do not worry if you see a familiar product under a different name. Ivano-Frankivsk region, for example, decided to rename sausage. It happened because of the situation that arose in the east of Ukraine. How do you call sausage "Moscow"? "Bandera"! In a word, the process of decommunization went further.

But back to the main thing. When a person talks about "Moscow" sausage, he, of course, means a meat "dry" product. However, in practice this is not quite so. Under the label "Moskovskaya" today not only smoked, but also boiled and smoked sausages are produced . This moment is regulated by the DSTU, although this product is produced using different technologies and has different taste characteristics.

What does it mean? In the course of the production cycle, the boiled-smoked sausage will necessarily be smoked, cooked, then - again additionally smoked and dried. Smoked butt is initially smoked, and then dried. This does not boil. The production of raw sausages is considered more expensive and expensive. Therefore, the production costs much more than the boiled-smoked.


The main criterion of sausage quality is its presentability. When making a purchase, be sure to inspect the section of the stick. If it is greyish and friable - refuse such an acquisition. Pay attention to the so-called drawing - it should be very clear, meat with slices of bacon should be evenly mixed. In no case should there be any influx of fat or minced meat. Concerning the shell - it can not be glossy, shine like a boiled sausage. The real "Moscow" shell is dry and slightly wrinkled.

Before buying, also touch the stick with your hands. If it is slippery, wet outside, with breaks and dips - most likely, the production technology has been broken. There may be one more reason - non-observance of the storage conditions of the product. But if the sausage to the touch is soft - then it was not dried.


The next moment. As already mentioned, sausage "Moskovskaya" has a certain normative document, which must correspond. True, slightly generalized. It regulates the production of all smoked sausages. That is, separately, "Moscow" is not considered. Thus, according to the DSTU, the range of ingredients for these products is limited. As a rule, it is beef, fat or pork and spices (nutmeg, pepper).

Often the composition also contains bacterial cultures, the presence of which the consumer sometimes slightly embarrasses. Although the development of harmful microbes is delayed due to them in smoked sausages, the appearance of which is associated with various biochemical changes with the participation of "right" microorganisms and meat enzymes. Microorganisms include lactocultures (lactic acid bacteria). The process itself is somewhat like the making of cheese with mold.

Do not make a mistake

"Moskovskaya" - smoked sausage, which, unfortunately, is becoming increasingly an object of falsification. In addition, manufacturers can also not too "bother" on its quality - use stale meat or cheap varieties. Therefore, when choosing a sausage, do not forget to be vigilant. Meat products are products of increased danger!

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