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Absenteeism is voluntary self-elimination from the electoral process

People who drink absinthe have an absent appearance. They are as it were, but in fact ... The Latin word "absentia" means "absence".

The voter, who does not want to exercise his constitutional right, shows absenteeism. This means expressing political protest, so it's not enough just not to come to the polling station, you have to do everything to show the non-attendance to as many citizens as possible. Otherwise, there is a common apoliticality, and sometimes a simple human laziness.

With demonstrative manifestations of discontent in the Soviet years resolutely fought. By the end of the election day, lists of those who did not come to the polling station at their place of residence were being prepared, then members of the election commission were sent to the addresses indicated, taking with them a portable sealed ballot box.

Finding the tenant, they politely asked the question of the reason for non-appearance, and if she was respectful, they offered to vote directly at home. Dissatisfied (usually work zhilkomhnhoz) exhorted, promised to fix everything (sometimes even then fulfilled the promised), and also asked to fill out the newsletter. The work was not easy, its quality was assessed by the percentage of voted citizens. Understand why the absenteeism (absenteeism, or just a resident of such and such an apartment was too lazy to leave the house), listen to angry tirades about the current roof, settle conflict situations - all this was the lot of members of the election commission.

But this all took place during the late socialism, nicknamed in the seventies "mature." In the Stalin years, there were ways to overcome absenteeism. This is, first of all, fear. People were afraid that they would be considered dissatisfied, they would think that they "do not like the Soviet government". And in the difficult post-war time, nicknamed the "hunger strike of the 47th", the incentive for participation in popular elections was even pies sold in buffets at a symbolic price.

As a rule, mass absenteeism is a clear sign of people's dissatisfaction with government policy, therefore totalitarian regimes try so hard to create the impression of nationwide support for the course they conduct. In the USSR, North Korea, the PRC and almost all other socialist countries, according to official data, at least 95% of voters came to the polling stations, they were having fun, singing, dancing, and, characteristicly, everyone was "for". Newsreels recorded for the history of this triumph of the people's will.

The result of the struggle for unanimity was a general understanding of the regrettable fact that 100% voter turnout and absenteeism are practically identical concepts, and a unanimous presence is equal to complete absence.

And how is it in countries with long-standing democratic traditions? Here everything is also not very simple. True, absenteeism and its causes differ from the situation in the sphere of the will of citizens of totalitarian states. Residents of the Italian Republic are subject to moral sanctions if they fail to appear in elections, they are fined in Mexico, and in Austria and Greece they can even be imprisoned for a period of months to a year, apparently depending on the degree of cynicism and neglect shown in relation to the electoral Legislation.

Despite such tough measures, in countries that have a democratic form of government, the turnout of half the more capable population is considered normal. Usually this figure ranges from 50 to 70%, reaching a maximum in especially critical cases, when the fateful issues of the future social order and the vector of further development are being decided.

The reasons for absenteeism can be found in the facelessness of candidates running for a particular position (when no one is selected) and in the general attitude to the political system of the state, moreover, a certain percentage of voters are convinced political nihilists who do not vote in principle.

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