
Tolstyanka - diseases and their treatment.

Tolstyanka (a pussy-bear, redsula) or a money tree, as it is still called among the people, is a very interesting and completely unpretentious domestic plant of the succulent genus. Small trees or shrubs with lush green leaves are a wonderful decoration of the apartment. It is thanks to its fleshy structure of the leaves, the fattened and got such a bizarre name. Substances that are secreted by the fat-bearing, perfectly clean the air in the room and have an antiviral effect.

There are a lot of kinds of fat shoes. They are diverse in size and type of plants, they can have a grassy shape, a kind of shrub or tree. The flower reproduces by cuttings or seeds. Both methods are equally easy and reliable.

The plant feels fine on a well lit loggia or window sill, although it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the trunk and leaves. Needs infrequent irrigation, about 1-2 times a week, when the top layer of the soil is completely dry. Excessive watering is not allowed.

Although this plant is one of the most uncomfortable representatives of the flora, the fat girl still needs constant attention.

Tolstyanika - diseases and pests

One of the most common "diseases" of a fatty woman is due to improper irrigation. If the soil in the pot is excessively moistened and does not have time to dry out between irrigation, it can lead to rotting of the root system and the stem of the plant.

Another serious danger to the flower is a draft. Being subjected to its constant influence, the fat girl discards the leaves. Therefore, the tree should be kept in a well-ventilated place, but nevertheless, and well protected from drafts.

The second reason why thick leaves fall, there may be a wrong place for the plant. Direct sunlight burns the vulnerable surface of the leaf plates, as a result of which they wither and fall off. To start to grow bald the tree can and because of shortage of mineral substances in a ground. This is most often affected by large plants that have not been transplanted to new soil for a long time. With this situation, you can cope with the selection of special fertilizers and producing periodic soil replenishment, in which a fat woman grows. Diseases of plants can arise not only for reasons of improper care, but also due to infection of the plant.

Sometimes you can face the situation when on the leaves of the plant there are grid cracking resembling a spider web. In this case it can be very difficult to determine what exactly is sick with a fat woman. Diseases invoking such manifestations can very quickly completely destroy even a large tree. Most often, they are caused by infection of the fatty person with mites or mealybug. To eliminate pests, the leaves of the plant are treated with alcohol soaked in cotton wool or special insecticides intended for succulents. These procedures should be carried out regularly, until the manifestations of the disease completely disappear.

Tolstyanka disease often suffers heavily. But even if your tree is sick, you can try to save it. In cases where the plant has suffered very badly and there are few healthy areas, only the branches that survived save. Of these, you can grow a new healthy tree. To do this, you need to find intact twigs, break them and give a little dry. After that, the plant is placed in a moist soil and periodically watered. If the stubby rotten at the root itself, you can cut the entire tip completely, put it in a container of water and, waiting for it to release the roots, reinstall it in a new pot.

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