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How to carry shoes from genuine leather?
Shelves of modern shoe shops are simply bursting with the abundance of goods. It would seem that it is not at all difficult to choose something suitable to suit your taste, and you can not afford to afford it. However, the situation when the shoes that attracted, quite a bit tight, is not uncommon. Most often in this case, the lady decides in favor of the purchase. The question of how to distribute shoes, is already at home.
Fortunately, now in any hardware store for a modest amount you can buy a special spray for stretching shoes. However, our mothers and dads in times of total deficit easily managed without this special product. Tips on how to carry shoes, is in any book on housekeeping. I admit that it was from this literature that I drew the materials for this article.
I think there is no difficulty in carrying the pair of shoes on their own without turning to a shoemaking workshop. But there are some nuances in this matter. For example, it is unlikely that you will be able to carry shoes that are one or two sizes smaller than your foot. Therefore, it is better to immediately abandon this idea.
Keep in mind also that the shoes are stretched for the most part in width, rather than in length. Much depends on the material from which shoes or shoes are made. The most natural leather and suede are plastic. These shoes even purposely acquire a bit cramped, with an eye to the fact that it quickly wears out.
A little stretch of leather shoes will help vodka or alcohol. The second is much more convenient, because it dries faster. If there is neither one nor the other in the house, use cologne. Perfumes for this case are not suitable, they have a more persistent smell.
In one of the forums I came across a tip on how to stretch shoes with beer. I do not recommend you to experiment in this way, you risk ruining your shoes. Beer after drying forms a sticky film, which will have to be removed with water. In addition, it dries too long. If there are no alcohol-containing liquids in the house, use vinegar.
With the means we figured out, and now, in fact, about how to carry shoes.
First, we moisten the shoes inside the selected liquid. You can use a spray gun or a tampon (cotton) for this purpose. We put on socks (cotton) so as not to rub the calluses ahead of time, and "walk" the shoe over the apartment for three or four hours. After that, the shoes are tightly packed with paper so that the achieved result is preserved.
If you walk around the apartment in new shoes you are not out of hand for any reason, use our other advice on how to spread the shoes. Prepare packages of dense polyethylene (you can make a double), pour water in them and insert them into the toe of the shoes. Then put it all in the freezer. When freezing, the water will expand and stretch the skin or suede. Approximately the same shoemakers do, but instead of packages they use shoe pads of a larger size.
I must say that most often stretch shoes have Italian and Portuguese. These manufacturers have slightly different European standards. Their shoes, as a rule, are designed for a very narrow foot. Therefore, even if such shoes fit you in size, the responsible exit will not prevent them from spreading a little. For this, shoes are sprayed with water or put on wet socks. At night, the shoes are stuffed tightly with paper so that they do not "sit down" again.
With the question of how to stretch leather or suede shoes, we have figured out. Well, to top off a couple of tips for those who rub their feet with any new shoes. To not earn the first day of calluses on the heels, use the old, proven method. Slip the paraffin candle several times on the inside of the shoes. The resulting interlayer will reduce friction and protect you from corns.
You can also put paper under the heel, folded in several layers. However, this method is more suitable for those cases when the calluses have already been rubbed and it is necessary to make sure that the edge of the shoes does not fall on the sore spot.
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