HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cognitive disorders: causes and relationships with other conditions

The decline in the ability to work mentally productive, the disruption of the formation of skills, as well as the difficulty of remembering - is not the norm, even for the elderly. Similar manifestations are characteristic of a class of cognitive disorders. However, these violations affect not only the intellectual sphere, but also the emotional behavior of a person. How, and what you can do with it, read on.

For the most part, cognitive disorders are not at all serious illnesses of infants who have suffered from oxygen starvation, but diseases of adults. Traditionally, there are two classes of causes, because of which such violations occur. First, these are physical disorders in the central nervous system (this is the case of sick infants and elderly people), under which the conditions of brain functioning change. Secondly, these are violations associated with more invisible causes: changes in the psyche.

Only it should be remembered that cognitive disorders arise not only in the case of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Even "ordinary" depression can provoke a deterioration in a person's ability to concentrate and perform work. This disease forces a person to think that his abilities have dropped. Without directly affecting the higher functions, emotional disorders worsen the indices of intellectual endurance and the ability of a person to adequately assess the results of work. And this leads to the fact that a person simply does not undertake anything, experiencing that he is incapable. And the reason is in emotional disorders.

Let's talk about more serious diseases. Let's take schizophrenia. With it, the following functions are violated: thinking, attention and behavior control. However, some experts believe that serious violations in severe patients are also associated with traditional neuroleptics. Minor cognitive impairment occurs in patients before the onset of the disease, so it is impossible to associate all the problems with taking medications. On the other hand, atypical antipsychotics (risperidone, olanzapine) allow patients in some cases even to work intellectually. It is not known to what extent this can be explained by the effect on the causes of the disease, and to what extent - that the drugs do not have an effect similar to the effect of traditional means.

In bipolar disorder, the nature of the disorder depends on which phase the patient is in. Being in the depressive phase in this respect also affects patients, as well as classical depression, but in the manic phase the picture is different: the person's problems are due to the fact that he thinks quickly, thoughts move from one topic to another, violated criticism. That, in combination with the characteristic emotional excitement makes the work of the patient unproductive. Disorders occur when the episode of the underlying disease ends. Therefore, traditional treatment schemes here are quite workable.

However, let us return to the first class of reasons. As you remember, these are physical disorders in the body. Can they be reversed? Sometimes it is possible, but the motivation of a person to change something and readiness to work should be expressed. To the world champion on memorization long before reception of this rank by it doctors predicted an inevitable mental degradation because of the general corporal disease. And he opposed it - and became a winner in the intellectual sphere.

In general, modern specialists believe that the separation of the brain and the body is an incorrect approach. Their functions are closely intertwined. How to improve brain function through the impact on the body, you can read in the book Mark Hyman "Brain Feedback." Even having scanned it, you will see that many cognitive disorders do not exist by themselves. They are associated with abnormalities in the body and begin with the body. Doctors call their somatopsychic disorders. And they are quite widespread, because healthy people are very few people.

A lot of people are looking for manifestations of a variety of diseases, only hearing about them. However, even more people are not looking for help, really facing such conditions as cognitive disorders. It is better to treat the first category and be overly vigilant, so if you are suspicious, go to a general practitioner who is trustworthy. It will require a lifestyle change, but the results will be worth the effort.

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