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10 of the most incredible creatures in the world: the secrets of nature

How many creatures live in the world, no one knows when our minds are surprised at the prose of nature. And if someone seems to understand the world absolutely clear, the other does not cease to be amazed at the amazing phenomena that exist in real life. Until now, biologists have discovered previously unknown species of animals, although it often seems that all organisms in nature have been allegedly studied. And the more interesting it is to consider the 10 most incredible creatures in the world. Some photos can be seen below.


The first place is occupied by pyrosomes. Most likely, you've never heard of such rare creatures. They live under water, and divers admit that to meet with them is like meeting a live unicorn. If you look at them, you can see that they are hollow huge tubes, consisting of the smallest organisms - zooids. Intertwining with each other, they turn into a single, strange looking organism, floating freely on the ocean floor.

Such creatures can grow to huge sizes. True, getting inside a hollow pipe is not recommended to avoid accidents: it's very easy to get lost and drown. Interestingly, the pyrosomes, among the 10 most incredible creatures in the world, emit fluorescent light. Until now, these organisms have been little studied by modern science.

Spider Crab

The second place is deservedly occupied by a spider crab living on the Japanese seabed and emerging to the surface for breeding. Imagine a huge crab on awesome spider paws, growing to four meters in length. Not lucky to someone who will meet with a giant face to face, because claws, he can cause damage to anyone.


In third place is a strange creature with tentacles instead of muzzle. Scientists called this mammal living under the earth a star-bearing star. More than 20 unpleasant fleshy outgrowths of pink color have unique receptors, sensitive to detection of insects. They replace the creation of the eye, because all the time the starry star carries in the ground.

The Giant Isopod

It is impossible not to mention the giant isopod, which is in fourth place. He does not in vain enter the 10 most incredible creatures in the world, but, despite the unpleasant appearance, reminiscent of a slab, he is absolutely harmless.

It seems that anyone would hurry to retire when they see this giant the size of a small dog. It's good that they live under water and to see them alive is unlikely.

Fish paku

We continue to be in the depths of the sea, and the fifth place is awarded to the fish paku. What's so incredible about her to put her in the top 10 of the most incredible creatures in the world? It seems that in a personal meeting in a pond the answer would be found instantly. This is the only fish with teeth that resemble human. The relative of the piranha is not aggressive, but it is better to stay away from the impressive jaws.


Nature does not cease to surprise us with a variety of strange creatures. In the tropics the caterpillar Hemeroplanes caterpillar, which is now under threat of extinction, lives. The sixth place in the top it provided a disguise for the predator. A small creature painted in gray, with the slightest danger, inflates a part of the head so that it looks like a rattlesnake. To all the rest, it also imitates the characteristic head ejections, like a reptile in an attack.

Water deer

Water deer is deprived of the main attribute of its relatives - horns. But nature has taken care of compensation in the form of canines, through which a cute creature copes with enemies. He earned the nickname of the deer-vampire and the seventh place out of ten.

Shark Goblin

It is impossible not to mention the shark-goblin living, fortunately for people, at great depth. She is not in vain among the 10 most incredible creatures in the world, because when attacked her awful jaws are pushed forward. A disgusting appearance with rare sharp teeth and impressive shark sizes terrify even in photographs.

Language mocryric

On the ninth place there is a linguistic mocrica, which is a relative of the giant isopod. This small parasite settles in the mouth of the fish, gradually replacing her tongue and getting some of the food. By the way, the landlady does not even notice the settler. And if the fish does not find any prey, the mocchrysa feeds on its blood.

Swallow fish

Finishes a kind of hit parade of the 10 most incredible creatures in the world swallow fish. And the fish in full understanding, it is not, because it does not float, but walks on the bottom of the sea. And her fame brought red, like pomaded, lips on a flat head.

As you can see, the ten of strange creatures of nature were mostly creatures living in the depths of the ocean. In this regard, scientists joke that the sea abyss has been studied much worse than the lunar surface. And how many secrets yet to us will open!

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