
Banned: what is it and what should I do? The meaning of the word "banned"

With the development of the Internet, new words are emerging in our everyday life. Trolls, hackers, blogs, CEO ... Let's consider the meaning of the word "banned" - what is it, what actions should be taken to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, and how to get out of it. In which cases can you apply this action, how to resolve the conflict?

The meaning of the word "banned"

Ban is an English term used on the Internet to denote a ban imposed on a user or site, which is to restrict or completely deny access to a resource.

Such an opportunity is given to moderators and administrators in order to protect Internet resources from various kinds of violations of both the internal rules of the resource and the laws of the country, as well as the generally recognized norms of morality and ethics.

New faces on the Internet

Recently, various users have become active, harming Internet resources through information propaganda, illegal actions or simply incorrect treatment that offends other people. If a person breaks all kinds of communication rules or transgresses the law, he can be banned. What kind of person are they and what designations are accepted for them in the online communities? Consider below.

- The hacker. One or more professionals who know how to hack systems or computers through a network. The aim of hackers can be important information, money or just hooliganism.

- Spammer. A person who disseminates ordinary or hidden advertising to people who do not express an interest in receiving it.

- Bot, robot, Internet bot - a special program that automatically performs the specified actions. Typically, bots spread spam, a variety of links, and in some cases even communicate with users as ordinary visitors (responding to certain words and giving out memorized template answers).

- The troll. The participant of the conversation, purposefully emerging to the conflict with the interlocutor with the help of slander, insults, bullying, bullying or humiliation of the latter. The reasons for trolls can be a lot - from simple shocking or self-doubt to paid shares aimed at a certain range of people.

- Vandal. A person who purposefully modifies, adds or removes any information from the site in order to compromise the author of an already published article. Usually works in hooligan, comic or competitive purposes.

In addition to these persons, any user whose messages are harmful to the normal operation of the site can banned. And, of course, the human factor is not excluded - some fall into disfavour simply because their opinion was not liked by the moderator, the administrator of the site or the owner of the social page.

I'm banned! What does this mean for the average user?

The phenomenon under consideration consists in a temporary or permanent ban on the following actions (partially or in full):

  • Sending and receiving private messages;

  • Change the reputation (rating) of other users;

  • Creation of new messages on the forum, blog, chat or in the thread for communication;

  • Any commenting;

  • Creation of new topics, etc.

Actions that may entail your blocking are set by site owners and are usually prescribed in the main rules.


Ban can be temporary and permanent (permanent). If you are blocked for a while, usually the administrator reports this in a private message.

What to do if you are banned temporarily and you do not know the reasons? You can contact the contacts listed on the site or through other users to the resource moderators / administrators. If the offense is not too serious, most likely, you will be answered in an accessible form, explaining how to fix this error, and will allow access to the site in the future.

With a permanent bath, notification usually does not come. A permanent ban is also called lifelong. To change this status is almost impossible, unless you prove that the account was hacked or used without permission, and you have nothing to do with the perfect action.

Such a ban is issued for particularly malicious violations - foul language, insults to users or administration, inadequate behavior, as well as for acts falling under the laws of the Russian Federation (for example, inciting racial or national hatred, slander, etc.).

You can ban by IP-address (subnet IP-addresses) or by account (registration card, account). In the first case, you will be denied access from the computer with which messages were sent. In the second you can not access the Internet resource with the help of a former account.

What should I do if I get banned, how do I login again? If you are blocked by IP address, you can get to the discussion from any other computer. If you banned the account, you will have to create a new one.

Sometimes, if an offense is considered serious, you can be denied access to the site in both ways. In this case, again, you can get into the discussion only from another computer and under the name of a new user.

There is also a so-called conditional ban. To get it you do not need to break any rules. It is issued, for example, to those users who for a long time after registration did not write a single message on the site.

Disadvantages of the struggle

Blocking an account usually serves as a lesson for a simple user. A malicious intruder on sites with free registration can continue their actions under a new account. In this case, he has all chances to create accounts an infinite number of times.

The imposition of restrictions on the IP address is more effective, but it is also not without its shortcomings. A zealous intruder can visit the site from other computers or circumvent the ban in other ways. In addition, hackers often use very serious programs and go online through the provider's pool. If you block the IP address in this case, you can cut off from your site a large number of ordinary visitors.


How to help the user if he is banned? What is it and what should be done to avoid getting banned and to communicate on sites of interest to you? Observe a few simple rules:

1. Carefully read the rules (agreement) of the site. Pay attention to the item "Prohibited".

2. Try to communicate politely, do not foul.

3. If the conflict situation still arose, take a few screenshots of the pages where you think that they violate your rights (for example, offend).

4. If you do not agree with the position of the moderator, contact the resource administrator. Decide how to ban a person and for what, the owner of the site can also. If you received a ban on a visit only for the reason that you expressed an objectionable point of view, and the moderators do not want to reinstate your rights, do not inflate the conflict.

Most likely, this resource is not even worth your attention. There are many other sites on the web where your opinion may seem interesting.

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